Heroes and Villains Wiki

The Teen Titans are the titular main protagonists of the 2003 animated television series of the same name. They are a team of five teenage superheroes that is led by Richard "Dick" Grayson/Robin and consists of Koriand'r/Starfire, Raven, Victor Stone/Cyborg, and Garfield Logan/Beast Boy.

Later on, the Teen Titans expanded beyond Jump City to a series of divisions for the team: Titans East, Titans North, Titans West, and Honorary Titans. They are the younger counterparts of the Titans which was a future version seen in the episode "How Long Is Forever?"



The Titans were all once misfits on their own;

The alien Princess of Tamaran, Starfire was the daughter of the King and Queen of Tamaran, Myand'r and Luand'r with the addition of her brother Wildfire, and sister Blackfire.  Starfire was sold into slavery by her older sister, Blackfire to the Gordanians so they would leave Tamaran alone. Doing so broke Starfire's parents' hearts, eventually, leading to their own demise. Starfire, however, was eventually able to escape her captors before they reached the Citadel. She made her way towards Earth.

Cyborg was born Victor Stone, to parents Elinore Stone and her husband, Silas. He was a promising athlete in his school. Unfortunately, Vic suffered an accident that ended his athletic career. Desperate to save their son, Silas and Elinore used STAR Labs technology to turn him into the superhero Cyborg. However, Vic hated what had happened to him, and was resentful of his parents, causing him to leave for Jump City.

Raven was the daughter of Arella and the inter-dimensional demon Trigon. She was born in the mystical realm of Azarath, a parallel world from Earth, and raised by her mother and the Monks of Azarath. Despite knowing her destiny to one day act as a portal for her father's conquest, Raven was still loved by the people of Azarath, whom she considered part of her true family. Eventually, she left her Homeworld and returned to Earth. Knowing she was destined to one day destroy the world, Raven sought to use her powers for good and started out in Jump City, California.

Garfield Logan became a metahuman upon his parents injecting him with a serum to counteract the rare disease he came into contact with after being bitten by a rare green monkey. After his parents died in a boating accident, Gar became a member of the Doom Patrol. However, he left because of his adoptive father, Mento's harsh treatment of him.  

Robin was a teenager known as Dick Grayson and the son of acrobats known as Mary and John Grayson. Together, the team was known as the Flying Graysons. He was mostly raised by Bruce Wayne and eventually trained to become his sidekick. However, he eventually left Batman to become his own hero in Jump City.

Upon their arrival to the cities, there was trouble happening downtown,. Robin noticed it while he was chasing down a criminal in the city, he noticed a spike of trouble going on downtown. He was not the only one attracted to the attention, as Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven turned to the scene to find Starfire setting off firebolts and scaring the civilians. During the small battle with Starfire, Robin freed the girl of her manacles but the alien princess preceded to kiss him to acquire knowledge of the English language. She flew off and warned them to stay away from her before running away to another part of town. However, the group decided to team up because they realized that the alien girl was confused and afraid of a new planet.

During the mission, the team learned that the Gordanians were the true threat. Raven and the rest of the superheroes grouped to protect Starfire and Jump City from the villains. In the aftermath of the battle, the future team went to an island, where they learned the girl's name was Starfire. She, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy were given a communicator by Robin in case they needed each other again. This eventually led to the team forming the Teen Titans, a group of young superheroes to protect Jump City from other threats, with the likes of Slade Wilson, Dr. Light, HIVE, and Trigon. Cyborg built Titans Tower on the island where they stood, and the team went to live there and set it up as their headquarters.

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]


Core Team[]

Titans East[]

Titans North[]

Titans South[]

Titans West[]

Honorary Titans[]

Temporary Titans[]

This team was a temporary division of Teen Titans when the other superheroes were frozen by the Brotherhood of Evil and led by Beast Boy.

Unofficial Titans[]

Other Titans[]

  • Captain Thug
  • Dead Pretty-Boy
  • Witchie-Poo
  • Prosthetic Lass

Alternate Versions[]

Team Titans[]

  • Nightrider
  • Battalion
  • Mirage (Killowat's Universe)
  • Killowat - Member of the Honorary Titans


Main article: Titans (Teen Titans)

This is the future Teen Titans as depicted in the episode How Long is Forever?

  • Nightwing
  • White Raven
  • Cyborg
  • Beast Boy


  • T-Car
  • T-Sub
  • T-Jet


  • Titans Tower, Jump City: The home of Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and, temporarily, Tara. This is where the core Team Members operate from.





Promotional Images[]





  • Until the arrival of terra, Starfire and Raven were the only female members to be girls. Incidentally both girls' arch-enemies are relatives (Raven's father and Starfire's sister) and both go by their birth names (Raven and Starfire's name translated from Koriand'r.) They weren't born on Earth and their powers are tied to their emotions,
  • Beast Boy Starfire and Raven are the only characters who can fly on their own. While Raven and Starfire fly naturally, Beast Boy can fly when he turns into a creature that can, such as a bat or a bird.
  • Beast Boy and Robin are also the only members of the Teen Titans to have past experience of being a superhero.
  • Cyborg is the only member of the Teen Titans who has both parents who are still alive. Raven still has her mother, and Beast Boy, Robin, and Starfire are orphaned.
  • Robin is the only one human and without powers.
  • Each of the Titans of the main cast are one of a kind: Robin is a human, Cyborg is a cyborg, Starfire is a Tamaranean, and Raven is a Cambion (half human and half demon)
  • Raven and Robin are the only members to have worn capes


Main Characters: RobinStarfireRavenCyborgBeast Boy

Heroes: JinxArgentRed StarTerraJerichoSpeedyBumblebeeAqualadMás y MenosHot SpotMentoElasti-GirlRobot ManNegative ManKid FlashThunder & LightningKoleGnarrkRed StarMelvinTimmy TantrumTeetherHeraldArgentPanthaWildebeestKillowatTramm

Villains: SladeTrigonBrotherhood of EvilMammothGizmoBlackfireRed XBrother BloodKotarouUehara DaizoLocrixMother Mae-EyeGeneral ImmortusMonsieur MallahThe BrainBilly NumerousDr. LightCinderblockMadame RougeControl FreakPuppet KingKiller MothMad ModMumbo JumboPlasmusOverloadKyd WykkydSee-MoreFangKittenAdonisJohnny RancidMalchiorMaster of GamesGlgrdsklechhhKardiakWhite MonsterAtlasRadiation CreatureProfessor ChangPunk RocketSotoSpace MonsterKatarouNya-NyaTrogaarDing Dong Daddy

Dick Grayson/NightwingStarfireRavenBlackfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Blue Beetle, Aquagirl

Robins: zDick Grayson/Robin I/Nightwing, Jason Todd/Robin II/Red Hood, Tim Drake/Robin III/Red Robin, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler/Robin IV/Batgirl III, Damian Wayne/Robin V

Alternate: Carrie Kelley/Robin III/Catgirl/Batgirl II/Batwoman, Duke Thomas/Robin/Lark/The Signal, Bruce Wayne Jr./Robin

Allies: StarfireRavenBeast BoyCyborgDonna TroyCassie Sandsmark • Batgirl (Barbara Gordon/BatgirlCassandra Cain/Orphan) • BatwomanHawkfireClark Kent/SupermanDiana of Themyscira/Wonder WomanMary GraysonJohn GraysonJack DrakeJanet DrakeRenee MontoyaDuke Thomas/SignalHarleen Quinzel/Harley QuinnDinah Drake/Black CanaryBirds of Prey

2003 Animated Series: RobinStarfireRavenBeast BoyCyborgTerraBatman

Titans: Dick Grayson/Robin I/NightwingJason Todd/Robin II/Red HoodTim Drake/Robin IIIBruce Wayne/BatmanBarbara Gordon/Batgirl/Commissioner GordonKoriand'r/Starfire/Kory AndersRachel Roth/RavenGar Logan/Beast BoyDonna Troy/Wonder Girl

DC Animated Movie Universe: Damian Wayne/Robin IIDick Grayson/Robin I/NightwingBruce Wayne/Batman, Kate Kane/BatwomanLuke Fox/BatwingRachel Roth/RavenKoriand'r/Starfire • Alfred Pennyworth • Batman Family • Teen Titans (Beast BoyCyborgSuperboyBlue Beetle) • Justice League

Comics: AnarkyBaneBatman (Frank Miller)Black MaskBlackfireBrunoBrutaleCaptain BoomerangCluemasterCondiment KingCopperheadCypherDavid CainDeathstrokeElectrocutionerFlamingoFlatlineGearheadGeneralGentleman GhostHatchetHellgrammiteJokerKGBeastKiller CrocKiller MothKing SnakeLady ShivaLeague of AssassinsLock-UpMad HatterMammoth • [[Maxie Zeus]] • Mister FreezeMister ZsaszNeronNew JokerNKVDemonPenguinRa's al GhulRancorRatcatcherRiddlerScarabShrikeSteeljacketTalia al GhulTony ZuccoToymanTricksterTwo-FaceVentriloquistWarpMara al Ghul

Batman & Robin: Poison IvyMr. FreezeBaneSnowy Cones ThugsGolumsJason Woodrue
Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha VanaverTalonOwls Lieutenant • & Talon Warriors) • Dollmaker

Teen Titans: TrigonSlade

Titans: Slade Wilson/DeathstrokeJonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Bludhaven, Gotham (Batcave, Wayne Enterprises, Wayne Manor
Gotham City Police Department (DC), Wayne Family, Wayne Enterprises, Teen Titans, Justice League, Court of Owls
Batman Suits, Robin Suits

Titans: Dick Grayson/Robin/NightwingKoriand'r/Kory Anders/StarfireRachel Roth/RavenGar Logan/Beast BoyJason Todd/Robin III/Red HoodDonna Troy / Wonder GirlConner/SuperboyKryptoTim Drake / Robin IIIGarth/AqualadJericho Wilson/JerichoRose Wilson / RavagerHank Hall/HawkDawn Granger/DoveKomand'r/Blackfire

Other Superheroes: Justice League (Bruce Wayne/Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman), Barbara Gordon, Doom Patrol (Dr. Niles Caulder/Chief, Rita Farr, Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Cliff Steele/Robot Man, Don Hall / Dove I), Roy Harper / Arsenal

Gotham City Police Department: Barbara GordonFletcher

The Organization: TrigonDr.  AdamsonNuclear FamilyAngela Azarath

Cadmus Laboratories: Lex LuthorMercy GravesWalter HawnEve Watson

Deathstroke and Associates: Slade WilsonWilliam WintergreenDoctor Light

Independent Villains: AcolyteKonstantine KovarShimmer, Gizmo, Valeska Nox, Red Hood's GangTrina Holmes

Nightwing Rogues Gallery: Lady Vic, Tony Zucco, Nick Zucco

Batman's Rogues Gallery: JokerScarecrowRiddlerPenguinMr. FreezeTwo-FaceRa's al GhulCatwoman

Other Characters: JillianFaddeiMyand'rLuand'rAmy RohrbachJack DrakeJanet Drake, Stephen ChenAlfred PennyworthJim GordonMarie GrangerHolly GrangerClayton WilliamsAdeline KaneMartha KentLionel LuthorLena LuthorMelissa Roth, Margarita Vee, Molly Jensen, Jessica Perez, Mary and John Grayson, Becky Bond, • Johnny GraysonMati MatisseDaniSantosCalebLeslie Thompkins, Myrrha, Lydia

Nightwing (DC) * WallY West/The Flash * Roy Harper/ArsenalStarfireRavenBeast BoyRed Hood (Jason Todd)BatmanRavager (Rose Wilson)Kon-El (Conner Kent)KryptoHawkDove (Dawn Granger)Tim Drake/Red RobinDonna Troy/Wonder GirlJohn GraysonMary GraysonJanet DrakeJack DrakeScarecrowDove (Don Hall)Deathstroke
Titans (Titansverse)Titans (DC)Teen Titans (DC) • Justice League • Teen Titans (2003)