Heroes and Villains Wiki

Unicorns are mystical supernatural creatures in European mythology. They are allegedly a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead, lion tail, goat feet, the body and head of a horse, the beard of a goat. However modern day depictions show unicorns as merely horses with horns.

By Individual[]



  • The main villain of Legend wants to kill the remaining two unicorns in the world to bring about an eternity of darkness.


  • The My Little Pony franchise primarily features unicorns.
    • 1983: My Little Pony features three unicorns known as Moondancer, Majesty, and Glory. Generation 4 and 5 featured unicorns as main characters such as Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Applebittle, Izzy Moonbow, Misty Brightdawn, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Twilight Sparkle was initially a unicorn but was turned into an Alicorn by the end of Season 3.
  • 2012 (February 10): The Season 7, 14th episode of Supernatural, "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie" shows a unicorn chasing down a neglectful father and impaling him on its horn.
  • Unicorns (Once Upon a Time) show Snow White and Prince Charming two visions: while Charming sees an infant Emma will become a noble heroine, but Snow sees her daughter growing up to become a dark sorceress.
  • Unicorns are depicted as demonic entities in DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Sara and her team have time that kills its victims and kills.
  • The Dragon Prince features the fact that Claudia hunted from a unicorn and brought her father its very rare horn. Said horn was used in Viren's spell to enchant Sarai's spear with dark magic so that Harrow could slay Avizandum. It is later revealed that unicorns' bones are crushed up and used to create Moon Primal Stones. Leola was rumored to be a unicorn until season 7 revealed she's a unicorn (see Unicorns).



Main: Mane 6 (Twilight SparkleRainbow DashPinkie PieRarityApplejackFluttershySpike) • Humans 7 (Sunset ShimmerTwilight SparkleFluttershyPinkie PieApplejackRarityRainbow Dash

Secondary: Princess CelestiaPrincess LunaCutie Mark Crusaders (Apple BloomScootalooSweetie Belle) • DiscordPrincess CadanceShining ArmorStarlight Glimmer

Young Six: SandbarGallusSmolderSilverstreamOcellusYona

Other: Big McIntoshBraeburnBright MacBulk BicepsChancellor NeighsayCheerileeCheese SandwichCoco PommelFilthy RichFlash SentryFlurry HeartGildaGranny SmithKing SombraLittle StrongheartMaud PieMayor MarePear ButterTwilight Velvet and Night LightPrincess EmberRoyal GuardsSeabreezeSunburstThe Wonderbolts (SpitfireSoarin) • ThoraxTrixie LulamoonTrouble Shoes ClydeZecora, Pipsqueak, FeatherweightSunny Daze and Peachy PieSugar Belle, Little Strongheart

Other: Dean CadanceGloriosa DaisyIndigo ZapLemon ZestPrincipal CelestiaSour SweetSugarcoatSunny FlareSunset ShimmerTimber SpruceVice Principal Luna

Generation One: ArabusBeezenCatrinaDragon GangGrogarHydiaKing CharlatanLavanPrincess PorcinaQueen BumbleRaptoriansReeka & DraggleSmoozeSomnambulaSquirkLord Tirek

Equestria Girls: Dazzlings (Adagio DazzleAria BlazeSonata Dusk) • Principal CinchSnips and SnailsSunset Shimmer
Comics: AccordBad Apple ChupacabraMane Six (Ponies of the Dark Water)Nightmare RarityPrincess Celestia (Mirror Universe)PseudocornsRabiaShadowfrightVampiric Jackalope

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Apple Bloom's ShadowAhuizotlArimaspiBugbearChangelingsChimeraCockatriceCozy GlowDaybreakerDr. CaballeronDiamond DogsDiscordDragonsDragon Lord TorchFlim Flam BrothersGarbleGladmaneHydraKing SombraMane-iacMaulwurfMean SixNightmare MoonParaspritesPony of ShadowsPuckwudgiesQueen ChrysalisRocSable SpiritShadowboltsSmoozeSnips and SnailsSphinxStarlight GlimmerSvengallopTantabusTatzlwurmTimberwolvesTirekVampire Fruit BatsWindigos

Movie: GrubberStorm KingTempest Shadow

A New Generation: Sunny Starscout, Zipp Storm, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Pipp Petals, Sprout Cloverleaf

My Little Pony/Transformers: Optimus PrimeGreenlightArceeBumblebeeRatchetMegatronRavage

Feature Films
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings:Bilbo BagginsThorin OakenshieldGandalfBalinDwalinFíliKíliÓinGlóinBifurBofurBomburDoriNoriOriBardThranduilFrodo BagginsSam GamgeePippin TookMerry BrandybuckÉowynThéodenDenethorSauronSmaugWitch-king

The Last Unicorn: The Unicorn/AmaltheaSchmendrickPrince LirMolly GrueButterflyHaggardCelaenoCatCullyMabrukTreeRuhk

The King and I: MongkutAnna LeonowensChulalongkornLouis LeonowensKralahomeTuptim

Christmas Specials
RudolphClariceHermeySanta Claus (Rankin/Bass)Crystal (Rankin/Bass)Jack Frost (Rankin/Bass)Chilly and MillyJessica Claus
Other Holiday Specials
Peter CottontailJanuary Q. IrontailDonnaSeymour S. SassafrassAntoine (Here Comes Peter Cottontail)