Vandal Savage (Arrowverse)
Other names
Vandal Savage Randall Dr. Curtis Knox Master of Time
Immortal tyrant Leader of his order Dictator of Earth (alternate future) Ancient Egyptian high priest (formerly) Military adviser (formerly) Psychiatrist (formerly)
His order (formerly) Time Masters (formerly)
Live forever by means of killing Hawkgirl and Hawkman, Create an army of hawk-creature soldiers similar to Hawkman and Hawkgirl for his world conquests, Conquer the world and keep Hawkgirl for himself forever, Kill the Legends (all failed).
Gail Knox (wife; in 1958) Unnamed (wife; in 2166; deceased)
Cassandra Savage (daughter; in 2166) Unnamed (children; all deceased)
Per Degaton † (formerly), Cassandra Savage (formerly), Zaman Druce †, Valentina Vostok †, Bud Ellison †, Leviathan †, Mikhail Arkadin, Mr. Blake, Time Masters,
Ray Palmer
Oliver Queen ,
Barry Allen ,
Iris West ,
Caitlin Snow ,
Laurel Lance ,
Sara Lance ,
Cisco Ramon ,
Kendra Saunders ,
Rip Hunter ,
Harry Wells ,
Mick Rory ,
Felicity Smoak ,
John Diggle , Cassandra Savage,
Ray Palmer (formerly),
Jefferson Jackson ,
Martin Stein
Hunting and killing Hawkgirl and Hawkman, antagonizing Rip Hunter and people
Powers and abilities
Immortality Regeneration Resurrection Enhanced speed Enhanced reflexes Enhanced senses Magic Tactical analysis Manipulation Martial artist Marksmanship Weapons proficiency Arcane knowledge High intelligence
TV Series
The Flash Arrow Legends of Tomorrow
Portrayed by
Casper Crump
Hath-Set , better known as Vandal Savage is one of the main antagonists of the Arrowverse franchise. He is the main antagonist of the Heroes Unite crossover and the main antagonist of DC's Legends of Tomorrow
He is an immortal being who is hellbent on killing Hawkgirl and Hawkman to maintain his immortality and showcase his terror through world domination. However, after literally dying a thousand painful deaths from the Legends across the timeline, he became a torturer in hell.