Heroes and Villains Wiki

Wyatt Matthew Halliwell (Born February 2, 2003) is a first generation witch/whitelighter hybrid and one of the supporting characters of Charmed. He was the oldest son of Leo Wyatt and Piper Halliwell and the brother of Chris and Melinda. He was the first male witch in his family tree and named in honor of his father and Aunt Paige due to their shared protectiveness of him when he was a baby.

As the prophesied Twice-Blessed Child, Wyatt was going to be one of the most powerful witches to ever walk the Earth. However, his prophecy and Twice-Blessed status were all erased by the Angels of Destiny after they attempted to turn his siblings into twice-blessed children as well. The Angels revealed that if the need was great enough and the circumstances dire, Wyatt and his siblings might inherit the Power of Three naturally instead of by force. They hoped they would one day become a great force of good in the world akin to the Charmed Ones.


  • Wyatt is a very similar to his Aunt Phoebe.
    • They both displayed magical abilities inside of their mothers' wombs (Patty and Piper)
    • They were both born in their ancestral home Halliwell Manor.
    • They have both been pulled to the dark side of magic a couple of times.
      • Wyatt: becoming evil because of Gideon trying to kill him and temporarily being corrupted by a demon, Vicus.
      • For Phoebe it was being tempted by the warlock Anton in her past life, briefly turning evil when Prue married a warlock, and being married too Cole where she became the Queen of the Underworld).
    • Finally, both Phoebe and Wyatt are terrible at keeping secrets.
      • For Phoebe she was terrible at keeping the surprise parties for Prue a secret and revealing to Piper that current Leo was a Whitelighter after promising Leo she'd keep it a secret. (Granted Phoebe's sisters didn't believe her until much later).
      • For Wyatt, he accidentally revealed to Leo and Piper that Chris swallows a marble in the future and called Phoebe's boyfriend "Uncle Coop", inadvertently revealing that Coop was Phoebe's feature husband.)

Dark Future[]
