Heroes and Villains Wiki

Yassen Gregorovich is the overarching antagonist of the 2006 film, Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker. He is an assassin and gun for hire with a distinguished scar on his right cheek with a complex relationship with Alex Rider.

He killed Ian Rider in the beginning of the film, leading to Alex becoming a spy and discovering why Yassen is assisting Darius Sayle in his goals.


Original Novel[]

In the books, Yassen was born Yasha Gregorovich to Eva and Anton Gregorovich. They were later killed by a Russian general, causing him to be the man's servant after his best friend Leo's death. He became a member of SCORPIA, an enemy agency that acted as Herod Sayle's benefactors. Yassen also has a history with the Rider family. He was mentored by Alex's father, John who saved his life from a drug lord and killed a black widow but at the price of giving him a scar. He later shot by Damian Cray in the third novel, Eagle Strike, by refusing to kill Alex Rider and his girlfriend Sabina Pleasure. While dying in Alex's arms. Yassen reveals to Alex that he knew his father and sends him to find Scorpia if he wants answers.


The container is not compromised.

(WORKER: Sorry. I won't do that again.) No. You won't. My people don't like mistakes.

~ Yassen to a worker before shooting him in front of Alex Rider
It's a good act. You do it very well.

But you should not have come here. We can talk. (ALEX: I don't think so.) Yes, we can. Don't drop that.

~ Yassen trying to talk Alex down
(Alex Rider: Why?) Sayle had become an embarrassment to the people I work for. (Alex Rider: What about me?) I had no instructions concerning you. (Alex Rider: This doesn't change anything. You killed my uncle. You're still my enemy.) I have a lot of enemies. (Alex Rider: This isn't over.) Yes, Alex... it is. Go back to school. You don't belong to the same world as me. You should forget about me. (Alex Rider: I'll never forget you.) Ah, it's your choice.
~ Alex and Yassen's final conversation.


  • Yassen has red hair instead of blonde and doesn't seem to hide his Russian accent as much.
  • He and Alex also 1st meet in Darrius Sayle's secret lab instead of on the roof.
  • Due to only the first book being adapted it is unknown if he has any association with Alex's father John. Considering the fact that he saved Alex's life from Darius and advises him to get out of the school spy business like he does in the books suggests it's possible he does know John and it suggests that he still has his book counterparts fondness for Alex.