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Zeb is the muscle of the group. He's great at smashing things, including things he doesn't mean to smash.
―Ezra Bridger

Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios is the secondary tritagonist of the 2014-2018 animated series, Star Wars Rebels. He was one of the few survivors of the Lasat and acts as the muscle of the Ghost crew under the codename Spectre-4. Despite being short-tempered, he steps up and helps his friends whenever they are in danger while also hiding his dark and troubled past.

After the Battle of Endor, Zeb went to join his people on Lira San while welcoming old adversary Alexsandr Kallus to see he hadn't wiped out the Lasat race.



Garazeb Orrelios was an honorable, dutiful and imposing warrior. Considered the "muscle" of the Ghost crew, Zeb was a warrior as well as a good friend. Due to his imposing nature, Zeb was once the most respected captain of the Royal Guard. He was sympathetic to those who had fallen victim of the Empire. One of these examples included Ezra and his parents, Mira and Ephraim and how he felt sympathetic towards Ezra when he learned his parents were arrested for speaking out against the Empire. Zeb came off as easily frustrated, especially when it came to either Chopper or Ezra messing with him. Whenever he was frustrated, Zeb would often shout "karabast," which was later adopted as one of Ezra's habits.

Zeb (Fighter Flight)

Screenshot of Zeb showing camaraderie with Ezra

Zeb was sometimes tough to get along with but eventually, managed to show his softer side, forming friendships with Ezra (with whom he found annoying at first) and Kallus (who had once caused Zeb pain before they bonded on a frozen moon of Geonosis). The episode "Droids in Distress" showed Zeb's vulnerable side, as he is extremely sensitive to the massacre of his people and carried extreme guilt and remorse for his inability to protect the Royal Family. He would often grow angry whenever people called him "Captain Orrelios," getting angry when Ezra mockingly addressed him as such. Due to his past, it caused Zeb to have extreme hatred towards the Galactic Empire due to them causing the near-extinction of the Lasat. He took extreme pleasure in punching the Stormtroopers because he enjoyed the way their helmets felt whenever his fist came into contact with them.

Apart from his compassionate nature, Zeb is short-tempered, which sometimes gets him or anyone near him in trouble. Another reason for his hot-tempered persona to get out of hand, Zeb was easily infuriated by Kallus mocking him about how he slaughtered the Lasat race and rashly charged the ISB agent. He has a sarcastic and dry personality, sometimes coming off as childish, despite him being the oldest member on the Ghost crew. Because of this, Zeb acted like the older brother of the family, often teasing with both Ezra or Sabine and getting into trouble with Kanan and Hera, who acted like parents with the troubling son. At the same time, the Lasat wouldn't hesitate to protect his small family, evident when he saved Sabine and Ezra from the Inquisitors. Because of this role, Ezra and Sabine saw Zeb as an older brother. Hera and Kanan often called the trio "the kids" sometimes due to Zeb's times of immaturity

After Kanan's death, Zeb became far more hot-tempered, even nearly killing Rukh when he first encountered him. However, Sabine managed to get through to him by reasoning they were not cruel like the Empire. He later helped his younger-brother figure, Ezra, free Lothal from Imperial rule and was deeply saddened by Ezra's sacrifice to protect his friends. Following the defeat of the Empire, Zeb had already made peace to Kallus, his former adversary and showed his good friend that he hadn't caused the Extinction of the Lasat race and decided to live peacefully on Lira San.

Physical appearance[]

In the series, Zeb is thirty nine in season one and two, forty one in season three and forty for in season 4. He was a Lasat male with a purple beard, pale mauve skin, and green eyes. Zeb stood about 2.1 meters[1] and was at a mass of 115 kilograms and muscular. It was his figure that made most people or creatures be feared or intimidated by.  Finally, his body was covered by a thick sheet of fur, which kept him warm. Due to his size and strong physiology, Zeb has naturally high strength, and resilience, though his mobility still matches that of a force user.

Role in the Series[]

Season One[]

Zeb ended up lost in the allies on Lothal, looking for Kanan. He came across two Stormtroopers interrogating a citizen and just before they could arrest him, Zeb knocked them out, just as more troops showed up and chased after him.

Zeb found his way to a landed TIE Fighter. He took out the pilot and then engaged the Stormtroopers in physical combat. He easily defeated the troops when the pilot Valen Rudor held a blaster at him ordering for reinforcements. Zeb outwitted Rudhor and took him out again just as more troopers arrived and fire. As a result, their random firing caused a leak in the TIE fighter's tank and one laser blast at the highly explosive fuel caused the Fighter to blow up. Zeb survived the explosion but then saw more troopers coming his way but ready for them. Zeb was involved in a hijack of Imperial crates with Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren. When Ezra stole their goods, Zeb and Kanan went after him. Under Kanan's orders, he evaded the pursue and was left with the stolen crates, saying he will end Ezra if Kanan caught him. Zeb and his fellow Rebels regrouped aboard their ship the Ghost and picked up Ezra as he was being chased by TIE Fighters. Zeb and Ezra were soon butting heads and when Ezra made fun of his smell, Zeb dragged him by the legs and threw him into a closet.

Zeb and the Rebels were able to escape their pursuers and return to Lothal where they landed near Tarkintown, named after Grand Moff Tarkin and homed to farmers who lost their farmlands to the Empire. Zeb along with Sabine and Ezra delivered three of their stolen crates full of food to the people of Tarkintown and soon after returned to the ship on another mission, to rescue Wookiee prisoners. They arrived and docked with an Imperial Transport ship and the Rebels had Zeb pose as a hairless Wookiee. However, the troopers didn't buy it, only because Zeb didn't give them a chance and took them out with a single punch against their heads. Unfortunately, Zeb and the Rebels had no idea they were walking into a trap until Ezra came to warn them. When Ezra got captured by Agent Kallus, Zeb regretfully abandoned him so they could escape, but not before telling Ezra he did good. His fellow Rebels were not pleased with him leaving Ezra behind and out of three votes, they returned to rescue him.

After rescuing Ezra, Zeb accompanied his fellow Rebels in rescuing the Wookiees on Kessel. At the point where they were cornered by the Imperials, it is here Zeb was aware of Kanan's Jedi identity. Zeb and the Rebels successfully rescued the Wookiees and after sending them on their way, returned Ezra home until he decided to join their crew. Some of Zeb's past is revealed in "Droids in Distress" Where he and the Rebels were involved in stealing weaponry shipment for the Empire. Much to his horror, the shipment were crates loaded with T-7 Ion Disruptors: a series of weapons that were banned by the senate for they were capable of short circuiting a ship or a vehicle but to Zeb that was not the real reason why they were banned. According to Hera, Zeb feared those weapons because they were once used against his people when the Imperials cleared his home world. Few Lasats barely survived and none remain on Lasan.

Zeb soon found out it was Agent Kallus who was responsible for the usage of the disruptors against his people and engaged him in a vicious Bo-Rifle duel. He was overpowered and just as he was about to meet his end, he was saved by Ezra who Force-pushed Kallus away from him.

Since Ezra joined their small Rebellion against the Empire, Zeb was forced to share his cabin with him and at the time of "Fighter Flight" he continued to treat him like an outcast and the two them often got into fights with each other. However, Zeb's relationship with Ezra improved overtime, and the two of them became close friends but still had their quarrels every once in a while, mostly caused by Chopper, such as "Out of Darkness." 

Season 2[]

Ahsoka Tano sent Zeb and his friend to meet with an old friend on the desert world of Seelos, who might know where to find such bases. Upon arriving in the Seelos system, the Ghost was damaged. While Hera and Chopper stayed behind to repair the ship, Zeb and the other rebels descended into the planet in the Phantom. They met three old people who turned out to be Clones Troopers named Rex, Wolfe and Gregor. After a brief altercation, the rebels with the exception of Kanan began to trust the Clone who agreed to help them find a base in exchange for a small service: the helpers in the joopa hunt.

To his surprise, Zeb is the bait without being warned and is quickly swallowed by the joopa named Big Bongo. Luckily for him, his friends manage to kill the creature before it digests it. Gregor congratulates Zeb on his role, but Lasat is angry because he was nearly devoured, so Gregor let him know that he helped catch the biggest joopa, which calms Zeb. In "The Legends of the Lasat," Zeb learned he was not the last of his kind when the Ghost Crew visited Nixus Hub 218, for a mission to find refugees, who were surviving Lasats. After the rebels are defeated the stormtroopers, the Lasats are known as Chava the wise and Gron, recognize Zeb as the captain of the Lasan Honor Guard, much to Ezra's and the entire crew's shock.

Season 3[]

Zeb with Ezra, Chopper and Sabine infiltrate an imperial prison located on Naraka to rescue the pirate weequay, Hondo Ohnaka for the information he has. After releasing Hondo and his cellmate Terba, the rebels fled to the exit but were ambushed and Terba was killed trying to flee. They still managed to get by with Hondo and then returned to Atollon. In Zeb's Solo Episode, "Warhammer," he is left in charge of Chopper Base with Ap-5 and Chopper. However, during his reign as the leader, Zeb suddenly brings home an assassin droid disguised as a protocol droid. Despite their differences, AP, Chopper and Zeb work together and manage to disable the droid and send it back to the Empire, where the droid self destructs. 

Season 4[]

During the events of "In the Name of the Rebellion," having settled in the new rebel base on Yavin 4, Zeb and Kallus welcomed Ezra, Sabine, Chopper, and Kanan from their mission from Mandalore, where Sabine has decided to become Spectre-5 once more. He attends a briefing with the members of the Rebel Alliance about Saw Gerrera and how his actions are effecting the rebellion while deciding their first mission again, together as a family, which is to hijack the Empire's new relay station on Jalindi. As Ezra, Sabine and Chopper land on the platform, Zeb worried his companions were going too fast but Kanan reminded Zeb that the kids needed to accommodate the recommended speed to land on the dish they need to sabotage without alerting their presence to the Empire. However, the mission is compromised when Zeb informs Kanan and Hera of a light cruiser making its way into orbit, effectively catching Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper in the middle of their mission, especially since they had been seen. In the ensuing chaos, Zeb spots two TIE fighters however, before Hera can pick up her crew members,, Saw Gerrera picks up Ezra and Sabine, much to Zeb and his friends' worry. They later pick up Ezra and Sabine after they deal with saw and informs their guardians and Zeb of the kybercrystal they found and are left wondering what the Empire wants with it.

Following this mission, Zeb decided to join Ezra in the liberation of His home planet, Lothal. For the crew to go undercover, the Spectres, Zeb included, were forced to wear disguises while Vizago aided the Rebels by smuggling them to safety while carrying a cargo of puffer pigs. Afterwards, they made their way to Capital City, where Zeb and his crewmates were chased by Imperial forces throughout Capital City and tried finding their way to Ryder Azadi. With the help of Jai Kell, an old friend of Ezra's from the Imperial Academy four years ago, they found Ryder, who took them to where the Lothal resistance was.

In "Flight of the Defender," Zeb, Sabine, Ezra and Ryder went on a recon mission to find out more about Thrawn's TIE defender project for evidence for the Rebel Alliance to strike the TIE factory on Lothal. There, Zeb was annoyed by how many Loth-cats were there to distract them until they believed what they had was enough. However, Sabine stopped her companions and convinced them to get a closer look and steal the ship's hyperdrive for more evidence. Despite Zeb and Ryder's protests, she and Ezra went to get a closer look, with Zeb noting that things were going to get interesting with the two teenagers. However, the two came to a complication when Thrawn, Pryce and Vult Skerris appeared on the set, where Zeb told Sabine and Ezra to make a break for it. However, they were caught in the crossfire with the kids when they were discovered. As they fled in the TIE defender, Zeb and Ryder had to return to base, where Zeb blamed himself for getting the kids in trouble in the first place until Kanan told him it was not his fault and that Ezra and Sabine got themselves in this situation.

The group found the kids the next morning, who were carried from Lothal's planes thanks to the help of the Loth-wolf. However, Zeb and his friends didn't see it.

During the mission to rescue Hera Syndulla, Zeb remained behind with Chopper, where he had helped Sabine and Ezra with their Loth-bat disguise. However, Kanan sacrificed his life to protect Hera, Ezra and Sabine by holding back an explosion of the fuel depot by order of Arihnda Pryce. When Zeb was reunited with his friends, he was wracked with concern when he saw Sabine furiously discard her TIE helmet and Ezra and Hera's broken spirits and sadden faces. When he inquired to Ezra what happened, the boy revealed to Zeb that Kanan was gone. Realizing Kanan's death, Zeb immediately comforted his comrade by pulling him into an embrace. Later that morning, the holonet announced that the rebels were now broken because their leadership was destroyed and that a parade on Lothal was commissioned. This infuriated Sabine, who decided to retaliate and Zeb decided to join her while Hera and Ezra mourned Kanan separately.

Zeb and Sabine reconned, where they returned to the factory where Kanan died. Through their rangefinder, Zeb and Sabine saw that the factories were no longer operating. When Sabine surmised that they were giving the workers a day off because of the parade going on. However, Zeb revealed that the Empire never gave days off and the two came to a conclusion that they hurt the Empire and decided to further investigate. Attacking a scout trooper to gain his speeder bike, Sabine logged onto the Empire's catalog and saw that Kanan had not just saved her life but also completed the Rebellion's mission. Zeb and Sabine realized that the Empire was not admitting that the rebels hurt them and instead, were covering it with the parade. Sabine declared they make a statement to the Empire, which Zeb agreed to with Sabine setting off an explosion with the duo watching from afar. However, they noticed survivors and among them a strange alien they never saw before until Zeb and Sabine remembered it was the same creature that attacked them and recalled Ezra mentioning him. As Zeb looked through Sabine's rangefinder, he was terrified of Rukh. Despite this, Sabine and Zeb decide to face it.

Rukh attacks the two and uses a cloaking device to attack Zeb and Sabine; however, using her wits, Sabine used her paint explosives to make Rukh visible. In Zeb's anger, he began to brutally beat up Rukh, proclaiming "This. Is. For. Kanan!" However, Sabine realized Zeb was taking it too far and told him to stop. The lasat, grieving for the loss of his friend, proclaimed that she wanted to get even. However, Sabine revealed not like that since they were not the Empire. Zeb realized she was right and they went with painting Rukh to send out a statement. They reunited with Hera, who had finally recovered with help from Chopper and Sabine and Zeb informed Hera that they had indeed completed the mission, thanks to Kanan. When the rebels wondered what was next, Ezra came to his friends and told them that they had a new mission: to save the Lothal Jedi Temple.

After the war, Zeb took Kallus down the secret star passage to Lira San to show his friend he did not utterly destroy the Lasat race and that they were thriving in their own. The two lived peacefully together, this time as friends while never forgetting Kanan's and Ezra's sacrifices to make them possible. (Family Reunion and Farewell)

Printed Media[]

Star Wars Rebels Magazine[]

Zeb's first major role was the comic "Ezra's Visions," where Ezra has recurring nightmares of a mysterious figure killing Zeb, who is begging for his life and goes to Kanan for advice. The Jedi master assures his Padawan not to dwell on it, because Zeb is on a mission. However, Zeb apparently reutrns to warn the team of the bounty on their heads. They are unaware that the "Zeb" that came to them was a shape-shifter and Ezra figures out where the real Zeb is. The boy revives his friend, finding him passed out on the floor. Ezra and Zeb warn the crew and try to corner where the changeling is. However, they are surprised to find that Sabine was knocked out cold and that the Sabine with them was the changeling disguised as her. The shape-shifter flees and disguises himself as Ezra, but Zeb catches the imposter. When the real Ezra appears, he gets confused as to which one is the real Zeb due to the imposter disguised as the Lasat. Ezra realizes that the figure in the vision was him and that the Zeb he was trying to hurt was the imposter. Ezra manages to figure out which one is the real Zeb and knocks the imposter out. Late,r the lasat thanks Ezra for his help and asks how the boy knew to tell which one was the real Zeb. Ezra reveals that he could tell which one was the real Zeb by their unruly scent. 


Zeb appears as a minor supporting character in the comic book series, Kanan due to it focusing on Kanan's life as a Padawan. He appears only in the prologues of the first eleven issues and does not appear in the last comic, which focuses on Kanan and Ezra helping an old friend of Kanan's. 






Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Garazeb Orrelios.


  • Zeb is based on abandoned concept art of Chewbacca.
    • This was lampshades in "Spark of Rebellion," where Zeb pretended to be a rare, hairless Wookiee.
  • Karabast" is a Lasat exclamation commonly used by Zeb during a moment of crisis.
    • Zeb and Ezra are the only members of the Ghost crew who says "Karabast." However, Sabine once muttered it when she saw that the rebels were outnumbered by Thrawn's forces.
  • Zeb and Kanan were the first main characters to not appear in an episode of the series, being absent in "Blood Sisters."
  • By the time of the show, he was 39 (human equivalent).
  • Zeb is the first of his species to ever be announced.
  • In Season 3, Zeb underwent a slight redesign: His armour no longer features shoulder pads. His chest plate is now shorter and features the art of the Joopa that swallowed him.

Main: Ezra BridgerKanan JarrusSabine WrenHera SyndullaChopperZeb OrreliosCaptain RexThrawnAlexsandr KallusAhsoka TanoDarth Vader

Rebel Alliance: Leia OrganaC-3POR2-D2Jan DodonnaMon MothmaJacen SyndullaLando CalrissianLuke SkywalkerJun SatoWedge AntillesDerek "Hobbie" KlivianJon VanderQuarrieMart MattinGooti TerezR3-A3Jonner JinWulfwarroKitwarrSaw GerreraCham SyndullaEphraim and Mira BridgerRyder AzadiNumaGobi GlieMorad SumarCommander WolffeCommando GregorMarida SumarKetsu Onyo

Imperials: Sheev Palpatine/Darth SidiousVeris HydanGall TrayvisGilad PellaeonVult SkerrisRukhKassius KonstantineBrom TitusCaptain SlavinTIE PilotsWilhuff TarkinEli VantoStormtroopersThe Grand InquisitorFifth BrotherSeventh SisterSixth BrotherArihnda PryceCumberlayne AreskoMyles GrintYogar LysteValen Rudor, Death Troopers, Commandant Goran

Other: Ar'alaniKaeden LarteKalaniBattle DroidsCikatro VizagoAzmoriganHondo OhnakaMelchUrsa WrenTristan WrenAlrich WrenChavaGronNightsistersMaulMaketh TuaTseeboZare LeonisDhara LeonisJai KellSatine KryzeFenn RauBo-Katan KryzeGar SaxonTusken RaidersTiber Saxon

Jedi: Luminara UnduliDepa BillabaYodaObi-Wan KenobiMace Windu

Rebel Alliance (JediGhost CrewPhoenix SquadronMassassi GroupPartisansLothal ResistanceFree Ryloth MovementGold SquadronIron Squadron) • House Vizsla (Clan WrenClan Saxon) • Protectors of Concord DawnSyndulla ClanBridger FamilyGalactic Empire (StormtroopersImperial Security BureauSithInquisitoriusDeath TroopersJedi Temple GuardsConfederacy of Independent SystemsLasan High Honor GuardMiner's GuildChiss AscendancyDeath Watch
Planets: LothalKrownestMandaloreRylothCoruscantLira SanGarelAtollonMalachorCsillaGeonosisDathomir

Locations: Ezra's TowerCapital CityLothal Jedi TempleMalachor Sith TempleJedi TempleWren StrongholdChopper Base

Star Wars Logo.svg
Jedi: Luke Skywalker</fontv>Anakin SkywalkerObi-Wan KenobiMaster YodaMaster Mace WinduQui-Gon JinnMaster Shaak TiJocasta NuCin DralligKit FistoAhsoka TanoMaster Depa BillabaMaster Luminara UnduliAayla SecuraMaster Plo KoonSaesee TiinEeth KothOppo RancisisKatooniPetroGanodiGungiByphHuyangZattEzra BridgerKanan JarrusReyF

Sith/Dark Jedi: Darth VaderPalpatine/Darth SidiousMaulCount DookuAsajj VentressBarriss OffeeKylo RenThe Grand InquisitorFifth BrotherSixth BrotherSeventh SisterEighth Brother
Clones/Stormtroopers: Clone TroopersRexWolffeHunterCrosshairTechWreckerJesseEchoFivesGregorCodyStormtroopersScout TroopersDeath TroopersFirst Order StormtroopersShoretroopersJumptroopersPyreCaptain Phasma

Others from films
Prequel Trilogy: Padmé AmidalaGeneral GrievousSebulbaClegg HoldfastBail OrganaJar Jar BinksJango FettJobal NaberrieRuwee NaberrieSola NaberrieRyoo and Pooja Naberrie
Original Trilogy: Leia OrganaHan SoloChewbaccaLando CalrissianWilhuff TarkinGial AckbarMon MothmaWedge AntillesWicket W. WarrickGeneral VeersOwen LarsBeru Whitesun LarsBib FortunaFigran D'an and the Modal NodesEmperor's Royal GuardSalacious CrumbTIE PilotsAT-AT driversRebel PilotsNien NunbJabba the HuttWullf YularenBoba Fett
Sequel Trilogy: FinnPoe DameronLor San TekkaMaz KanataGeneral HuxFirst Order TIE PilotsSupreme Leader SnokeSidon IthanoTeedoUnkar PluttSnap WexleyRose TicoJannaZorii Bliss
Anthology Series: Jyn ErsoCassian AndorBodhi RookOrson KrennicChirrut ÎmweBaze MalbusGalen ErsoLyra ErsoQi'raEnfys Nest

Others from television
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Hondo OhnakaKatooniPetroZattGanodiGungiByphGwarmHuyangCham SyndullaCad BaneNumaBo-Katan KryzeThe SonSteela GerreraDaughterFatherSaw GerreraTalzinSugiSavage OpressRafa MartezTrace Martez
Star Wars Rebels: Garazeb OrreliosSabine WrenHera SyndullaAgent Alexsandr KallusCikatro VizagoZare LeonisMinister Maketh TuaBaron Valen Rudor Commandant Cumberlayne AreskoTaskmaster Myles GrintZare LeonisJai KellTseeboAzmoriganSenator Gall TrayvisImperial Combat DriversKassius KonstantineQuarrieKetsu OnyoCaptain Brom TitusGovernor Ryder AzadiEphraim and Mira BridgerGrand Admiral ThrawnGovernor Arihnda PryceChavaGronFenn RauThe BenduGar SaxonCommander Jun SatoMart MattinGooti TerezJonner JinMorad SumarUrsa WrenTristan WrenYogar LysteVult Skerris
Star Wars Resistance: Kazuda XionoTam RyvoraJarek YeagerTorra DozaFreya FenrisGriff HalloranElrik VonregImanuel Doza

The Mandalorian: The MandalorianThe ChildCara DuneKuiilIG-88Grand Moff GideonThe ClientPaz Vizsla, Morgan Elsbeth
Ahsoka: Marrok, Shin Hati, Baylan Skoll
The Book of Boba Fett: TBA

R2-D2C-3POD-ORX-24G2-9TG2-4TAly San SanGonk droidsC1-10PAC-38BB-8Probe DroidID9 Seeker DroidAP-5K-2SOBattle DroidsKalaniDroidekasR3-A3EG-86BB-9ESM-33L3-37
WampaSarlaccTauntaunBanthaEwoksWookieesGungansTwi'leksJawasTogrutaGranRodiansGamorreansUgnaughtsTusken RaidersMon CalamariDianogaDewbacksSpace SlugLoth-catFyrnockPurrgilConvorRancorKryknaReekLasatRathtarMynockPuffer PigGeonosianZabraksLoth-WolfPorgVulptexFathier
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TatooineNabooCoruscantYavin 4HothEndorJakkuExegolD'QarAhch-ToScarifLothalKrownestLasanLira SanRylothIlumCoruscant Jedi TempleLothal Jedi TempleEzra's TowerLuke Skywalker's Jedi TempleFirst Jedi TempleMandaloreDathomirDagobahBespinDeath Star IDeath Star IICsillaKashyyykKesselJedhaDantooine CraitGeonosis
  1. Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide