Heroes and Villains Wiki

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Zini is a lemur and a supporting character from Disney's 2000 CGI film Dinosaur.



Zini is shown to like making wisecracks and is noticeably into girl lemurs. He is Yar's son, Suri's uncle, and Plio's brother, as well as Aladar's best friend. When he fails to attract any females during the mating ritual, he becomes a bit disappointed. However, by the end of the film, he finds a number of girl lemurs on the Nesting Grounds who are all attracted to him, much to his joy and delight.



Zini is first seen in the movie as a kid lemur when a dinosaur egg falls on Lemur Island, where he lives with his father, Yar, his older sister, Plio, and (later) his niece, Suri.
