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"View From Up Here" is a song featured in the Disney animated series, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. from the episode "Freebird" and performed by Rapunzel (Mandy Moore) and Cassandra (Eden Espinosa). Rapunzel enjoys her moments to fly freely while she and Cassandra are transformed into birds by drinking a magic tea.


Life's been so unsatisfying
Look, suddenly now I'm flying
Freewheeling from cloud to cloud to cloud

Wings spread, and the sky below me
There's no one to stop or slow me
Pure freedom and everything's allowed

Down there, I know there's tons of burdens I must bear, somewhere...

But from up here, the world looks so small
And suddenly life seems so clear
And from up here, you coast past it all
The obstacles just disappear

You never feel heavy or earthbound
No worries or doubts interfere
There's nothing but you
Looking down from the view from up here

You've got to try this!

Cassandra: I don't know...

Rapunzel: Oh, come on, Cass, just watch! It's easy!

Stretch out with the wind behind you
Cassandra: Here we go
Rapunzel: Float up, let the current find you
Cassandra: Look out below
Rapunzel: Keep climbing, and sail from breeze to breeze
Cassandra: Stay close, don't leave me, please!

Head up to the stratospheres
With only the stars to steer us
Just think of the possibilities

Cassandra: I think I've got it!

Rapunzel: Below, we spend our whole life trudging to and fro, now-
Cassandra: Whoa!

And from up here, the world is all yours
Each mountain and meadow and mere
And from up here, life's duties and chores
Are barely worth shedding a tear

And all of the sky lies before us
Straight up to the far stratosphere
So head for the blue
And let's take in the view from up here

It's just me and you
Looking down at the view from up here

Life's been so unsatisfying
Look, suddenly now I'm flying
Freewheeling from cloud to cloud to cloud

Wings spread, and the sky below me
There's no one to stop or slow me
Pure freedom and everything's allowed

Down there, I know there's tons of burdens I must bear, somewhere...

But from up here, the world looks so small
And suddenly life seems so clear
And from up here, you coast past it all
The obstacles just disappear

You never feel heavy or earthbound
No worries or doubts interfere
There's nothing but you
Looking down from the view from up here

Rapunzel: Stretch out with the wind behind you
Cassandra: Here we go
Rapunzel: Float up, let the current find you
Cassandra: Look out below
Rapunzel: Keep climbing, and sail from breeze to breeze
Cassandra: Stay close, don't leave me, please!

Head up to the stratospheres
With only the stars to steer us
Just think of the possibilities

Cassandra: I think I've got it!

Rapunzel: Below, we spend our whole life trudging to and fro, now-
Cassandra: Whoa!

Both: And from up here
Rapunzel: The world looks so wide
Cassandra: Yet every horizon seems near
Both: And from up here
Rapunzel: No path is denied
Cassandra: You choose which direction you veer
Rapunzel: And suddenly you can breathe easy
Cassandra: Contented
Rapunzel: Care-free
Cassandra: Cavalier

Just gliding on through
Looking down at the view from up here

And from up here, the world is all yours
Each mountain and meadow and mere
And from up here, life's duties and chores
Are barely worth shedding a tear

And all of the sky lies before us
Straight up to the far stratosphere
So head for the blue
And let's take in the view from up here

It's just me and you
Looking down at the view from up here



Original: RapunzelFlynn RiderMother GothelPascalMaximusStabbington BrothersHook HandBig NoseVladimirAttilaUlfShortyPub ThugsCaptain of the GuardsKing FredericQueen AriannaCastle Guards

Series: CassandraFidellaOwlPete and StanLady CaineHook FootPocketVarianRuddigerQuirinOld Lady CrowleyMontyDaleWreck MarauderLance StrongbowFriedborgNigelKing TrevorFernanda PizazzoAndrewSeparatists of SaporiaXavierFeldsparAngry and RedThe BaronAnthony the WeaselRuthless RuthAxelWillow (Tangled)Zhan TiriLord DemanitusSugracha the EternalUumlautKing EdmundAdiraStalyanVexCaptain QuaidVigorMadame CanardistCalliopeMother and FatherLorbsSeraphinaHectorTromusHamuelLittle Big GuyBrock Thunderstrike

Film: When Will My Life BeginMother Knows BestI've Got a DreamI See the LightHealing IncantationSomething That I Want

Musical: Flower of GoldWanted ManWhen She Returns
TV Series: Life After Happily Ever AfterWind in My HairMore of MeFriendship SongListen UpI've Got ThisLet Me Make You ProudSet Yourself FreeReady As I'll Ever BeNext Stop, AnywhereIf I Could Take That Moment BackView From Up HereHook Foot's BalladBuddyWaiting in the WingsLivin' the DreamWith You by My SideEverything I Ever Thought I KnewCrossing the LineStronger Than Ever BeforeBigger Than ThatThe Girl Who Has EverythingNothing Left to LoseThrough It AllI'd Give Anything
