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Superman (real name Kal-El, legally Clark Kent) is a supporting protagonist in the animated series Young Justice. Born on Krypton and raised on Earth by Martha and Jonathan Kent, Sr. Kal-El is legally known as Clark Kent



As Superman, Clark is a man who fights for Justice and the American way. However, upon learning Lex Luthor created a clone using their DNA, Clark initially refused to acknowledge Connor is his responsibility, or even as a relative. However, as time went on, Clark came to see Conner as more of a brother and became extremely close. Superman later became Superboy's mentor and helped him with a normal life by arranging for Martha and Jonathan to adopt him.

Powers and abilities[]


  • Kryptonian Physiology
    • Solar Radiation Absorption: When exposed to the light of yellow star, Superman possesses various superpowers, appearing almost god-like. However, under effects of red suns (Such as Rao), he is rendered normal but is still more resilient than humans.
    • Superhuman Strength: Superman possesses tremendous superhuman strength, allowing them to carry more than a million tons and create shockwaves with their strikes.
    • Superhuman Speed: Superman can run and fly at speeds faster than military aircraft. He can move, think and react fast enough to almost match speedsters such as the Flash, who can move faster than humans can even perceive. Superman generally uses his super speed while flying and even challenged his friend, Barry into a small race.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Clark's body is nearly invulnerable, with missiles, explosions and bullets being unable to so much as break their skin. He can also survive unharmed in environments of intense temperatures, exposure to harmful chemicals or even the vacuum of space. However, beings who are more powerful can break though their extremely advanced durability. However, even upon death, their cells are incapable of decay, making their bodies unable to decompose.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Under a yellow sun, Superman has vastly increased stamina, giving them the ability to perform superhuman feats for extended periods of time and rarely having to sleep.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Superman is capable of recovering from non-fatal wounds at an accelerated rate. This is further enhanced when under direct sunlight, whereby he will heal all non-fatal wounds instantaneously.
    • Super Vision: Clark possesses a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic, telescopic, infrared, and ultraviolet visual capabilities.
      • Telescopic Vision: Superman has the ability to focus their vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.
      • Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub-atomic level.
      • X-Ray Vision: Clark sees through almost anything, able to focus their vision past layers of matter, literally seeing "through" them. Because of this ability, he possesses a sight unparalleled by any other species, possibly perceiving x-rays, cosmic rays, or other forms of energy invisible on the spectrum of light which passes through Earth's atmosphere (and solid objects) after emission from stars. The only substance Superman cannot see through is lead.
      • Heat Vision: Superman has the ability to generate and project extremely high radiation or fiery beams of intense heat energy from the eyes. Visually, the power is typically depicted as two beams of fiery energy being shot from their eyes. These beams form can melt through solid metal and even destroy entire buildings with explosive force. However, prologued use of this power can lead to pain in their eyes though he can quickly recover.
    • Flight: Superman can manipulate the gravitational field within inches of their bodies such a degree that he flies at supersonic speeds in any direction. He can only use this ability, however, when on planets with weaker gravity settings compared to that of Krypton. Due to Krypton's immensely powerful gravity, Clark would not have been able to fly on their homeworld.
    • Immeasurable Agility
    • Reflexes
    • Nigh-Invulnerability
    • Immeasurable Accuracy
    • Superhuman Hearing: Due to their exposure to solar radiation, Superman has developed Incredible hearing, allowing them to hear extreme variances of sounds and frequencies, thus allowing them to pick up noises from across the globe. Superman has shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.
    • Super-Breath: Clark's capable of surviving without air far longer than humans, allowing them to hold their breath for lengthy periods of time without adverse effects.
      • Vacuum Adaptation: When Clark is out in space, he is able to breathe outside of Earth's atmosphere and resist the intense cold without freezing.
      • Freezing Breath: Clark has strong capability of generating frost and ice.


  • Kryptonite
    • Green Kryptonite: Weakens Superman and is enough to kill him.
    • Red Kryptonite: Removes all of Clark's inhibitions, slowly turning his rationality, good nature and turning him evil.
  • Anger: His heat vision activates whenever he is angry.


Conner Kent[]

Superman and Superbly young justice

Conner is a partial clone of Superman, with the other half of his DNA consisting of Led Luthor's. At first, Clark did not want anything to do with him, refusing to acknowledge him as a son or even a brother. However, over time, Clark realized his attitude towards Conner was petty and uncalled for. Instead, they built a brotherhood with each other, eventually becoming brothers. It later became official when Martha Kent and Jonathan Kent adopted him.



TV Series: Dick Grayson/Robin/NightwingKaldur'ahm / Aquaman II / AqualadWally West / Kid FlashKon-El/Conner Kent/SuperboyMegan Morse / M'gann M'orzz / Miss MartianArtemis Crock/TigressZatanna ZataraWill Harper / Roy Harper / Red Arrow / SpeedyRaquel Ervin / RocketTula / AquagirlBarbara Gordon / Batgirl / OracleKaren Beecher / BumblebeeMal Duncan/GuardianLa'gaan / Lagoon BoyRoy Harper / Arsenal / SpeedyGarth (Tempest)Donna Troy / TroiaCissie King-Jones / ArrowetteCassandra Wu-San / OrphanThirteen / Traci ThurstonStephanie Brown / SpoilerMist / Andie MurphyHalo / Gabrielle Daou / Violet Harper

Comics: Red Robin (Tim Drake)Amaya/AmethystBart Allen/ImpulseJinny HexNaomi McDuffieConner Kent/SuperboyKeli Quintela/Teen LanternCassie Sandsmark/Wonder GirlArrowette • Aqualad • Gleek • Miguel Montez • Derek James/Sideways • • Stephanie Brown/Spoiler • Summer Pickens • Wonder Twins (Zan and Jayna)Conner Kent/ Superboy

Series: Ra's al GhulDeathstrokeLex LuthorLady Shiva
Comics: Acolyte • Agenda • Amazo • Angle Man • A.P.E.S. • Baron • Bedlam • Black Spider • Black Thorn • Blockbuster • Body Doubles • Bolt • Brain • Brotherhood of Evil • Bug • Byte • Coldsnap • Dante • Darkseid • Deadline • Demons • D.E.O. • Devastation • Doctor Double X • Dolmen • Fear • Female Furies • Firebug • Fisherman • Forgotten Villains • Granny Goodness • Harm • Hazard • Heatstroke • Huntress • Kite-Man • Klarion • Lady Vic • Lady Zand • Loathing • Lobo • Match • Meat Cleaver • Merlyn • Mighty Endowed • Mister Mxyzptlk • Monsieur Mallah • Overthrow • Parademons • Point Men • Plasmus • Rip Roar • SirenTigress • Tora • Trickster • Turk • Ultivac • Windfall
Supporting Characters
Series: Batman (Young Justice)Barbara Gordon • The "Outsiders" (Garfield Logan (Beast Boy)Jaime Reyes / Blue BeetleBrion Markov / Geo-ForceTara Markov/TerraBart Allen / Kid Flash / ImpulseVirgil Hawkins / StaticCassie Sandsmark / Wonder GirlLooker / Lia BriggsStargirl / Courtney WhitmoreFred Bugg / ForagerVictor Stone / CyborgEduardo "Ed" Dorado Jr. / El DoradoLivewire / Leslie WillisTim Drake/Robin/Red RobinWendy Jones / Windfall) • Mary Bromfield / Sgt. MarvelKhalid Nassour/Doctor Fate