Heroes and Villains Wiki
The relationship of Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman from Superman & Lois.


Jonathan Kent (Adoptive Father)[]

Martha Kent (Adoptive Mother)[]

Lois Lane (Wife)[]

Clois - Superman & Lois

Clark and Lois first met around in the early 2000s at the Daily Planet when he got a job there. He was somewhat awkward around her when they first met, and was taken in by her, which left Lois somewhat interested in him. She was further impressed when Clark showed an interest in her overshadowed stories and began helping her with catching the serial arsonist behind most of the attacks. As Clark helped Lois work on her stories, they developed romantic feelings for each other and began a relationship. However, as Superman, Lois was never afraid to show her frustration on everybody kept on reporting about him, showing her indifference to the hero. However, this changed when Superman saved her life from a serial arsonist, Henry Miller, she had been hunting. Lois was The one to give Superman his name and finally admitted to her best friend she loved Clark Kent.

After Clark introduced Lois as his then girlfriend to Martha, he revealed that he was Superman and where he was originally from. According to her, the news was shocking but Lois learned to accept it. However, at one point in their relationship Clark almost lost Lois when he used his super hearing to spy on her. Angered, Lois broke up with him; however, Clark sent flowers to her for two weeks so she decided to get back in touch with him and rekindle the relationship since she was still in love. Clark later proposed to Lois in the Fortress of solitude, which Lois accepted and they married in Clark's hometown Smallville, Kansas in front of their friends and family.

In 2005, Lois and Clark discovered they were going to have twin sons who they named Jonathan and Jordan after both Clark's biological and adoptive fathers. At some point, Lois became pregnant a second time, with their daughter; however, are lost the baby, something that caused them both heartbreak.

Jordan Kent (Son)[]

Clark & Jordan Kent

In 2006, Clark and Lois were blessed with twin sons, despite Lois' wish to have a daughter. The couple found it difficult raising two children who were half-Kryptonian and feared one of their children would develop power similar to Clark one day. However, Clark's tests in the fortress of Solitude failed.

Because of Jordan's more reclusive personality and his mental health issues, Clark had a difficult time getting his son to open up to him, despite his best efforts to reconnect. Because of Jordan's anxiety personality disorder, Clark chose not to reveal his and his sons' true heritage because he didn't want Jordan to feel more uncomfortable than he already was. The bond between Clark and Jordan grew closer when the family moved to Smallville. While his son was angry at Clark for keeping his identity is Superman a secret, Jordan put that aside when he had a better understanding of his father's reasoning. After his son developed powers, Clark promised to Jordan he would help figure out Jordan with his powers.

Jon Kent (Son)[]

Clark encourages Jon

In 2006, Clark and Lois were blessed with twin sons, despite Lois' wish to have a daughter. Naming Jonathan after his late adoptive father, Clark found raising two boys to be difficult, especially because they were half-Kryptonian. He and Lois both feared that they had latent Kryptonian abilities; however, the tests Clark ran at the Fortress with Jonathan and Jordan failed. Because of this, they never told Jonathan or Jordan of their Kryptonian heritage or that he was Superman in order to protect them. As Jonathan and Jordan grew up, Clark found raising his eldest son to be easy, and always encouraged him to try out for the football team.

After discovering that Jonathan had secretly been using X-K inhalers, Clark was furious and could not imagine why his son did something like this. This ultimately lost Clark’s trust in his son and tension between them. However, during Clark’s time in the Inverse World, he saw the damage of his counterpart’s relationship with his Jon-El. It caused Clark to see he was being too hard on his son and repaired his broken relationship with Jonathan. When Clark was injured by Ally Allston and rendered powerless, Jonathan worried about his father and was relieved when he returned home.

By Season 3, Clark realized how harsh he was being with Jonathan and throughout the season, helped his son explore his Kryptonian heritage. After learning that Candice's father, Emmett punched Jonathan, Clark angrily confronted Emmett at the dinner and returned to favor, hitting him back for threatening his wife and son.

Sam Lane (Father-in-law)[]

Sam Lane and Clark Kent

Clark met Sam as soon as he was dating Lois Lane and eventually, told his girlfriend's father he was Superman. Because of this change, unlike their Earth-Prime counterparts, Clark and Sam appear to have a better relationship with a few complications once in a while. Because of this, the two would work together on worldly affairs or worldly threats. However, Sam was somewhat wary of Clark and created synthetic green kryptonite weapons in case Superman went rogue and kept this fact from his family.

Despite their professional relationship, it grew more personal when Clark married Lois and became Sam's son-in-law. Despite his disappointment in their marriage, Sam chose to support it for his daughter's sake. However, he warned her that while she was in love with Clark Kent, she married Superman. When Jordan and Jon were both born, Sam agreed with Clark's decision to not tell Jon and Jordan of their true nature until they were older. However, Sam was furious with Clark when he moved back to Smallville and had told the boys about their Kryptonian heritage.

After realizing the dangers of having an armory of green Kryptonite weapons and the repercussions or was having on his relationships with his daughter, son-in-law and grandson, Sam chose to abandon Project 4377. However, Clark told Sam to keep the Kryptonite weapons in case Clark ever turned rogue like his earth-Tud25 counterpart

Tal-Rho (Half-Brother)[]

Superman & TalRho

Clark imprisoned with Tal-Rho.

Tal-Rho and Clark both have a rather complex relationship.

In "Loyal Subjekts", Superman comes face to face with Edge who reveals to Kal-El they are half-brothers and that there mother is Lara Lor-Van in "Mother, Where Art Thou?" Superman refuses to join his brother's cause. Angered and rejected, Tal-Rho stopped seeing Kal as a brother and just another enemy, and began hurting those Clark loved. He threatened Kal-El's family until Superman gave himself up. After John and Kal defeated Tal, he reveals how he just wanted to have a family and Clark states he could have had that with him.  After Tal's arrest, Clark reveals his true origins to Chrissy Beppo in an interview for the Smallville Gazette.  ("Last Sons of Krypton")

After Clark began receiving visions of another life, he was forced to go to Tal for his help and was tricked into releasing him. At Tal-Rho's fortress, the Kryptonian attacks both Clark and Jordan after pretending to have lost his powers until Clark stops him.

The brothers bond over the course of the second season

Jor-El (Biological Father)[]

Clark and Jor-El's AI

In order to save his son, Jor-El and Lara sent Clark to live on Earth when Krypton exploded. Before he left, Jor-El planted his consciousness crystal in Clark's ship. However, his wife's consciousness was stolen by Zeta-Rho, leaving Jor-El alone. When Clark turned eighteen, he ventured to the Arctic where he found the Fortress of Solitude, and met the A.I. of his father. Jor-El informed Clark of his heritage as "Kal-El", the last son of Krypton, and the only survivor of their race. He helped teach Clark about his heritage and how to control his powers and abilities. Through Jor's AI, he learned everything he could about Krypton and his people before going back home. On occasion, Clark would come to the Fortress and ask for his father's advice, even when it involved his own sons. When Clark became a father himself, he and Lois named their youngest son, Jordan, after Clark's biological father

After Clark's son, Jordan, began developing similar powers and Jor-El, regrettably, informed his son that Jordan would never be like Superman. On two more occasions, Clark came to Jor-El about his son's new super hearing and how he had been infected with Kryptonite that Clark had been exposed to. In the tenth episode, after Clark discovered Morgan Edge was his half-brother, Tal-Rho and the eradicator, he angrily confronted Jor-El about and it only got worse when Jor-El thought that the information regarding his brother and the eradicator was not necessary. This would have been the last conversation Clark and his dad's AI would speak to each other as Tal-Rho, enraged at his brother's rejection of him, would destroy Jonathan's AI in order to emotionally destroy Clark.

Afterwards, Kal buried the remains of his father's AI in the backyard, with his sons and wife in attendance, showing how much Jor-El's influence was over Clark.

Lara Lor-Van (Biological Mother)[]

Clark and Lara (posing in Lana)

Lara (possessing Lana) shares a moment with Kal-El.

Lara Lor-Van was Clark Kent's biological mother. When he was born, Lara loved her son more than anything, completely unaware of his brother's existence until Krypton's destruction. To save Kal-El, Lara, and Jor-el sent their infant son in his pod and sent him away to save him. After discovering his true identity as Kal-El, Clark developed a respect for his late biological mother. However, he also wondered why he only had Jor-El's AI and not Lara's. When Tal-Rho revealed his true relationship as Clark's maternal half-brother, he attempted to appeal to him with Kal's desire to see her.

Clark and his mother's hologram

After his father's crystal was destroyed, Clark would consult his mother's hologram.

Because of the destruction of Jor-El's AI, Clark was lost until Tal-Rho took him and Jordan to the fortress that had their mother's AI to guide them instead. When she first met them, this version of Lara was happy to see her son, but had no memory of him when she inhabited Lana's body because this was created before Krypton's destruction. She helped him when he was receiving visions at which point, he thought was because of the Eradicator. However, it was courtesy of his counterpart and helped him interrogate Bizarro Superman from the Inverse world.

When it became apparent that both of her sons were finally working together, Lara was smiling in the background, proud to see Tal and Kal working together.

Lucy Lane (Sister-in-law)[]

205Lucy reuniting wClark

To be added.


John Henry Irons[]

Superman and Steel teamup

When he first came to Clark's Earth, John Henry's hatred for Superman stemmed from the fact that Clark's doppelganger killed his wife and destroyed his universe. In fear of this new world ending up like his, John Henry determined Superman as a threat and attempted to kill him with Kryptonite several times. One of the failed attempts was even thwarted by Superman's sons, Jonathan and Jordan, as he had been weakened by the red solar energy. However, as Clark Kent, John Henry determined him not to be a threat, especially when he went into his van. Clark, meanwhile, was wary of the man in the steel suit, and grew more suspicious of him when Clark was led to believe he was Lex Luthor from another Earth because of John's AI addressing him as such during his time in John's RV. After John Henry was taken into custody, Superman refused to let him speak to Lois Lane; however, after Clark was assaulted with synthetic green kryptonite by one of Sam Lane's men, John Henry killed Clark's attempted killer so he could do it himself; However, he changed his mind when Lois convinced him not to kill Superman and appealed to him about his daughter, Natalie.

Despite this encounter, Superman and John Henry reached an impasse; but this did not mean the latter trusted him. During the final moments of Season 1, Superman was forcibly placed under the influence of General Zod's consciousness by his half-brother, Tal. While John Henry was going to initially kill him, he changed his mind after speaking with Lois when she revealed Superman was her husband, and her son, Jonathan Kent. Instead, John Henry reminded Clark of his humanity and helped his former enemy overcome Zod's influence. Together, the former enemies joined together to defeat both Tal and Leslie Larr and successfully saved the Earth from Kryptonian influence.

By season 2, Clark has considered John Henry to be a friend. When Bizarro gravely wounded him, Clark felt responsible and one of his motivations to bring Bizarro Superman to justice. When Clark trusted his brother to help him destroy Ally Allston's pendant, John Henry pointed out to Clark that they could not tell him. After Clark's disappearance into the Inverse Society, John Henry took over his duties as protector of the Earth while Clark was absent.

Lana Lang[]

Clark and Lana

Lana and Clark growing closer now that she knows his secret.

When he was attending school, Clark befriended Lana Lang, who became one of his best friends. When they were teenagers, Lana and Clark began a romantic relationship. One day, when they were attending a rock concert, Clark, Lana and their friend, Pete, got into a car accident. Using his powers, Clark saved both of his friends. Eventually, the two broke up; during this time, Clark went to the Fortress of Solitude and learned his heritage as the Kryptonian Kal-El. When Clark returned, Lana had already begun a romantic relationship with Kyle. Despite this, Lana and Clark remained friends to the present day. When they went to Smallville, Lana's and Clark's families used to meet each other and Clark eventually introduced Lana to his wife, Lois Lane, who Lana also befriended.

After Clark's mother, Martha, passed away, Lana came to her funeral reception and offered Clark her condolences. She was also happy when Clark and Lois decided to keep the farm. Moving to Smallville also allowed Clark and Lana to reconnect with each other and they occasionally went to each other for advice.

When Lana discovered her husband had been cheating on her, Clark helped her get through this. During his time in the Inverse World, Clark had been absent during her election as mayor of Smallville. In the final episodes of season 2, Clark finally told Lana he was Superman. For a while, Lana was hurt and angered that her best friend had been lying to her for years. However, they later reconciled when a weakened Clark, as Superman, came to reveal to Smallville that Ally Allston is trying to merge both their worlds and the Inverse World together.

John Diggle & Oliver[]

Come on, he's Superman. I've fought beside him. He's the best we have. Oliver would've said that. Hell, they all would have
―John Diggle to Sam Lane and John Henry Irons

At an unknown point, Clark, as Superman, met and worked alongside John Diggle and Oliver Queen of Earth-TUD25.

Both Oliver and Diggle grew to respect Clark, up to the point where Oliver and John would both believe him to be the "best (they) have." It is also possible that Oliver and Clark had a similar relationship to the Smallville versions of the character.

Natalie Lane Irons[]

Nat's and Clark's initial relationship

On her Earth, Natalie once idolized her version of Superman prior tp his heel face turn on humanity. Seeing her world's Superman killed her own mother made Natalie feel devastated. When she first came to Earth-TUD25, she was alarmed to find her mother's doppelganger was married to Kal-El and they had a pair of twins on their own. While Natalie blamed Clark for her father's injuries he sustained from their fight with Bizarro, she also seemed to have hatred for this new world's Superman. However, deep down, Natalie felt uncomfortable living in a house with another version of Clark because he was a constant reminder of the man who killed her mother. However, Clark wanted to have a relationship with Natalie, so he gave her and her father their own place to live. After moving into the new house, Natalie loved the place Clark gave her and John to live in. Because of this, Clark and Natalie's relationship improved significantly. Instead of seeing this world's Superman as her mother's murderer, Natalie began to see Earth- TUD22 Kal-El and Earth-TUD25 Clark as two separate individuals. 

Natalie tries to revive Superman

Natalie performs CPR on Clark, bringing him back to life.

By the end of the second season, Natalie was by both her father and Superman, and she developed a suit of her own so she could fight alongside Clark and John Henry.  By this point, Natalie had become a trusted ally for Clark, and she proved this by performing CPR on Superman when he was drained of his powers by Ally Allston absorbing them. Because Natalie is regarded as a sister to both Jonathan and Jordan, Clark has presumably come to see her as family as well.


Kyle Cushing[]

Kyle Cushing and Clark Kent

Clark and Kyle both went to high school together and were rivals due to their shared feelings for Lana Lang. Because of Lana and Clark's romance, Kyle does not like Clark and disapproves of the pictures Lana posted of herself and Clark on her Facebook page. During Martha Kent's funeral, Kyle paid his respects to Clark and his family. When the two parents went into the house, Kyle and Lois had a tense conversation about Morgan Edge's plans for Smallville.

Clark also disapproved of Kyle cheating on Lana, and even comforted Lana when she when through the divorce. At the end of Season 3, Kyle was the last to figure out that Clark and Superman were one and the same.

Lara LorVanand Clark interrogatingKalel

Bizarro Superman[]

Tag Harris[]

Clark with Tag Harris

To be added.


Lex Luthor[]

At some unknown point, Superman would expose Lex Luthor's criminal activities and one day, defeat him with help from Lois. However, Luthor eventually escaped from prison and began plotting revenge against Superman.


Mitch Anderson[]

Superman's antagonistic relationship with Mitch Anderson

To be added.
