Heroes and Villains Wiki

Tamaraneans are an alien species in the DC comics. They are a race of gold-orange skinned humanoid species from the planet Tamaran. It's prominent members included Starfire, Blackfire and Darkfire. They have appeared in many forms of media outside of the comics, including the Teen Titans series, Titans, and the DC Animated Movie Universe.


Tamaraneans are descended from a feline race and worship the goddess X'Hal. Their powers are based on their emotions, as Starfire needs to be happy to fuel her ability to fly and channel her anger to use her Starbolts. It should be noted that the group of Tamaraneans are a peace-loving race, which put them at odds with the citadel.

In toher universes, it is possible for Tamaraneans to mate with other races, most notable bring humans as this was the case for Nightstar from an alternate universe, who had a Tamaranean mother (Starfire) and a human father (Dick Grayson).

