Wasp (Nadia van Dyne)
Full name
Nadia van Dyne (legal name) Nadia Pym (birth name)
Other names
The Unstoppable Wasp The Wasp Wasp II Nadia Pym (formerly)
Avengers All-New, All-Different Avengers Champions G.I.R.L.
Hank Pym (father, deceased) Maria Pym (mother, deceased) Janet Van Dyne (step-mother)
William Grant Nelson (genetic half-brother) Ultron & Dimitrios ("brothers")
Angela Pym (paternal great-grandmother, deceased)
Brad Pym (paternal grandfather); Doris Pym (paternal grandmother); Janos Trovaya (maternal grandfather, deceased) Vision ("nephew") Victor Mancha ("nephew") Alkhema & Jocasta ("nieces") Vivian ("great-niece") Vin ("great-nephew", deceased) Vivian 2.0 ("great-niece," deceased) William Kaplan ("great-nephew" via previous incarnation) Thomas Shepard ("great-nephew" via previous incarnation)
Janet van Dyne (mentor), Scott Lang/Ant-Man (best friend), Alima, Amber Silverstein, Jeanne Foucault, Justine, Lexi Miranda, Priya Aggarwal, Shay Smith, Tai Miranda, Ying Liu
A.I.M., Black Widow Ops Program
Powers and abilities
Size manipulation Flight via wasp wings Bio-electric energy blasts Telepathic insect control Expert martial artist
Hope van Dyne
“'All those years in a cage. This is what it's like to fly. To be free. ”
―Nadia Van Dyne
Nadia Van Dyne (also known as Nadia Pym) is a fictional heroine and one of the main protagonists of the Marvel Universe. She is the daughter of Henry Pym (the original Ant-Man) and Maria Pym and the stepdaughter and protégé of Janet Van Dyne (the original Wasp). Honoring her step-mother / mentor, Nadia trained to become the second Wasp under her motherly figure.
Comics: Darren Cross/Yellowjacket , Black Widow , Kree , M.O.D.O.K., Ultron , Black Cat , Doctor Doom , Beetle , Electro , Absorbing Man, A.I.M., Attuma, Shocker , Skrulls , Taskmaster , Skrulls , Masters of Evil
HYDRA , Leader , Kang the Conqueror , Egghead