Heroes and Villains Wiki

General Val Morando is a major antagonist in the Tales of Arcadia franchise. He is a background antagonist in Trollhunters, the main antagonist of its spin off series3Below and a minor posthumous antagonist in the sequel seriesWizards. He was the general of the Akiridion-5 Royal Family before his ultimate betrayal after wishing to gain power. He orchestrated the deaths of Varvatos Vex's family at the expense of the Zeron Brotherhood so Morando could manipulate the warrior into betraying the Akiridion Royal Family. However, during Morando's conquest of the planet, Akiridion-5's Prince Krel and Princess Aja Tarron escaped, so Morando placed bounties on the children and sent bounty hunters after them. His true scheme was to find Gaylen's core and become a god in recent the world in his own image. However, Morando was defeated by King Fialkov and Queen Coranda, who sacrificed their cores to power up a laser gun superweapon that was guided by Aja and Krel.
