Stefanie is a popular student that attends Logan High School. Kaz had a crush on her, but Stefanie didn't return the feelings. She is, however, friends with Skylar Storm as Connie Valentine.
- She has a brother that loves Skylar Storm and makes costumes for cats.
- Like most teenagers her age, she says "like" a lot.
- In Mighty Mad, the Stefanie that Kaz and Skylar knew was actually the villain Dr. Wrath; and the real Stefanie was locked in their school's janitor's closet without her memory.
- Stefanie and Jordan are the only two characters who have not been in an episode together, but then appear in It's a Matter of Principal, but they still haven't interacted yet.
- Stefanie figured out that Connie Valentine doesn't exist, but bought Skylar's cover story.
- Stefanie is similar to a girl also named Stephanie on Lab Rats, who is also popular, a blonde girl, and isn't that bright either. However, that Stephanie has "P-H" in her name while the Stefanie from Mighty Med has an "F" in their name. Additionally, both Stephanie and Stefanie are mean to one of the main characters (Gus and Bree Davenport).