Heroes and Villains Wiki

Titans are an extinct race of beings from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the posthumous antagonists of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Originally hailing from the planet Titan, the Titans drove themselves to extinction through the continued environmental abuse of their planet and over consuming its resources as a result of overpopulation. This left Thanos as the species’s sole survivor, causing him to embark on a millennia long mission to prevent other races and planets from suffering his’s fate, by wiping out half of the universe’s sentient population. The actions of the Titans are what cause many of the major events of the MCU.



Titans are large humanoid creatures with generally pink skin and standing several feat higher than humans. Unlike humans, the lifespan of the average Titan was several million years, rivaling that of other advanced races such as the Asgardians and Celestials.


In addition to their long lifespans, Titans possess a number of natural born powers that far surpass humans and most other races. Despite their enormous sizes, Titans are incredibly agile, being able to jump to incredible heights and perform impressive acrobatic techniques. They also possess near incalculable levels of strength, superior to that of Asgardians, Kree, Dark Elves, and even the superhuman Hulk. This also gives them immensely power endurance, being able to withstand strong forces of blunt-force, including most variants of laser-fire, though they do suffer pain from such strikes. They also possess incredible levels of stamina, being able to fight and work for extreme periods of time without any sign of fatigue or tiring.



Prior to their extinction, the Titans were once a prosperous and artistic people, enjoying a highly advanced society that bordered on utopia. They were however, extremely arrogant, prideful, and xenophobic. Titans were extremely racist to all other intelligent species, viewing themselves as a superior and civilized race and all others to be savage and dangerous. Unlike the Kree who seek to eradicate races they deem inferior, the Titans preferred to avoid other races instead enjoying solitude on their homeworld. This caused them to be a very isolationist world (similar to Wakanda), with leaving the planet forbidden. This included the planet’s moon, ingnoring the fact that they could have mined it for resources. Most Titans also looked down upon members of their own race that they considered to be odd and different. This was shown in their treatment of Thanos who they ostracized due his purple skin and deformed chin. Their extreme arrogance eventually led to their extinction, as they continuously abused the resources of their world, despite obvious signs that doing so was destroying their homeworld


Despite their strong adherence to xenophobia and racial superiority, Titans were strong believers in democracy. The ruling body of their government was the Council of Titan, a democratically oligarchy that managed the planet’s day to day happenings. They were also opposed to capital punishment, viewing it as barbaric and something that only inferior species would commit. Thus instead of having Thanos executed, they instead exiled him to their moon.
