Victor Mancha
Other names
Devil Slayer Kid Justice Skull Boss Wolf Bro Wolf-Swag Amigo Borg Queen C-sleepy-O Calculator Kid Captain Deadweight Cool Magneto Doom Junior Dorkbot El Diablo Robotico Energizer Bunny Jinx Junior Kid Ultron Li'l Ultron Magnet Man Man of La Mancha Mandoird RoboPinocchio Señor Cyborg Small Wonder Speak and Spell Static Cling Lad Terminator Tin Man Vic Victron Zapper Victorious
Ultron's spy (formerly) Member of the Runaways Member of the Avengers AI Squad (former membership)
Ultron (formerly) Runaways Avengers AI Squad
Infiltrate and kill the Avengers for Ultron (formerly)
The hostel, Los Angeles, California
Ultron (biological father/creator)
Marianella Mancha † (biological mother)
Vision (Marvel) (fellow creation/brother)
Jocasta (fellow creation/sister)
Alkhema (fellow creation/sister)
Jonas (fellow creation / brother)
Gibson, Alexis,
Vision ,
Hank Pym ,
Ultron (formerly),
Gertrude Yorkes (girlfriend),
Nico Minoru (ex-girlfriend),
Old Lace ,
Molly Hayes ,
Klara Prast , Gib, Rufus,
Chase Stein ,
Xavin (sometimes),
Doombot (best friend), the Leapfrog, Rufus, the Spieler, Hunter Stein,
Tandy Bowen ,
Spider-Man (Marvel) ,
Wiccan (Marvel) ,
Hulkling ,
Speed (Marvel) ,
Patriot , the Punisher (sometimes), Monica Chang, Daredevil,
Cyclops ,
Colossus ,
Ultron , Doombot (formerly), Bo, Rim, the Church of Gibborim, Dr. Hayes, The
Punisher , Joanie, the
Skrulls ,
Gertrude Yorkes (formerly),
Kingpin ,
Iron Man , Noh-Varr,
Chase Stein (formerly), Xavin (Sometimes), Kid Twist, Flag Smasher, Forget-Me-Not, the Warden, Tristan
His friends, helping people, being a Runaway, Miguel de Cervantes, sparing with Chase, cultural references to older movies
Ultron, hurting people, Being treated like an object, being called a toy
Victor Mancha is a superhero from the Marvel Comics' Runaways franchise. He is a cyborg created by the supervillain Ultron . He is also a former rival turned friend of Chase Stein, the best friend of Doombot, the boyfriend of Gertrude Yorkes, and the ex-boyfriend of Nico Minoru. He was meant to infiltrate the Avengers, learn their powers, abilities and weaknesses and later kill them.
However, Mancha became a hero due to the efforts of a time-traveling Gert Yorkes .
History [ ]
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Appearance [ ]
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