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This is important. They are in trouble. It's up to us! To us! Understand? Keep him amused but quiet!
―Violet to Dash about being their parents' last hope

Violet "Vi" Parr is the tritagonist of the Disney•Pixar's The Incredibles series. She is the eldest child and only daughter of Bob and Helen Parr and the older sister of Dash and Jack-Jack. As an offspring of supers, she has superhuman powers herself; she can turn herself invisible and create protective force fields of varying sizes around herself and/or others.

Violet is voiced by Sarah Vowell.


When Violet is first introduced, she is depicted as a gloomy, uncertain, overwhelmed, shy, and socially withdrawn girl who has a few self-esteem issues - preferring to hide behind her long, straight, blueberry-black hair, which seems to be reflected in her powers. She has a crush on one of her schoolmates named Tony Rydinger, but she is too shy to approach him and becomes invisible whenever he looks her way to avoid attention.

Violet's family life is also tense, especially between her and Dash. Because of Bob's difficulty concealing his powers in public, the family has been forced to move several times over the past few years. Also, Helen has told both kids never to do the same (unless they are in danger) because they are required by law to blend in with the rest of the world. Because of these factors (along with Violet being at puberty age), she has become rather shy and has few friends. And with Dash dealing with the family issues by constantly teasing her, Violet also has somewhat of a temper.


At first, Violet's personality is literally that of a "shrinking violet" where she is a generally shy and withdrawn girl, down to her understated taste in clothing and shadowy hairstyle.

As the first film's events continue to push her past her comfort zone, she quickly begins to embrace her powers and gain more confidence in who she is.

Violet is shown to possess a curious and experimental nature, willing to explore her abilities and her world once she is freed from the family prohibitions about using her superpowers. She also has a sharp and observational sense of humor and is very kind and caring, and despite a strong sibling rivalry, she is strongly protective of her little brother Dash. She also cares for Jack-Jack, constantly holding him and being amazed by his powers.

In Incredibles 2, Violet has embraced her powers and displays a broader range of emotions that is typical of a girl her age: losing her temper, acting awkward and at times being depressed. However, she ultimately develops a sense of maturity and begins to appreciate the sacrifices her parents do for her and her brothers. This is best seen when she was touched by Bob's apology and his desire to be a good father after he made a mistake.

Physical Appearance

Violet is a teenager with a slender build, long legs, a circular head, a small waistline, fair skin, long, straight, blueberry-black hair (which usually covers half her face on the left side and the right side in The Incredibles), bluish-purple eyes, rosy cheeks, and pink lips. She stands at 137 cm (4'6") tall and she weighs 40 kg (90 lbs). In the first movie and like all the other characters she has not aged in the second movie, she is 14-years-old. She is very cute and beautiful but funny. In the first film, she wears a moderate blue buttoned sweater, a pair of jeans, and black-and-white sneakers. Her super-suit consists of a red unitard, along with an orange belt, black gloves, thigh-high black boots, and a black eye mask. She also wears an orange headband with her red super-suit. Near the end of the movie and starting with the sequel, she wears a pinkish-purple headband, a pinkish-purple shirt, khakis and blue shoes (and she is later shown to have headbands of different colors, such as blue).

Powers and Abilities

  • Invisibility: Violet has the ability to turn herself invisible. The exact nature of this power is not explained, nor are its limits (such as if it extends beyond the visible light spectrum). Violet's ability is limited in scope, however, and extends only to her own body. Anything she is carrying or wearing does not also become invisible, with the exception of her Incredibles uniform created by designer Edna Mode to coordinate with her powers.
  • Force-Field Generation: Violet can generate a near-indestructible, purple-tinged force field around herself or other targets, which she has used defensively or, with the right help, offensively. The field does seem to deflect things like bullets, this is proven when the family battles against Syndrome's soldiers. In the sequel, Violet has learned how to use her force-fields for offensive attacks and not just in self-defense.
    • Levitation: If Violet is not touching the ground when she creates a full force bubble, she will levitate within it, possibly due to the Earth's gravity becoming diminished within that confined domain. Whilst levitating, she automatically moves with her force field bubbles. She can reorient her position within it, or even use her own body to propel it forward. This is what gives the force bubble its primary offensive ability, especially when it's combined with Dash's superhuman speed to create the IncrediBall.
    • IncrediBall Generation: Created with the aid of Dash to mow down their foes and destroy everything, including enemies tanks. This was shown in the first movie.


The Incredibles

in the original film, Violet is socially awkward and desires to be normal. She lives at home with her mother Helen (friendly the superhero Elastigirl ) and her father Bob Parr (formerly known as Mr. Incredible) and her brothers, Dash and Jack Jack. During the film, Violet and her family go up against Syndrome (formerly known as Buddy Pine, who was a fanboy that Violet's father has turned down.) At the end of the film, Violet becomes more outspoken and is asked out by her crush Tony. They face the Underminer at the last minute or the film.

Incredibles 2

Right where the first film left off, Violet and her family Chase the supervillain. Unfortunately, Violet's secret identity is exposed to Tony but his memory is erased by government officials. She and Dash later to to save their parents from Evelyn Deavor's control (as well as other superheroes) and foiled plans to keep superheroes illegal. At the end of the film, Violet and Tony are allowed to go on their date. However, Violet has to help her family stop bank robbers but not before promising Tony that she will return to their date.



  • Violet's powers were based on Marvel Comics' Susan Storm-Richards/Invisible Woman, a member of the Fantastic Four who could create force-fields and turn invisible.
  • Violet is named after the term "shrinking violet": a person who does not wish to be noticed. She is very shy, and, even at home, stays in the background and does not speak too much. This would fit both her personality and powers. And interestingly, Shrinking Violet is the name of a DC Comics superheroine whose superpower was to literally shrink.
  • Violet is a color generated by the mix of red and blue, which are the main colors of her parents' costumes in their glory days.
  • Violet's hair evolves over the course of the film to match her personality and personal growth; first totally obscuring her face at the beginning to match her retreating nature, and then being held partially back by the headband of her Incredible suit, and finally being swept back completely by a colorful headband in the final sequence, revealing her new self to the world.
  • Violet is, arguably, the most powerful figure in Disney INFINITY.
  • In a deleted scene (the original opening), Violet was to first appear as an infant who had problems with spitting up. It was originally implied that her existence violated the law, as Supers were forbidden to marry each other and have children.
  • Violet (and possibly her mom Helen) was originally going to appear in the canceled Princess Academy shorts (due to a piece of concept art showing her with other characters), had this not occurred, it would have marked the first time Violet and her mom would have appeared in 2D format (not counting that The Incredibles was originally envisioned as a 2D film).
  • If one looks closely, they can see that Violet's eyes are a shade of blue that is almost purple. Sometimes, Violet can be purple because of certain lightings and the bluish-purple color in her eyes. Her eye color is a mixture between blue and purple (mainly blue) making them bluish-purple.
  • An alternate version of Violet appears in as the main protagonist of the A Twisted Tale book Suddenly Super, where she and her brothers are an Agents of Syndrome after her parents supposedly were killed in action by the CIA. This makes her the first of the kids to finally serve as a protagonist in the franchise, albeit an alternate timeline.


The Incredibles: Bob ParrHelen ParrViolet ParrDash ParrJack-Jack ParrLucius BestEdna ModeKari McKeenSyndromeMirageGazerbeamTony RydingerRick DickerThe UnderminerGilbert HuphBomb VoyageHoney BestRusty McAllisterOmnidroid v.8Omnidroid v.9Omnidroid v.10Snug Porter

Incredibles 2: VoydWinston DeavorEvelyn DeavorAmbassador Henrietta SelickBrickRefluxKrushauerScreechHe-LectrixScreenslaverRocky
Comics: XerekMezmerellaRollergrrlThe Unforgivables
