Heroes and Villains Wiki

We're not born good or bad. The choices you make define your destiny. Trigon chose darkness. I have to choose what my future holds. You will, too.
―Kor Anders to Rachel Roth

Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, simply known as Kory, known on Earth as Kory Anders, and codenamed Starfire, is one of the deuteragonists of DC Universe and HBO Max television series Titans.

She is an Tamaranean princess and assassin from the planet of Tamaran, the daughter of Myand'r and Luand'r, the older sister of the supervillain turned anti-hero Komand'r (Blackfire), a member of the second incarnations of Titans and one of the love interests of Dick Grayson.

On Earth, she was sent to destroy an entity known as "the Raven" to prevent the destruction of her homeworld by hindering the arrival of the inter-dimensional demon Trigon through use of his half- human daughter Rachel Roth. However, after suffering from amnesia, Kory unknowingly befriended her target after saving her from the Nuclear Family and even protecting her. After the defeat of Trigon, Starfire became a member of the Teen Titans while suffering from visions that would lead her to her sister and discover a terrible truth.



Princess Starfire was born on Tamaran into the Tamaranean Royal Family to Queen Luand'r and King Myand'r. When she was born, it was during a great upheaval; unfortunately, Koriand'r did not inherit the royal ability to generate pyrokinetic powers, which was usually a telltale of a person's birthright. Fearful of an uprising, Myand'r lied and told his subjects that Koriand'r indeed had these abilities. However, when Koriand'r's sister, Komand'r was born, she was born with the fire ability, showing her younger sister was the true heir. To maintain their lie Koriand'r had fire, Myand'r and Luand'r forced a Tamaranean priestess to transfer Komand'r's powers over to Starfire In order to maintain the lie. Despite the priestess's warning, the parents went through with their plans despite the consequences. As a result, while Starfire grew up to be the more beloved and successful of the royal sisters, Komand'r grew up as an outcast and everyone, even her own sister teased her for not having fire powers. Despite their negative relationship, Kory and Komand'r were well educated and surrounded by servants. One of Koriand'r's educator was a woman named Zadira, who trianed her to be a warrior.

There was also a time where Koriand'r committed an illegal act becoming romantically involved with a royal guard named Faddei. The discovery of this was exposed by Komand'r and led to the end of their relationship and public scrutiny.

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]


She also has had a brief romance with Dick Grayson in the first season, but later decide to remain friends until their feelings were clearer. In season four, their feelings seem to be resurfacing, as Kory (and Rachel) herself has seen a vision where Dick saw the same little girl he did in the Lazarus pit. This time, Kory realizes the little girl is her own daughter with Dick. However, due to their past with prophecies never coming true, Kori seems to brush it off.

Physical Appearance[]

Kory Anders is a beautiful young woman with dark skin, hazel-brown eyes, and bright pink hair. Whenever Starfire uses her powers, with or without her fire powers, her skin turns orange and her green eyes turn into  a brighter shade of green.

Throughout the franchise, Kori wears purple-based colors. When she first came to Earth, however, she looked and dressed like a woman from the forties, having a fur coat, boots and dress.When she was a warrior princess on her homeworld, Kory wore purple armor and seems to wear new ones.  Additionally, Starfire is mostly seen wearing tank tops, leather jackets, high-heeled boots, jeans, etc. Her hair is sometimes straight or it is stylized as a perm.

Powers and Abilities[]


Former powers[]



Former weaknesses[]


Former possessions[]


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Starfire (Titans).


Heroes and Villains has an article focusing of the relationships of Starfire (Titans)


  • In the original comics, Kory was Blackfire's younger sister; instead, the roles are reversed in the series, where Komand'r is the younger sister.
  • Rachel angrily calls Koriand'r a "Princess Alien Pink Hair of Planet Tam-O-Whatever", a reference to Kory's Teen Titans Go! counterpart, who has pink hair as well.


Titans: Dick Grayson/Robin/NightwingKoriand'r/Kory Anders/StarfireRachel Roth/RavenGar Logan/Beast BoyJason Todd/Robin III/Red HoodDonna Troy / Wonder GirlConner/SuperboyKryptoTim Drake / Robin IIIGarth/AqualadJericho Wilson/JerichoRose Wilson / RavagerHank Hall/HawkDawn Granger/DoveKomand'r/Blackfire

Other Superheroes: Justice League (Bruce Wayne/Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman), Barbara Gordon, Doom Patrol (Dr. Niles Caulder/Chief, Rita Farr, Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Cliff Steele/Robot Man, Don Hall / Dove I), Roy Harper / Arsenal

Gotham City Police Department: Barbara GordonFletcher

The Organization: TrigonDr.  AdamsonNuclear FamilyAngela Azarath

Cadmus Laboratories: Lex LuthorMercy GravesWalter HawnEve Watson

Deathstroke and Associates: Slade WilsonWilliam WintergreenDoctor Light

Independent Villains: AcolyteKonstantine KovarShimmer, Gizmo, Valeska Nox, Red Hood's GangTrina Holmes

Nightwing Rogues Gallery: Lady Vic, Tony Zucco, Nick Zucco

Batman's Rogues Gallery: JokerScarecrowRiddlerPenguinMr. FreezeTwo-FaceRa's al GhulCatwoman

Other Characters: JillianFaddeiMyand'rLuand'rAmy RohrbachJack DrakeJanet Drake, Stephen ChenAlfred PennyworthJim GordonMarie GrangerHolly GrangerClayton WilliamsAdeline KaneMartha KentLionel LuthorLena LuthorMelissa Roth, Margarita Vee, Molly Jensen, Jessica Perez, Mary and John Grayson, Becky Bond, • Johnny GraysonMati MatisseDaniSantosCalebLeslie Thompkins, Myrrha, Lydia

Nightwing (DC) * WallY West/The Flash * Roy Harper/ArsenalStarfireRavenBeast BoyRed Hood (Jason Todd)BatmanRavager (Rose Wilson)Kon-El (Conner Kent)KryptoHawkDove (Dawn Granger)Tim Drake/Red RobinDonna Troy/Wonder GirlJohn GraysonMary GraysonJanet DrakeJack DrakeScarecrowDove (Don Hall)Deathstroke
Titans (Titansverse)Titans (DC)Teen Titans (DC) • Justice League • Teen Titans (2003)

Superboy logo

Conner Kent/Superboy, Jonathan Kent/Superboy, Clark Kent/Superman, Kara Zor-El/Supergirl, Lois Lane, Osul-Ra, Otho-Ra, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Chris Kent/Nightwing, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Lucy Lane, Lana Lang, Steel (John Henry Irons & Natasha Irons), Lex Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lori Luthor, Tim Drake/Red Robin, Bart Allen/Impulse, Krypto, Teen Titans (Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Jason Todd, Donna Troy, Kyle Rayner), Batgirls (Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown), Zan and Jayna, Match, The Eradicator, Diana/Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Fire and Ice, Mon-El, Lara Lor-Van, Zor-El, Jor-El, Legion of Super-Heroes (Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy), Hero Cruz, Knockoout, Lori Lemaris, Sodam Yat, Pete Ross, Tana Moon
Villains: Lex Luthor, Cyborg Superman, Superboy-Prime, Match. Black Zero, Brainiac, Copperhead. Intergang, Poison Ivy, Royal Flush Gang, Zod, Superman Revenge Squad, Darkseid, Female Furies (Granny Goodness), Dev-Em, King Shark, Doomsday, Insect Queen, Metallo, Toyman


1988–1992: Clark Kent/Superboy, Lex Luthor, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Bizarro, Metallo, Lena Luthor
Smallville: Conner Kent, Clark Kent, Tess Mercer, Lois Lane, Lionel Luthor, Kara Kent, Chloe Sullivan
Titans: Superboy, Krypto, Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Robin, Red Hood, Blackfire
Young Justice: Superboy, Miss Martian, Superman, Lois Lane, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Lex Luthor

DC Animated Film Universe

Kon-El/Superboy, Clark Kent/Superman, Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman, John Henry Irons/Steel, The Eradicator, Lex Luthor

Smallville (Kent Farm), Metropolis, Krypton, Phantom Zone
Kelex, Kryptonite, Phantom Zone Projectors
Superman Revenge Squad, LexCorp, Young Justice, The Phantom Zoners, Justice League, Legion of Superheroes