This article is about Starfire from the Cartoon Network television series Teen Titans. For her live-action counterpart, see Starfire (Titans).
Starfire (real name Koriand'r) is a Tamaranean warrior princess and the deuteragonist of the Teen Titans franchise. She is the princess of the distant planet Tamaran, orphaned at a young age. Throughout the series, she is Robin’s love interest and girlfriend by series end. She is youngest daughter and middle child of the late King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r, the older sister of Wildfire, and Blackfire's younger sister and archnemesis
She is voiced by Hynden Welch

Starfire, princess of Tamaran
Koriand'r was born on the planet Tamaran to King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r as their second-born princess and middle child. She had at least two siblings: an older sister, Komand'r and Ryand'r. Her siblings were raised by their parents and protected by their guardian and foster father, Galfore, who came to see Koriand'r and her siblings as if they were his own children. However, during childhood, Koriand'r and Komand'r had become rivals due to her older sister's jealousy, Ryand'r was eventually sent away from Tamaran by Myand'r and Luand'r because the Tamaraneans' arch-rivals, the Gordanians attacked Tamaran. During the war, Komand'r traded away her own sister as a slave to the Gordanians in order to bring peace to a war-torn Tamaran. The king and queen were completely heartbroken of losing both their only son and youngest daughter, causing them to eventually pass away from a broken heart.
Coming to Earth
Escape from the Gordanians
However, Koriand'r was eventually able to escape the Gordanians' ship.
Forming the Teen Titans
Alone and frightened on a new planet far away from home, an aggressive and rather confused Koriand'r began tearing up downtown Jump City, where she was stopped by a group of misfits containing Robin, Raven, Cyborg and Beast Boy. Realizing the problem, Robin realized how scared Koriand'r was after seeing her in shackles. Understanding, Robin helped free her. In order to understand Earth's languages, she suddenly pulled her liberator in a big kiss to understand English. Angry, Koriand'r theater to destroy them if they came near her. However, Robin was the first one who was ever kind to her, and Koriand'r showed a softer side. The group of teens realized the true threat was Koriand'r's former jailers, the Gordanians who would lay waste to the city if it's citizens did not turn Koriand'r in. Unwilling to do this, the five teenagers teamed up and managed to defeat their enemies and save the city. Afterwards, the quintet finally became friends and decided to come together in case threats continued to harm their city. Robin asked Koriand'r her name (which they never knew up until this point). She had a real name, Koriand'r, but chose to reveal it's translation, Starfire, as she believed it was easier to pronounce.
She began developing feelings for Robin, who often helped her gain a better understanding of Earth. Starfire is also the most positive of all the Titans.
Conflict with Slade
The Apprentice
The Judas Contract
Fighting Brother Blood
The Terror of Trigon
War with the Brotherhood of Evil
- Tamaranean Physiology
- Flight:
- Starbolts: Starfire can shoot these wherever she is angry.
- Self-Sustenance:
- Superhuman Durability:
- Superhuman Strength:
- Superhuman Speed
- Language Assimilation: Starfire acquired the knowledge of speaking both English and Japanese via lip contacts when she kissed Robin. ("Go"). She later learned Japanese when she kissed a native boy. ("Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo")
- Starfire is the first Titan whose arch enemy is related to her, which is her older sister Blackfire. The second being Raven.
- She, and Raven are the only girls on the main characters, excluding all the female honorary Titans and the subgroups.
- She is the only Titan who did not have a season arc focused on her. Had a sixth season been commissioned, Starfire was the opening canidate to be the central character. However, she does have at least fifteen episodes centered on her..
- Star is one of the two characters whoo hails from a place outside of Earth, the other being Raven. While Starfire was born on the planet Tamaran, Raven was born in the plane of Azarath.
- Both Starfire and Raven have powers tied to their emotions. Starfire has to reflect happiness when she flies or anger when she blasts starbolts. Raven, meanwhile, has empathy ( the ability to feel the emotions of other) and to keep her emotions under control or her powers go out of control.
- Like Raven, Starfire goes by her real name, as her name on earth is translated to "Koriand'r" in Tamaranean
- Starfire has no understanding of Earth's customs.
- She and Beast Boy share a pet mutant moth named Silkie, who was created by Killer Moth.
- Starfire is allergic to metallic chromium, (allergies to chromium are very common in Tamaran).
- Starfire is the only member of the Titans who is not a human or have any human heritage.
- Starfire is first called by her Tamaranean name, "Koriand'r" in "Betrothed" when she and Galfore.
- While Starfire has an inherent ability to emit energy blasts in the series, in the comics, she only got this power from alien experimentations done on her and her sister Blackfire.
- It is revealed in the Teen Titans Go! comics that Starfire has a younger brother Wildfire.
- Her costume in the comics was more revealing that it was on the show. This was due to censorship reasons. Instead of a revealing costume, Starfire wears a two piece suit.
- She and Cyborg are the only Titans that Slade has never taunted. However she did threaten him with a starbolt when he came begging for the Titans help against Trigon.
- Starfire's skin color is meant to be orange, as in the comics, her race had golden skin.
- “You made up! Glorious! I wish to initiate a group hug.”
- ―Starfire after seeing Robin and Cyborg reconcile
- “Friends! I invite you to join me in the togetherness of a stay-home movie night. I bring you popcorn and non-cotton candies. Tell me, what sort of movie shall we view?”
- ―Starfire to her teammates about having a movie night
- “Everything is not wonderful. I am happy to see her, but Blackfire rules the video games, and she is able to share very depressing poems, and she knows the cool moves, and she always knows when people are not talking about shovels.”
- ―Starfire to Robin about Blackfire
- “Robin: Don't worry, Starfire. She won't get away with this!
Starfire: (enraged) No, she will NOT!”
- ―Robin and Starfire after learning her sister's treachery and trying to frame her for crimes Blackfire committed on another planet
- “Beautiful, tell me again what they are called? (Robin: Fireworks. ) "On my home planet, such explosions would mean the Gordanians were attacking. You are sure certain Earth is not under attack? (Robin: Positive. Cotton candy? (Offers some) ) "The last time I ate a ball of cotton, it was white, and it did not taste very-- (Robin: This is different. (he pulls off a piece and eats it) ) "(She eats some) Mmmm… (Squeal) It vanished! (Robin: (Chuckles) Yeah, it'll do that. ) "(Sighs) When I first came to this planet, I did not think I would ever fit in. Earth was full of strange things. But now, I see that-- (Robin: Here comes the finale! Yes! (In the sky, the display of fireworks are being presented as the finale.) (Robin: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Ah, amazing! ) "Earth is full of amazing things, too. (Robin: Best planet I've ever been to.”
- ―Robin and Starfire while she watches fireworks for the first time
- “Hello, sister. (Blackfire: Aww, you're mad. I know, I should have told you I was leaving, but you know how I hate goodbyes and--) You are a criminal, and you were going to let me take your place in jail! (Blackfire: Oh… well… yeah.) You will give back what you have stolen and turn yourself over to the police! (Blackfire: And what will you do if I don't? I always was the better fighter.) Not anymore!”
- ―Starfire and Blackfire
- “I suggest a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting. (Robin: Uh, Starfire, not everything on the menu is a pizza topping.) Oh....”
- ―Starfire mistaking everything on the menu for a pizza
- “Starfire: Is this punishment? I did something wrong?
Raven: You didn't. He did.
Beast Boy: Star, it was... You weren't supposed to... I didn't... Heh, just remember to change that oil every 3,000 miles. Heh heh.
Starfire: On my planet we have a name for those who do such horrible things! You are a...A KLORBAG VARBLENELK!!
Beast Boy: I'm a what-bag??
Cyborg: You heard the lady.
Raven: You are such a klorbag” - ―Starfire angry at Beast Boy for pranking her
- “Beast Boy: I am so sorry. You gotta forgive me.
Starfire: (helping him up) I already have. Now those evil brothers must be made to apologize.” - ―Beast Boy and Starfire reconciling
- Starfire: Agreed, Cyborg. This tangy yellow beverage is truly delightful.
- (starts slurping more of her drink. Robin and Cyborg slowly stop eating and start looking at her, flabbergasted)
- Cyborg: Um .. Starfire?
- Robin: That's mustard.
- Starfire: (lovingly rubs the mustard jar on her cheek) Is there more?
- Starfire: We cannot fight them again. I do not wish to, and in our present condition we would surely be defeated!
- Raven: Okay, how do you fly this thing?
- Starfire: You must feel flight.
- Raven: What!?
- Starfire: When you feel the unbridled joy of flight, you will fly!
- Raven: Unbridled joy...Not really my thing.
- Starfire: Look!
- [They spot Zombie Beast Boy]
- Raven: What do I have to feel to use star bolts?
- Starfire: Righteous fury!
- Raven: Your alien strength?
- Starfire: Boundless confidence!
- Raven: Nevermind.
- “Starfire: Agreed; and perhaps if you were to "take a break", the answer would be easier to-
Robin: I can't. You almost got hurt. Next time could be worse. He's planning something; I have to find out what.
Starfire: But Robin, I am sure that-” - ―Robin and Starfire
- “Robin, you are my best friend. I cannot be in a world where we must fight. If you are truly evil, then go ahead. Do what you must.”
- ―Starfire to Robin