Tammy and Tommy Turner are a pair of children from The Fairly OddParents and are the twin children of Timmy Turner from a potential future.
Tammy is a young girl with brown hair, violet eyes and wears glasses that look similar to Tootie's. However, she has a similar hairstyle to Trixie, who also has a headband and long hair shaped like hers.
Tommy looks nearly similar to his father when he was his age; however Tommy has black hair instead of brown, a trait he probably shares with his mother. However, his hat is differently shaped.
Earth: Dimmsdale (Turner Residence (Cosmo and Wanda's Castle and Fishbowl, Park, City Hall), Dimmsdale Flats, Dimmsdale Dump, Dimmsdale Elementary School, Dimmsdale High School)
Fairy World: Spellementary School Planets:Yugopotamia Dimensions: Acton Planet, Pixie Inc., Anti-Fairy World