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Treebeard is a Tolkien character who appears in The Two Towers and the film adaptations of The Two Towers and The Return of the King. He is voiced by John Rhys-Davies, who also portrays Gimli in the trilogy as well. 

Middle-earth Film Saga[]

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers[]

In the second part of the Lord of the Rings films, Treebeard indirectly saves Merry and Pippin from an Orc but mistakes them for being smaller versions of his victim. However, Gandalf makes it clear they are Hobbits, not Orcs and tasks Treebeard to protect them. He does as Gandalf commands and Treebeard becomes friends with Merry and Pippin. He later has a meeting between several other ents to decide their role in the War. However, during the Entmoot, Treebeard initially rejects helping Merry, Pippin and their friends in the war.

After coming across the cut down trees in his forest, the Ent and multiple others decide to mount an attack on Isengard while the other Ents deal with the Uruk-Hai at Helm's Deep.During the battle, Treebeard allows Merry and Pippin to fight by throwing rocks from his branches. They and their allies are able to destroy most of Isengard's army and weaponry. They trap Saruman and Gríma Wormtongue in the tower of Orthanc.

After the battle, Pippin and Merry find Saruman's storeroom, finding longbottom leaves. Pippin wonders if they should share some with Treebeard. However, Merry insists they don't share with Treebeard, as the leaves could be from someone the ent knew. However, unknown to them, Treebeard is watching them from the other side.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King[]

Treebeard greets Gandalf, Théoden, Aragorn, Legolas, Éomer, Gamling, Merry and Pippin, informing them of Saruman's imprisonment. The white Wizard shows himself to his enemies. Treebeard watched as Saruman was killed by Gríma Wormtongue and comments "the filth of Saruman washing away" and that trees will grow back. He noticed that Pippin saw a palantír in the water after it fell from Saruman's robes, surprised to see the artifact. However, the Hobbit gave the wizard the evil ancient artifact.

After the company left, Treebeard regrew the trees and Isengard had become a Sanctum to the Ents and his entire race of trees.
