Other names
Lord Starscream
Commander Starscream Screamy Screamer Scream Emperor of Destruction (self-proclaimed)
Cybertron Air Force Officer
Leader of the Decepticons (formerly) Military commander of the Decepticons Leader of the Bounty Hunter crew
Megatron and become the leader of the Decepticons
(formerly) Defeat the Autobots . Gather the Weaponizer Minicons and use them to gain ultimate power. Recreate the Decepticons . Conquer the galaxy. Get revenge on Megatron for causing his suffering. (all failed)
Powers and abilities
Transforming into a fighter jet
Cunning Arm missiles Close-quarters-combat skills Leadership
TV Series
Transformers: Prime
Starscream is the secondary antagonist of the Transformers "Aligned" universe. He is the treacherous (former) second-in-command of the Decepticons who initially seeks to usurp control of the Decepticons from Megatron,
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