Heroes and Villains Wiki

Terra (real name Tara Markov) is a recurring protagonist of the Cartoon Network TV series, Teen Titans. She is one of the honorary members of the Teen Titans and Beast Boy's love interest who has tremendous but dangerous powers

She is based on the character of the same name from The Judas Contract and Rose Wilson/Ravage.


Season 2[]

The season focused on Terra.

She is Slade's apprentice after he promised to teach her to control her powers. However, she immediately turns against him after being pushed around by him mentally and physically. Sacrificing herself, Terra became one with the earth she once controlled.

Season 5[]

She makes an appearance at the end of the series.Sometime in between Trigon's downfall and the defeat of the Brotherhood of Evil, Terra later re-emerged, but had lost all memories of Slade, the Titans and her powers.

Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans[]

She is mentioned and seen in statue form

This section of the article lacks information and is in need of a major expansion.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Terrakinesis/Geokinesis
    • Earth Empowerment
    • Geokinetic Creature Creation
    • Gifted Intellect of Technology and Security
    • Enhanced Endurance


  • Above-Average Physical Condition
  • Advanced Skill In Hand-to-hand Combat


  • Power instability: Terra initially lacked control of her newly increased abilities and strength, being unable to regulate how much earth she moved, and inadvertently triggering seismic tremors or even minor volcanoes. The more she used her powers over a period of time, the more she struggled to contain them.
    • Apprentice suit: The special suit that Slade made for her connected directly to her nervous system, allowing Slade to truly control her and her increasingly powerful abilities via his computerized devices.
    • Mental state: When she was mentally unstable, having had no allies for many years, she lost control.
    • Gullibility: The fact that she was willing to do anything to better control her powers made her much too naïve and trusting, which may have been her biggest and most fatal flaw.
  • Aftershocks: On the more self destructive side of things, Terra’s geomancy can be overtaxed with catastrophic results, as seen in Aftershock Pt. 2 when she sacrificed herself, resulting in her becoming a statue.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Terra (Teen Titans).


Main Characters: RobinStarfireRavenCyborgBeast Boy

Heroes: JinxArgentRed StarTerraJerichoSpeedyBumblebeeAqualadMás y MenosHot SpotMentoElasti-GirlRobot ManNegative ManKid FlashThunder & LightningKoleGnarrkRed StarMelvinTimmy TantrumTeetherHeraldArgentPanthaWildebeestKillowatTramm

Villains: SladeTrigonBrotherhood of EvilMammothGizmoBlackfireRed XBrother BloodKotarouUehara DaizoLocrixMother Mae-EyeGeneral ImmortusMonsieur MallahThe BrainBilly NumerousDr. LightCinderblockMadame RougeControl FreakPuppet KingKiller MothMad ModMumbo JumboPlasmusOverloadKyd WykkydSee-MoreFangKittenAdonisJohnny RancidMalchiorMaster of GamesGlgrdsklechhhKardiakWhite MonsterAtlasRadiation CreatureProfessor ChangPunk RocketSotoSpace MonsterKatarouNya-NyaTrogaarDing Dong Daddy

Dick Grayson/NightwingStarfireRavenBlackfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Blue Beetle, Aquagirl