Thor Odinson
Other names
The Mighty Thor Prince Thor God of Thunder Prince of Thunder Prince of Asgard Heir to the Throne of Asgard Son of Odin Odinborn Odinson Little Princess Crazy Homeless Person Donald Blake Donny Point Break The Demigod Tourist The Big Guy with the Hammer A Contender Witless Oaf The Future King of Asgard The Man Who Wouldn't Be King The Big Blonde Dude with the Hammer First Son of Odin Blondie Your Majesty Lord of Thunder Sparkles Thunder Defender Tiny Avenger Banner's Friend Baby Arms Couple of Hot-Headed Fools (with Hulk) Water Smoldering Fire Seductive Lord of Thunder Seductive God of Thunder Strongest Avenger New Doug Dumbo God of Hammers The Gypsy Dude Handsome Muscular Man Pirate Angel God-Man
Distinguishing Features
Asgardian with long (later short) blond hair, wears armor and a red cape, and has a prosthetic eye.
To kill Thanos and avenge his brother's and half his people's deaths (succeeded)
Loki † (adoptive brother)
Hela † (adoptive sister)
Love Thorsdottir (adoptive daughter)
Bor Burison † (paternal grandfather)
Buri (paternal great-grandfather)
Bestia (paternal grandmother)
Ve and Vili Borson (paternal uncles)
Loki , Heimdall , Sif , Volstagg , Fandral , Hogun , Jane Foster , Erik Selvig , Darcy Lewis , Ian Boothby , Phil Coulson , Iron Man , Captain America , Hulk , Black Widow , Hawkeye , War Machine , Nick Fury , Maria Hill , Helen Cho , Laura Barton , Scarlet Witch , Quicksilver , Vision , Doctor Strange , Valkyrie , Korg , Miek , Skurge , Star-Lord , Groot , Rocket Raccoon , Drax the Destroyer , Gamora , Mantis , Nebula , Falcon , Black Panther , Bucky Barnes , Shuri , Okoye , M'Baku , Captain Marvel , Ant-Man , Spider-Man , Gamora (2014 time-traveled version), Toothgnasher, Toothgrinder, Axl, Eternity, Council of Godheads
Loki (temporarily), Laufey , Hailstrum , Grundroth , Raze , Malekith , Kurse , Phil Coulson (formerly), Iron Man (formerly), Captain America (formerly), Alexander Pierce , Wolfgang von Strucker , Ulysses Klaue , Scarlet Witch (formerly), Quicksilver (formerly), Ultron , Valkyrie (formerly), Grandmaster , Topaz , Hela , Skurge (temporarily), Surtur , Thanos , Ebony Maw , Cull Obsidian , Proxima Midnight , Corvus Glaive , Gorr the God Butcher, Zeus, Hercules
The Earth and Asgard safe, his family, his friends, peace, justice, joking, video games, nachos, coffee, beer
Evil, war, danger, the past, innocent lives die, Thanos, losing his family
Powers and abilities
Atmokinesis Electrokinesis Invulnerability Superhuman strength Superhuman durability Superhuman speed Superhuman agility Longevity Healing Factor
Mjølnir (hammer) Stormbreaker (axe)
Abdicates the throne as the King of Asgard.
Thor from Marvel Comics and the Norse Mythology
“You know I'm fifteen hundred years old. I’ve killed twice as many enemies as that, and every one of them would have rather kill me, but none succeeded. I’m only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is just the latest of a long line of bastards, and he’ll be the latest to feel my vengeance. Fate wills it so. ”
Thor Odinson is a Marvel Comics character who is the main protagonist of the Thor trilogy and the Avengers films.
Background [ ]
Official Description [ ]
“Thor is the eldest son of Odin and Frigga, the King and Queen of the Realm of Asgard. After a brief exile on Earth, Thor joins the Avengers. Upon the passing of his father, Thor becomes King of Asgard, although his world is destroyed by Surtur the Fire Demon. ”
―Marvel Studios: Character Encyclopedia
Appearances [ ]
Thor [ ]
The Avengers [ ]
Thor: The Dark World [ ]
Avengers: Age of Ultron [ ]
Thor: Ragnarok [ ]
Avengers: Infinity War [ ]
Thor was convinced the Tesseract was destroyed on Asgard, but shocked and betrayed that Loki had the stone, and offered the Tesseract in exchange for Thor's life. He watched in horror as Loki was killed before him. He is left in mourning his brother, but soon found the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Thor leaves with Groot and Rocket to get help from Elitri, the last surviving Dwarves. They headed to Earth, where Thor was reunited with Captain America. He attempted to
kill Thanos with Stormbreaker to avenge his brother's death, but Thanos snaps and kills off half the universe.
Avengers: Endgame [ ]
Thor: Love and Thunder [ ]
Trivia [ ]
Thor's Film Series is the second in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to become a quarterology, followed by The Avengers films.
Gallery [ ]
Members of the Avengers, as of Age of Ultron
Members of the Avengers, as of The Avengers
The Avengers team apprehends Loki
Navigation [ ]
Asgardians: Thor Odinson , Jane Foster , Loki , Odin , Angela , Tyr , Balder, Laussa Odinsdottir , Sif • Valkyrior (Brunnhilde • Rūna ) • Warriors Three (Fandral • Hogun • Volstagg ) • Freya • Frigga • Heimdall • Hugin and Munin • Beta Ray Bill • Kelda • Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson • Kevin Masterson) • Thor Girl • Olympians (Zeus , Athena , Hercules ), Eitri • The Avengers (Uncanny Avengers • Captain America • Hulk • Iron Man • Spider-Man ), the Guardians of the Galaxy , X-Men (Hrimhari • Wolverine ) • Sersi, Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic , Invisible Woman , Franklin Richards ) • Ant-Man , Wasp , Black Widow , Hawkeye , Daredevil , Scarlet Witch , Captain Marvel , Vision , Doctor Strange , Nick Fury , Luke Cage , Rogue , Havok , Deadpool , Blade , Amadeus Cho , Silver Surfer , She-Hulk , Black Panther , Quicksilver , Spider-Woman , Ghost Rider
Enemies: Loki Laufeyson , Surtur , Hela , Malekith the Accursed , Mangog , Ulik the Troll , Amora the Enchantress , Absorbing Man , Thanos , Apocalypse , Doctor Doom , Onslaught , Ego the Living Planet , Fenris Wolf , Celestials , Nebula , Karnilla the Norn Queen , The Destroyer Armor , The Collector , Ragnarok , Radioactive Man , Skurge the Executioner , Mephisto , Blackout , Midgard Serpent, Gorr the God Butcher, Kurse (formerly) , Dark Elves, Frost Giants , The Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer • Piledriver • Thunderball • Wrecker) • Ymir • Ares • Bloodaxe • Cobra • Desak • Enchanters Three • Firelord • Gorr the God Butcher • Grey Gargoyle • Laufey • Lorelei • Man-Beast • Minotaur • Mister Hyde • Mongoose • Ragnarok • Zarrko
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor Odinson • Loki Laufeyson • Odin Borson • Frigga • Valkyrie • Sif • Heimdall • Volstagg • Hogun • Fandral • Hela • Korg • Miek • Surtur • Sakaarans • Sakaaran Rebels • Fenris • Bor Burison • Odin Borson • Tyr • Jane Foster • Darcy Lewis • Ian Boothby • Erik Selvig