Young Justice, also known as the Young Justice League Squad, is a team of young superheroes and sidekicks not to different to the Teen Titans. They aspire to become members of the Justice League one day.
- Tim Drake/Red Robin (leader)
Core Members
- Amaya/Amethyst
- Bart Allen/Impulse
- Jinny Hex
- Naomi McDuffie
- Conner Kent/Superboy
- Keli Quintela/Teen Lantern
- Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl
Reserve Members
- Aqualad,
- Arrowette II
- Gleek
- Jayna
- Miguel Montez
- Derek James/Sideways,
- Stephanie Brown/Spoiler
- Summer Pickens
- Wonder Twins
- Zan
- Stephanie Brown/Batwoman (Earth-3)
- Justice League
- Wonder Twins
- Jayna and Zan
- Amaxon Thunder Cassie Sandsmark from a dark future)
- Cluemaster
- Dark Opal
- Harm