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The Terrible Terror is a species of dragon featured in the How to Train Your Dragon franchise.



They are small dragons who have four small horns, two wings, an arrow-shaped tail, spines and horns from their neck down to their forked tail and they usuually have large yellow eyes. In World of Dragons, they are mentioned to weighing 20 pounds.

The Terrible Terrors are iguana-like and are inspired by Toothless' small dragon counterpart.

Powers and Abilities[]

Firepower: The Terrors have very strong fireattack. They are known to have the best accurate firebolts compared to most dragons, but not as compared as the Night Fury.

  • Strength and Combat: The Terrors are social creatures and are more powerful as a pack. THey could lift a fuully grown Viking, stole all of Bork's foods and defeated Snotlout in "The Night and the Fury." They can lift small light objects in the air, as demostrated by Iggy, Fishlegs' Terrible Terror.
  • Jaw Strength: They have quite sharp teeth, as they inflicted pain on Tuffnut when they were in the training arena. Snotlout mentioned that his Terror, Pain had bit so hard, that he even had to get the bite wound bandage.
  • Stealth: Terrors have shown to be quite fast and stealthy, as one stole all of Bucket's fish without him noticing, and the fact that Terrors often live secretly in Viking houses.
  • Singing: It has been revealed that Terrible Terrors have the ability to 'sing'. A 'singing' Terrible Terror also appeared in "Fright of Passage", where Snotlout had to deliver the Twins a singing Terrible Terror.
  • Speed and Agility: Terrors are shown to be quite an agile dragon to make great quick turns as shown by Iggy.
  • Intelligence: Terrors possess a high level of intelligence, as the trained Terrors from "Worst in Show" were able to learn new skills under one day.


How to Train Your Dragon[]

The first Terrible Terror to appear was one in the Arena, where one of the cute dragons attacks Tuffnut and bites him on the nose. However, Hiccup was distracting it by reflecting the light on the metal center in his shield.

After Hiccup and Toothless' flight, a pack of Terrors come to a small island and try to steal fish from Toothless.


  • Their vocals were based on Chihuahuas. 
How to Train Your Dragon logo
Movies: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (live-action) • Astrid Hofferson (live-action) • Stoick the Vast (live-action) • ValkaGobber the Belch (live-action) • Fishlegs Ingerman (live-action) • Snotlout Jorgenson (live-action) • Ruffnut Thorston (live-action) • Tuffnut Thorston (live-action) • EretGothiSpiteloutDrago BludvistGrimmel the GrislyToothlessStormflyMeatlugBarf and BelchHookfangCloudjumperSkullcrusherGrumpRed DeathZephyr HaddockNuffink HaddockPhlegma the Fierce

Spin-off Characters: Dagur the DerangedMalaHeatherHeather's Adoptive ParentsAtaliGustav LarsonMindenNadiaMulch and BucketSilent SvenTrader JohannAlvin the TreacherousViggo GrimbornRyker GrimbornMildewCaptain Vorg
Minor Dragons: Toothless' RivalScauldyBing, Bam and BoomValka's BewilderbeastDrago's BewilderbeastTorchThornadoWingnutDart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner
Comics: Skuld the Sorceress
Video Games: Eir StormheartNikora StormheartHarald Forkbeart
Dragons: The Nine Realms: Tom KullersenJun WongD'Angelo BakerAlexandra GonzalezEugene WongThunderWu and WeiPlowhornFeathersWebmasterOlivia KullersenMay WongPhillip BakerAngela BakerCarla GonzalezHazel GonzalezWilma SledkinLindaWilliam Rakke Jr.BuzzsawFordWinstonFault RipperThe Sky TorcherOld JackJörmungandrHobs
2025 Remake: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless, Astrid Hofferson, Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston

Groups and Organizations
VikingsBerserker TribeDefenders of the WingDrago's ArmyDragon HuntersDragon RidersDragon TrappersDragon Riders' AuxiliaryDragonroot CompanyHairy Hooligan TribeNorthlander TribeOutcast TribeRefugee TribeThunderhead TribeWarlordsWingmaidensGrimbornsHaddocksHoffersonsIngermansJorgensonsLarsonsThorstons
Night FuryDeadly NadderGronckleMonstrous NightmareHideous ZipplebackTerrible TerrorTyphoomerangThunderdrumFirewormScauldronWhispering DeathSmothering SmokebreathChangewingScreaming DeathFireworm QueenFlightmareSkrillLead StingerSpeed StingersStormcutterBewilderbeastSeashockerShellfireSubmaripperMist TwisterDeadly SpinnerFeatherhideGembreakerSky TorcherJörmungandrLight FuryNight LightSpiderwingCatastrophic Quaken
Berk, The Hidden World, New Berk, ICARIS, Kullersen Fissure
Weapons: Inferno, Astrid Hofferson's Axe, Hiccup's Viking Helmet, Hiccup's Shield, The Mangler (Hiccup's Bola Catapult), Dragon Root Arrows, Toothless' Saddle and Tail Fin, Dragon Scale Armor, Deathgripper Venom

Plants: Dragon Root, Blue Oleanders, Purple Oleanders
Other: Yak Nog, Bork's Papers, The Book of Dragons (original, The Nine Realms), Hiccup's Prosthetic Leg, Astrid's Betrothal Necklace, Gobber's Peg Leg

Hiccup Haddock/Relationships