Other names
Xav Bro-Ho Captain Jumpsuit Gender-Bender 'Glen or Glenda' M Butterfly Mr. Less-Than-Fantastic Karolina Dean Nico Minoru Prince Xavin
Distinguishing Features
True Form: Green skin, with red eyes (by default), no hair (default) pointed ears, furrowed chinHuman Form: Brown eyes, brown hair, beautiful
Prisoner (formerly) Adventurer (formerly) Skrull Prince/diplomat (formerly) Super-Skrull-in-training (formerly)
Majesdanian EmpireFormerly Runaways Skrull Empire
Majesdanian custodyFormerly Malibu House Malibu California; Manhattan New York City New York; The Hostel La Brea Tar Pits Los Angeles California; Tarnax VII Andromeda Galaxy
De'zean (father) † Unnamed mother †
Karolina Dean (betrothed)
Ewe'fareek (uncle)
Hulkling (distant cousin)
Karolina Dean (love-interest),
Nico Minoru ,
Molly Hayes ,
Victor Mancha ,
Speed ,
Chase Stein ,
Klara Prast ,
Wiccan ,
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) ,
Cassie Lang ,
Patriot ,
Hulkling ,
Spider-Man ,
Geoffrey Wilder, Chrell, Flag-Smasher,
Iron Man ,
Noh-Varr , Kid Twist,
Kingpin , the Punisher (formerly), Warden, X'iv
Their friends, Nico's leadership (eventually), spending time with Karolina Dean, pleasing Karolina, antagonizing Victor Mancha (sometimes)
Karolina in danger, not getting along with their teammates, Nico Minoru (formerly), androids
Powers and abilities
Aviation Unarmed combat MarksmanshipSkrull Physiology: Gender changing Shapeshifting Pyrokinesis & Self-Immolation Psionic Force Fields & Invisibility Rock-like Skin, Superhuman Strength & Superhuman Durability Plasticity & Elongation
TV Series
Marvel's Runaways
Runaways (vol. 2) #7
Portrayed by
Clarissa Thibeaux
Created by
Brian K. Vaughan Adrian Alphona
Xavin is a character in the Marvel Comics and the comic books Marvel's Runaways . They are a genderfluid character due to their shapeshifting abilities and hardly gets along with the other Runaways due to their warlike nature. They have no preference for their pronouns but use they/them/their.
History [ ]
Personality [ ]
Appearance [ ]
Powers and abilities [ ]
Relationships [ ]
Karolina Dean [ ]
Nico Minoru [ ]
Nico often gets annoyed by Xavin due to their warlike personality. Despite questioning Nico's leadership, Xavin later respects Nico's leadership, telling her how much they've learned from her. Xavin also suspects that Karolina still has romantic feelings for Nico, hence the possibility Xavin used to see Nico as their rival for Karolina's affections.
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Young Avengers (team)
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) , Patriot (Elijah Bradley) , Hulkling (Marvel) , Marvel Boy , America Chavez (Marvel) , Prodigy (David Alleyne) , Speed , Stinger , Wiccan , Iron Lad , Loki (Ikol) , Vision (Jonas)
Allies: Captain America (Steve Rogers) , Jessica Jones , Iron Man (Tony Stark) , Kl'rt the Super-Skrull , Runaways (Nico Minoru , Karolina Dean , Gertrude Yorkes , Old Lace , Molly Hayes , Chase Stein , Victor Mancha , Xavin ), New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Young Masters, Uncanny Avengers, Ronin/Hawkeye (Clint Barton) , Winter Soldier, Mighty Avengers, Magneto , Quicksilver , Master Pandemonium, Scarlet Witch , X-Factor Investigations, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) , X-Men Enemies: Kang the Conqueror, Growing Men, Mister Hyde, Kl'rt the Super-Skrull, Young Masters, Warden of The Cube, Marvel Boy, A.I.M., "Scarlet Witch", Kree, Skrulls, Commander Chrell, Super-Skrulls, Doctor Doom, Master Pandemonium, Captain Av-Rom, Sons of the Serpent, Wrecking Crew, Dark Avengers Mother, Young Avengers (Constructs), Skifflefuffles
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Comics: Cloak & Dagger (Tandy Bowin & Ty Johnson ), D'Spayre , Black Cat , Mayhem , Power Pack (Jack Power , Julie Power , Alex Power , Katie Power , Punisher , Runaways (Nico Minoru , Karolina Dean , Gert Yorkes , Chase Stein , Molly Hayes , Old Lace , Xavin , Klara Prast ), Spider-Man , Ecstasy , Mister Jip , Mister Negative , Nightmare , Silvermane
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Tyrone Johnson / Cloak , Tandy Bowen / Dagger , Andre Deschaine , Adina Johnson , Otis Johnson , Melissa Bowen , Chantelle Fusilier , Greg Pressfield , Liam Walsh , Lia Dewan , Brigid O'Reilly , Mayhem , James Connors , Fuchs , Watts , Francis Xavier Delgado , Evita Fusilier , Benny , Roxxon , Peter Scarborough , Nathan Bowen , Ivan Hess , Mina Hess , Stan Bartlett , Duane Porter , Rick Cotton , The Darkforce , Lightforce , Mister Jip , Papa Legba , Baron Samedi
Ultimate Spider-Man: Cloak , Dagger
Holy Ghost Church, Darkforce, Lightforce