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Willow Ufgood is the main protagonist and titular character of the fantasy 1988 film, Willow, portrayed by Warwick Davis. He is an aspiring sorcerer and farmer sent to protect Elora Danan, future princess of all of Tir Asleen, Nockmaar and Cashmere.


Willow lives on the Ufgood Ranch in the Nelwyn Valley in a village with his wife, Kiaya and his children, Ranon and Mims.


Ever since he was a child, Willow was said to have a strong affinity with magic, having been born with it. However, he has limited powers and abilities and at the beginning of the film, only knew how to do stage magic. He is also fairly clever and intelligent, managing to be a farmer and a sorcerer at the same time. He was able to trick Bavmorda that he sent Elora to a place where no evil can touch her.

During his journey, Willow becomes a protective and fatherly figure for young Elora, knowing how to care for her. He is also a fatherly and caring figure because he is loved by both of his children and Elora. Willow has a healthy relationship with his wife, Kiaya, as he quickly rushed  back home when the Nockmaar dogs attacked and her being one of the reasons why he wanted to return home. He is often ridiculed by those who consider Willow lower than them, such as the perfect Burglekutt or humans from a human village. However, Willow appears to be liked by the other members of his village, as he was best friends with Meegosh and friends with some of the other Nelwyns. Over the course of his journey, Willow begrudgingly becomes allies with Madmartigan, a former Knight who fell from grace. Initially, they get on each other's nerves but Madmartigan and Willow become close friends and companions. He also has the wisdom of the powerful sorceeess, Fin Raziel, who shared with Willow kindness and friendship and taught him magic. He also had an initially rocky relationship with Sorsha, who used to look down on him and his race. However, she eventually, treated Willow like an equal after her redemption and considered him a good friend after all these years. Elora also adored Willow and proclaimed him to be her protector.

Willow is also fairly brave in battle, but the one thing he fears are trolls. However, he gets over this fear when he fights Trolls in Tir Asleen save protected Elora throughout his quest.

Powers and abilities[]

Magic: Willow was born with magic. At the end of the film, he had already begun mastering his abilities and when he returned home, successfully turning a rock into a dove,



At the end of the film, Willow was given a heroes welcome and happily reunited with his family and friends.


  • Warwick Davis was only seventeen during filming.
    • He is only twelve years older than Dawn Downing, who plays his daughter, and only ten years older his son, Ranon's actor, Mark Vandebrake.
  • Throughout the film, Willow goes through the heroes' journey similar to Bilbo Baggins or Harry Potter.
  • The Willow Sourcebook revealed that Willow had a sister, Soreen, who moved to another village, after their father died.
  • He was named after a willow tree that landed in his father's estate.
  • Madmartigan and Willow’s relationship is similar to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, as they both do not get along at first and eventually become rather trusting companions.
  • Though Willow is the main protagonist, Madmartigan's actor Val Kilmer is actually listed before Warwick Davis.
    • Allegedly, George Lucas regretted the decision and felt it was unfair because Davis played the titular character.

Willow UfgoodElora DananMadmartiganSorshaRool and FranjeanAirk ThaughbaerQueen BavmordaHigh AldwinDruidsEthnaVohnkarWomen of AndowyneWenchFin RazielCherlindreaElora's motherBurglekuttKaiya UfgoodMims and Ranon UfgoodGeneral KaelMeegoshLlug

Series: Dove/Brunnhilde/Elora Danan, Kit Tanthalos, Airk Tanthalos, Jade Claymore, Thraxus Boorman, Graydon Hastur, the Gales, Mims Ufgood

Tir Asleen RebelsNockmaar SoldiersKnights of Galladoorn