The Strength Force is a major location/antagonist in the CW's The Flash. The Strength Force is one of three other forces that was unleashed during the rebirth of the Speed Force, endowing its users with superhuman strength.
- Enhanced physical capabilities: Strength Force users have extremely heightened physical prowess, easily able to over power some of the most destructive forces in the universe.
- Superhuman strength: Strength Force users are much stronger than normal humans and most other meta-humans.
- Superhuman durability: Strength Forces users are far more durable than normal humans and most other meta-humans; they can even tank an explosion of antimatter bomb, powerful enough to decimate a city, head on at point blank range and not suffer so much as a scratch or light bruise.
- Superhuman agility: Strength Force users are far more agile than normal humans and most other meta-human.
- Superhuman jumping/Leaping: Strength Force users able to jump much higher and leap much further than normal humans and most other meta-humans.
- Superhuman stamina: Strength Force users possesses far more stamina than normal humans and most other meta-human, allowing them to remain physically active for long periods of time; without the need to rest.
- Energy absorption: Strength Force users can absorb several different types of energy, as Fuerza was able to absorb the antimatter energy blast from Abra Kadabra's bomb and the lightning thrown at her by the Flash.