Heroes and Villains Wiki

Yara Flor is a heroine from DC Comics' Wonder Woman franchise. She is a Vigilante from Brazil who later becomes the fourth person to take the identity Wonder Girl, after Cassie Sandsmark and Donna Troy. In a flash-forward, Yara succeeded Diana as the next Wonder Woman. Like her mentor, she is a demigod with a Brazilian god for a father and a Brazilian Amazon for a mother.

Yara Flor was created by Joëlle Jones, first appearing in Dark Nights: Death Metal #7. (2021)


Early Life[]

Aella was an Amazon of Paradise Island who left to explore the world. Her journey eventually brought her to Brazil, where she fell in love with a local deity and later, bore their daughter, Yara. Aella and Yara would be taken in by the local Amazon tribe known as the Esquecida. Tragically, Aella was killed by agents of the Greek pantheon and Yara was spirited away by a woman named Renata to Boise, Idaho, where she was raised as the woman's niece. When Yara was 21 years old, she wanted to travel back to her homeland. Her aunt considered the journey to be dangerous but nonetheless saw her off at the airport, alongside Yara's uncle Brian.


Yara eventually landed in Rio de Janerio, where she eventually took a bus to the hotel. On the way there, she rescued a man from a burning car, introducing herself to Joao, the bus driver. Queen Nubia, Hera, and Queen Faruka plotted to make plans for Yara. When she was at Iguazu Fallz, Yara was dragged  down to the the rivers, where she encountered a mermaid who was Iara, the protector of the sacred waters and her namesake.

Trials of the Amazons[]

Dark Crisis[]

After the members of the Justice League disappeared and were allegedly killed by Pariah, according to Black Adam, Jon Kent reformed a new Justice League. He offered Yara membership, however, she declined. She later reconsidered the offer when Deathstroke and  his secret society dattacked Titans Tower. They arrived just in time to stop Black Adam during the argument. The team later disbanded, but not before being approached by the Justice Society of America.

Future State[]

In a future viewed by Diana, Yara is depied as succeeding her as the next Wonder Woman. She and her friend Caipora travel to the the Underworld to rescue one of the Amazons being held hostage by the Greek God, Hades. However, this was one sister that Yara had never met yet.

Yara is also a member of the Justice League. Even though there was a policy against fraternization among its members, Wonder Woman became best friends with Superman (Jonathan Kent). However, despite being a member who was always willing to work alongside her fellow teammates, Yara is not fond of being part of the group.

Powers and abilities[]


Amazon Guarani Physiology

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Reflexes
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Superhuman Senses




  • Aela - biological mother; deceased)
  • Brazilian River god - father
  • Renata - adoptive aunt
  • Brian - adoptive uncle
  • Jerry - pet horse



In other media[]

  • A television series focusing on Yara Flor was planned by Greg Berlanti and Dailyn Rodriguez for the CW. however, the project did not move forward.
  • Yara Flor as Wonder Woman appears in DC Legends.


Comics: Diana/Wonder Woman • Wonder Girl ( Cassie SandsdmarkDonna TroyYara Flor) • Jason of AmazonAntiopeHippolyta, NubiaSteve TrevorJustice League (ZatannaKara Danvers/SupergirlBatmanSupermanAquaman) • CheetahTeen Titans (RavenStarfireNightwingBeast BoyCyborg) • AmazonsOrion

Villains: Anti-MonitorDeathstrokeCheetahAnarkyAnti-MonitorAresBlack MantaCheetahCheshireCirceClayfaceDark KnightsDarkseidDoctor PoisonDoctor PolarisDoomsdayGigantaJinxJokerKiller FrostLeague of AssassinsMaxwell LordNeronPrometheusRa's al GhulScarecrowSteppenwolf

DC Extended Universe: Wonder WomanSteve TrevorHippolytaAquamanBatmanFlashAres (DC Extended UniverseMaxwell LordCheetahLex LuthorDeathstrokeDarkseid

Titans: Donna TroyWonder Woman • Starfire • Nightwing
