Heroes and Villains Wiki

Valerie Gray is a minor character in the Danny Phantom episode, "The Ultimate Enemy." She is the daughter of Damon Gray and the ex- girlfriend of Danny Fenton.


This version of Valerie's history is the same up until the point when Danny Fenton stole the career assessment tests from Mr. Lancer. After Danny moved in with Vlad Masters shortly after a Nasty Burger incident, Valerie blamed Dark Dan for laying waste to the world, becoming one of his and protected Amity Park with her father, Damon. She blamed a younger version of Danny for everything that happened, unaware he was from the past, but was stopped by a very much alive Sam and Tucker (who were deceased in the original timeline). Phantom attacked the four, especially trying to kill Valerie until Danny saved her, which caused her to realize that this ghost boy was from the past. Before Valerie passed out, she explains she almost forgot how cute young Danny was, which later prompts a small romance between Danny and Valerie in a later episode. However, this dark future was undone, and so was Valerie's.


Team Phantom/Fenton Family: Danny Fenton/Danny PhantomJack FentonJazz FentonMaddie FentonSam MansonTucker FoleyDani Fenton/Dani PhantomJackson FentonMisty Fenton

Ghost Antagonists: Vlad Masters/Vlad PlasmiusSkulkerEmber McLainKittyPenelope SpectraBox Ghost BertrandBulletDesireeFreakshowFright KnightGuys in WhiteJohnny 13Lunch Lady GhostLydiaNicolai TechnusNocturnePariah DarkPrince AragonSkulkerUndergrowthVortexWalkerYoungbloodGhost WriterGreen KidHotep-RAShadowSkulktech 9.9SleepwalkersArcher GhostCentaurClones of DannyCrystal LeviathanCyclopsExecutioner GhostFemalienGoliathMedusa‎Monster CatNightmericaPariah's SoldiersScarlet SamuraiBrenner and SullivanTerminatraTucker Phantom

Allies: ClockworkCujoDani PhantomFrostbitePandoraPrincess DoratheaWulf

Other Ghosts: AmorphoPoindexterEctopusesDairy KingGhost Vultures

Other Characters: Paulina SanchezKwanMr. LancerDash BaxterStarAliciaAndy, Fran and Scaredy CatElasticaEmpress She-WolfMasters' BlastersVulture GhostsWalkerWalker's goonsYoungblood's assistant)

Video Games: The MawguKing GorgeEvil SyndicateGlobous Maximous

Crossover: Timmy TurnerCosmoWandaJimmy NeutronSpongeBob SquarePants

Alternate Timelines: Future VladFuture ValerieVlad Masters (Masters of All Time)Jack Plasmius (Masters of All Time)Maddie Masters (Masters of All Time)

Amity ParkFenton WorksGhost ZoneCasper High SchoolVlad Masters' MansionManson ResidenceMayor's MansionEmergency Ops CenterLake EerieNasty BurgerVladcoAxion Labs
GhostsHalf-GhostsThe Faceless