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The Mouth of Sauron is a minor character in the third Lord of the Rings novel, The Return of the King.


A herald of the Dark Lord Sauron himself, his mouth began decaying and ending up as foul and evil as his words he spoke. The Mouth appeared in the book where he confronts the characters. He also appeared in the 1980 film, The Return of hte King, where he is rebuffed by Aragorn as the mouth says they are outnumbered. Here he is voiced by Don Messick

In the extended version of the film adaptation of The Return of the King, the Mouth of Sauron shows the opposing side Frodo's mithril shirt. After feeding them nothing but lies, Aragorn beheads him when the Mouth mocks them.

Both Series
Bilbo BagginsSauronGandalfGaladrielSarumanFrodo BagginsElrondOtho Sackville-BagginsLobelia Sackville-BagginsGloinGollumWitch-king of Angmar

The Hobbit: Thorin OakenshieldBalinDwalinFiliKiliBifurBofurBomburDoriNoriOriOinBard the BowmanTaurielSigridTildaBainSmaugAzog the DefilerBolgRadagast the BrownThráinThrórBelladonna TookOld TookThe ThrushElros the GuardGalionFerenElves of Mirkwood
The Lord of the Rings: AragornMerry BrandybuckPippin TookSam GamgeeGimliLegolasFaramirBoromirThéodenÉowynÉomerLord DenethorArwenGríma WormtongueHamaGamlingHaldirMouth of SauronKing of the DeadShadowfaxFatty BolgerTom BombadilGoldberryEstella Bolger
The Silmarillion: ManwëVardaMorgothEru IlúvatarManwëAulëTulkasYavannaVánaOromëLórienNiennaEstëVairëNessaUlmoMandos

RohirrimFellowship of the RingThorin and CompanyDurin's Folk
Mordor, Gondor, Erebor, Blue Mountains, The Shire (Bag End, Hobbiton, Green Dragon), Bree