Heroes and Villains Wiki

This article is about the character from the CW/HBO series Stargirl. For her comics counterpart, see Stargirl (DC).

Courtney Elizabeth Whitmore, is a character in the Arrowverse Multiverse. She is the titular main protagonist of the DC Universe and CW series, Stargirl and a minor character in Season 4 of Titans.

She moves to Blue Valley with her mother and newfound step-brother and step-father. Courtney reignited the Justice Society in the modern age, succeeding the hero Starman, by wielding his Cosmic staff as the Vigilante Stargirl. However, when Courtney grew older, by 2030, she became known as Starwoman.



Physical appearance[]

By the start of the series Courtney is a 16-year-old girl. She has a lean figure and tall build with curly dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin.




  • Justice Society of America – Teammates and Friends
    • Yolanda Montez/Wildcat - Best Friend and Surrogate Sister
    • Beth Chapel/Dr. Mid-Nite - Close Friend
    • Rick Tyler/Hourman - Close Friend
    • Cindy Burman/Dragon Queen - Friend and Former Attempted Killer
    • Artemis Crock/Artemis - Friend and Former Attempted Killer
    • Jakeem Williams/Jakeem Thunder
      • Thunderbolt
    • Jennie-Lynn Hayden/Jade - Former Rival and Friend
    • Todd Rice/Obsidian
    • Cameron Mahkent/Icicle - Love Interest and Ex-Boyfriend
    • Solomon Grundy - Former Enemy
    • Sandy Hawkins/Sand
    • Grant/Emerson/Damage
  • Charles McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite – Savior and Friend
  • Richard Swift/The Shade – Former Enemy and Friend
  • Mary Kramer – Best Friend
  • Larry Crock/Sportsmaster † - Former Enemy and Neighbor
  • Paula Brooks/Tigress † - Neighbor and Former Attempted Killer
  • Sylvester Pemberton/Starman - Successor and Rescuee
  • Jay Garrick/The Flash
  • Helix Institute for Youth Rehabilitation
    • Robert Todd/Mister Bones
    • Louise Love/Nurse Love
  • Steven Sharpe/The Gmbler - Former Enemy
  • Blue Valley High School
    • Joey Zarick † - Friend
    • Henry King Jr./Brainwave Jr. † - Former Enemy and Friend
  • Bridget Chapel
  • James Chapel


Other Family[]

Courtney is the daughter of Barbara Whitmore and Sam Kurtis. She is close to her mom due to Barbara being a single working mother. However, she is estranged from Sam and is heartbroken when he just comes back in her life just to take back the locket he gave her. After a while, Courtney has accepted her stepfather Pat as her true father, especially when he goes to beat up Sam after learning about the man's visit.

After sustaining an injury and Mike learning about her powers as Stargirl, the two stop being rivals and accept each other as siblings. Throughout most of the show, instead of referring to each other as step siblings, Mike call Courtney his sister and she calls him her brother, Not letting technicalities signify the relationship

Powers and abilities[]


While Courtney doesn't have any powers herself, she is able to generate abilities through the Cosmic Staff, which only she can wield. The staff chose her as its new wielder, making her worthy of its power. She becomes a conduit for the cosmic energy within the staff, forming a bond that is so strong, her very belief fuels it and becomes entwined with its power.

  • Abilities via Cosmic Staff:
    • Stellarkinesis:
      • Photokinesis:
      • Darkness Negation:
    • Flight:
    • The Shooting Star:


  • Peak Human Conditioning:
  • Master Acrobat:
  • Expert Martial Artist:
    • Expert Staff Fighter:
  • Sewing:


  • Stargirl Suit:
  • Cosmic Staff:


Justice Society (New Age): Courtney Whitmore/Stargirl (The Cosmic Staff/"Cosmo"), Pat Dugan/S.T.R.I.P.E., Yolanda Montez/Wildcat II, Beth Chapel/Dr. Mid-Nite II, Cindy Burman/Shiv, Artemis Crock, Rick Tyler/Hourman II, James and Bridget Chapel
Justice Society (Golden Age): Sylvester Pemberton/Starman, Ted Grant/Wildcat, Rex Tyler/Hourman, Charles McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite, Jay Garrick/The Flash, Alan Scott/Green Lantern, Johnny Thunder, Thunderbolt, Kent Nelson/Doctor Fate
The Young All-Stars: Mike Dugan, Jakeem Williams/Jakeem Thunder
The Seven Soldiers of Victory: Sir Justin/Shining Knight
Others: Merri Pemberton/Merri, Girl of 1,000 Gimmicks, Ted Knight, Jennie-Lynn Hayden, Barbara "Barb" Whitmore, Zeek
Injustice Society of America: Jordan Mahkent/Icicle, Henry King, Sr./Brainwave, William Zarick/The Wizard, Steven Sharpe/The Gambler, Larry Crock/Sportsmaster, Paula Brooks/Tigress, Dr. Shiro Ito/Dragon King, Solomon Grundy, Anaya Bowin/The Fiddler II, Richard Swift/The Shade, The Fiddler
Injustice Unlimited: Isaac Bowin
'Others: Sofus and Lily Mahkent, Eclipso, Ultra Humanite
Blue Valley High School: Henry King, Jr., Cameron Mahkent, Joey Zarick, Jenny Williams, Travis Thomas, Brian Tanner Balloid, Paul Deisinger, Miss Woods
The Helix Institute: Mister Bones, Louise Love
Others: Mary Kramer, Bobbie Burman, Sam Kurtis, Juan and Maria Montez, Alex Montez, Matt Harris, Maria Carmen Saravia, Bruce Gordon, Todd Rice, Suzanne Ito

Main Cast

Main Heroes: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowBarry Allen/The Flash (Earth-1/Earth-PrimeEarth-90) • Sara LanceKara Danvers/SupergirlJefferson Pierce/Black LightningKate Kane/BatwomanRyan Wilder/BatwomanClark Kent/Superman (Earth-38Superman & Lois) • Ray Terrill • Lois Lane (Earth-38Earth-TUD25Earth-TUD22) • Mick RoryLeonard SnartRip Hunter

Main Villains: Malcolm MerlynRa's al GhulDamien DarhkAdrian Chase/PrometheusRicardo Diaz/The DragonEmiko Adachi Queen/Green Arrow IIIEobard ThawneZoomSavitarThe ThinkerOrlin Dwyer/CicadaGrace Gibbons/Cicada II • Bloodwork • Eva McCullochGodspeedDeathstormNonAstra In-ZeRheaLillian LuthorSelenaReign • Lex Luthor (Earth-38/Earth-PrimeEarth-TUD25) • Agent LibertyNyxlygsptlnzMallusNeronLachesisBishopEvil GideonTobias WhaleGravediggerBeth Kane/AliceSafiyah SohailBlack MaskMarquis Jet • the Red DeathCobalt Blue, Gamemanae
John DiggleFelicity SmoakThea QueenLaurel Lance (Earth-1)Quentin LanceMoira QueenEmiko AdachiNyssa al GhulLyla MichaelsCurtis HoltRene Ramirez Dinah DrakeLaurel Lance (Earth-2)Roy HarperRay PalmerSlade WilsonHelena BertinelliMia QueenConnor HawkeWilliam ClaytonZoe RamirezMonitorRuvé AdamsLincoln Machin/Anarky • Anatoly Knyazev • Nora DarhkTalia al GhulEvelyn SharpLeague of AssassinsRicardo Diaz
The Flash
David SinghIris West-AllenCisco RamonCaitlin SnowJoe WestWally WestMartin SteinJesse Chambers WellsHarry WellsJay Garrick/The FlashH.R WellsRalph DibnyNora West-AllenBart AllenHarrison Sherloque WellsLeo SnartKamilla HwangAllegra GarciaChester P. RunkNash WellsMarlize DeVoeKiller Frost • Nature Forces (Speed Force Nora • Deon Owens • Alexa Rivera) • Meena Dhawan • Mark Blaine/ChillblainePied PiperKeith/GoldfaceJack Birch/The Hotness • Ryan Wilder/Red Death • the Rogues (Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang IIAndrea Wozzock/FiddlerMichelle Amar/Murmur II) • The Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • Negative Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • August Heart/Godspeed • Kristen Kramer • David Singh
Alex DanversJames OlsenWinn SchottCat GrantJ'onn J'onnzLena LuthorMaggie SawyerMon-ElM'gann M'orzzQuerl DoxNia NalKelly Olsen, Laura Haley, Samantha Arias, Imra Ardeen, Legion of Super-Heroes, Lar Gand, Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman, Rama Khan, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane, Indigo, Siobhan Smythe / Silver Banshee, Rhea, Olivia Marsdin, Orlando Davis, Esme, Mitch, Rama Khan, Gamemnae, Alura Zor-El, Astra, Non, Zor-El, Manchester Black
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Ray PalmerJefferson JacksonMartin SteinWally WestJohn ConstantineAva SharpeGary GreenNate HeywoodZari Tomaz/Zari TaraziDamien DarhkNora DarhkAmaya JiweGideonCharlieEsperanza CruzBehrad TaraziVandal Savage
Black Lightning
Jennifer PierceAnissa PierceLynn StewartPeter GambiBill HendersonKhalil Payne/PainkillerGrace ChoiJeremiah HoltKhalil PayneBrandon MarshallTCGardner GrayleErica MoranHassan Shakur
Luke FoxMary HamiltonJacob KaneSophie MooreJulia Pennyworth, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane / AliceRenee MontoyaJada JetCatherine Hamilton-Kane, Vesper Fairchild, Cora Lewis,
Superman & Lois
Jordan Kent/SuperboyJonathan Kent IISam LaneLana LangKyle CushingSarah CushingChrissy BeppoJohn Henry Irons/SteelNatalie Irons/Steel, Mitchell Anderson, Bruno Mannheim, Lana-Rho, Inverse Society, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro/Doomsday, Peia Mannheim

Digger Harkness • Rainbow Raider • Laura Washington/CyberwomanAgent SmithDominatorsSusan BraydenOliver Queen/Dark ArrowKara/OvergirlTommy Merlyn/Prometheus XLeo SnartWinn Schott (Earth-X)John DeeganMar Novu/Monitor • Mobius/Anti-Monitor • Shadow Demons • DesperoRyan Choi, Siobhan Smythe/Silver Banshee, Lucy Lane, Leslie Willis/Livewire
Earth-X: John Trujillo/Black Condor • Jenny Knight/Phantom Lady • Red Tornado, Siren X

Alternate Earths

Stargirl: (Earth-2: New Multiverse) Courtney Whitmore/StargirlPat Dugan/S.T.R.I.P.E.Beth Chapel/Doctor Mid-NiteYolanda Montez/WildcatRick Tyler/Hourman
Other Earths: Julio Mendez (Earth-90)Tina McGee (Earth-90)Clark Kent (Earth-167)Lois Lane (Earth-167)Superman (Earth-96)Barry Allen (DCEU)Helena KyleLucifer MorningstarRavenCourtney WhitmoreJason ToddHank Hall/Hawk

Government Agencies: A.R.G.U.S.D.E.O.ASIS

Criminal Fractions: League of Assassins • Bertinelli Crime Family • Legion of DoomProject Cadmus • Supermen of America

Vigilante Teams: Team FlashTeam ArrowBat TeamBlack Lightning's TeamJustice LeagueJustice Society of AmericaCanariesSuperfriendsSuperman FamilyLegion of Super-Heroes

Businesses: Big Belly BurgerCC JittersCatCo Worldwide MediaDaily PlanetLuthor Corps

Earths: Earth-38Earth-9Earth-1Earth-XEarth-2Other Earth's

Locations: KryptonLian Yu

Cities: Argo CityCentral CityNational CityStar CityCoast CityIvy TownGotham City MetropolisMidvaleFreelandSmallville

Cosmic Forces: Speed ForceStill ForceStrength ForceSage Force
Negative Forces: Negative Speed ForceNegative Still ForceNegative Strength ForceSage Force

Police Departments: Gotham City Police DepartmentCentral City Police DepartmentStar City Police Department

Spear of DestinyVigilante suitsGreen Arrow's Bows
Kryptonian • Humans • Meta-humans, Unicorn, Green Martians, White Martians,
Moon River, Put a Little Love in Your Heart, Super Friend, More I Cannot Wish You, Runnin' Home to You


Courtney Whitmore/StargirlAl Rothstein/Atom-SmasherMaxine Hunkel/CycloneGrant Emerson/DamageThe FlashAlan Scott/Green LanternShayera Thal/HawkwomanDoctor Mid-Nite (Beth Chapel)Rick Tyler/HourmanJade • Jakeem Thunder • Jesse QuickTodd Rice/ObsidianPower GirlPat Dugan/S.T.R.I.P.EWildcat (Ted Grant)Wildcat (Yolanda Montez)The Atom (Al Pratt)Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson)Huntress (Helena Wayne)Jim CorriganStarmanMister Terrific (Michael Holt)Wonder WomanDoctor Mid-Nite (Charles McNider),Carter Hall/Hawkman

Stargirl TV Series: Courtney Whitmore, Pat Dugan, Barbara Whitmore

Solomon Grundy