Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Terence, also known as TerrenceFat BirdBig Bird, or Big Red Bird, is a large red bird who is a member of the Flock. Introduced in 2010, he was the second character added the first game in the series through updates. The first was the Boomerang Bird, Hal. After his first appearance in the fourth episode, Terence became one of the main characters of the game, even officially becoming a member of Red's flock - even if he did not appear with them in Poached Eggs, Mighty Hoax, and Danger Above.


Main Character: RedLeonardChuck • BombJay, Jake, and JimMatilda Hal TerenceBubblesSilverStellaPoppyLucaDahliaMighty Eagle • Willow

Bird Island Residents: Judge PeckinpahCyrusMimeHatchlingsMonicaPhillipEarly BirdGreg BlueOlive BluePeggy BirdEdwardEvaTimothyEllaZoeShirley

Eagles: GlennCarlJerryBrad EaglebergerDebbie

Pigs: CourtneyGarryRossChef PigEarlForeman Pig

Other Villains: Green Pigs - Gale
