Heroes and Villains Wiki
Image unicorn with wings

A winged unicorn (cerapter, flying unicorn, unisus, pegacorn, unipeg) is a fictional ungulate, typically portrayed as a horse, with wings like Pegasus and the horn of a unicorn.

In some literature and media, it has been referred to as an alicorn, a word derived from the Italian word alicorno, (itself from Latin wing āla and horn cornū) or as a pegacorn, a portmanteau of pegasus and unicorn.



  • Winged Unicorns were seen in Pixar's animated feature film Onward. Although they are called unicorns they are in fact Alicorns a.k.a Pegacorns and Unipegs. In the beginning, a Winged Unicorn was flying around peacefully in the past. In the teaser, two Winged Unicorns were eating trash and Ian scares them away and one of the them hisses him before leap away. As time changes, Winged Unicorns becomes pests eating trash, the feathers in their wings molted, and make donkey noises. As Ian points the torch into the darkness of the cave, three Winged Unicorns appeared and hiss at them for flying away.


  • In The Masters of the Universe franchise, She-Ra's horse, Swift Wind, turns into a winged unicorn.

