The Water Tribes are one of the original four nations in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Its citizens primarily inhabit the northern and southernmost regions of the globe, near both poles. It is also a collective term for the nation of people who practice the art of waterbending.
They are divided into three groups: Southern, Northern, and Foggy Water Tribes.
Early History[]
Before the Hundred Year War, the Southern Water Tribe were culturally known for their waterbender style fighting.
Hundred Year War[]
Fire Lord Azulon ordered the elimination of the Waterbenders in the South. As raids continued the Waterbenders were all killed.
Even though the South was virtually defeated, the raids continued by the Southern Raiders, who attacked the minor tribe of Chieftain Hakoda in 94 AG; they had been informed that one waterbender remained in the Southern Water Tribe and were subsequently assigned to eliminate that person. One of the Southern Raiders followed Katara and Kya, who ordered her daughter to hide. After Kya lied she was the last Waterbender, The soldier from the Fire Nation murdered their mother right in front of them after mistaking her for being a waterbender. Sokka was initially unaware of his mother's death until he found Katara.
Hakoda left the South Pole with his allies, with his children Sokka and Katara left in the care of his mother Kanna. Sokka grew up too fast in the war due to getting pressured by his father and took his responsibilities as the clans protector seriously.
The Legend of Korra[]
After the 100-Year War the Northern And Southern Water Tribes were united and ruled under one chieftain. Toraq was next in line to succeed his father and be Chieftain of the Northern and Southern Water Tribes. Unfortunately, he was disinherited following the destruction of a sacred spiritual forest at his hands. Unalaq became the next chief of the Northern and Southern Water Tries. However, after the Water Tribe Civil War, it was decided that the North and South Tribes would be separately ruled as they once were. Unalaq was succeeded by his children Eska and Desna as Chiefs of the Northern Water tribe. Meanwhile his brother became the chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe even after Tonraq was already an officially the leader of the Southern Water Tribe.
Roughly about a few months later former Fire Lord Zuko and Tonraq visited Korra's cousins because the Red Lotus had resurfaced and plotted to take down the Avatar at all costs.
- Kanna
- Kya
- Hakoda
- Kya II (both Water Tribe and Air Nomad)
- Sokka
- Katara
- Bato
- Arnook †
- Princess Yue
- Unalaq †
- Korra's Grandfather
- Korra's Grandmother
- Kanna
- Yagoda
Air Nomads/Water Tribes[]
Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Katara (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Momo (Netflix) • Sokka (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Zuko (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Suki (Netflix) • Toph Beifong Avatars Order of the White Lotus Air Nomads Fire Nation Water Tribe Spirits Other |