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Stegosaurus is an extinct genus of stegosaurid dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period.

Real life[]

Stegosaurus is one of the famous for having plates on its back and four spikes at the end of its tail. The brain of Stegosaurus was about the size of a walnut despite its 3 tons body.



  • A sketch of a Stegosaurus (based on a drawing by Ray Lydekker) forms an important plot point in the opening chapters of The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle.
  • In Tarzan at the Earth's Core, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jason Gridley encounters a Stegosaurus in Pellucidar, the world within the Earth. The animal jumps from a height and uses its plates as a gliding mechanism to chase and attack him; the real animal likely could not perform such an act.
  • Evelyn Sibley Lampman's The Shy Stegosaurus of Cricket Creek is a children's book about twins who find a talking Stegosaurus on their ranch in Oregon. She also wrote a sequel, The Shy Stegosaurus of Indian Springs.
  • The main hero and protagonist of Steve Cole's Astrosaurs series is an anthropomorphic Stegosaurus named Captain Teggs.
  • In Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park, the main characters come across a sick Stegosaurus at the south of Isla Nublar. It would later be replaced by a Triceratops in the movie adaptation.


  • The Stegosaurus appears in the 1925 adaptation of The Lost World. (written by Arthur Conan Doyle)
  • The Stegosaurus appears in the 1933 version of King Kong.
  • The dinosaur appears in Journey to the Beginning of Time.
  • In the Jurassic Park film series, the film centers around a proposed theme park, where dinosaurs have been brought back to life.
    • They appear in the original Jurassic Park trilogy and its novelizations, with Jurassic Park being the only film that they do not appear in.
      • In The Lost World: Jurassic Park, a herd of Stegosaurus were walking through the forest as Ian, Nick, and Eddie watches them.
      • They later appear in the third and final film, Jurassic World III.
    • Stegosaurus also appear in the sequel trilogy, Jurassic World.
  • Spike in Land Before Time was a Stegosaurus.


  • Stegosaurus appeared in Primeval and Doctor Who.
  • Transformers



  • The Stegosaurus was featured on the following rides based around the Jurassic Park franchise: Jurassic Park: The Ride, Jurassic Park: River Adventure, The Jurassic World: The Ride.




AlbertosaurusAllosaurusAnkylosaurusApatosaurusBaryonyxBrachiosaurusCarnotaurusCeratosaurusCoelophysisCompsognathusCorythosaurusDilophosaurusDimetrodonDimorphodonGallimimusGiganotosaurusIguanodonKentrosaurusMaiasauraMonolophosaurusMosasaurusNanuqsaurusOphthalmosaurusOuranosaurusPachycephalosaurusPachyrhinosaurusParasaurolophusPteranodonQuetzalcoatlusRhamphorhynchusSpinosaurusStegosaurusSuchomimusStyracosaurusThescelosaurusTherizinosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus rexUtahraptorVelociraptor, Pterosaur
