Heroes and Villains Wiki

Spyro is the main protagonist of the Skylanders video game franchise. He is the Leader of the Skylanders chosen by the great Portal Master, Master Eon, to protect the world of Skylands from Kaos, The Darkness and other evil doers. Now calling Skylands his home, Spyro remains one of its most valued protectors, with evil facing a new enemy.

He is voiced by Josh Keaton.



Spyro hails from a race of dragons known for their unique magical abilities. One day, he was found playing in the wood by Master Eon, who took him under his wing and made him a Skylander. At some point, he defeated the dark dragon, Cynder and freed her from the clutches of the dragon king, Malefor. When Cynder vowed to use her powers for good, Spyro had Eon make her a Skylander.

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventures[]

Spyro and Trigger Happy were seen with Master Eon when Kaos arrived and vowed to destroy the Core of Light. Spyro went with the other Skylanders to defend the Core of Light from Kaos' minions. The Skylanders fought valiantly, but Kaos used the power of his hydra to destroy the Core of Light. As a result of this, Spyro and the other Skylanders were banished from Skylands and cast to Earth. They were shrunken down and froze into toys as a result of the world having no magic. Some time later, Spyro along with the other Skylanders were found by a new portal master (the player) and were sent back to Skylands.


Spyro is a strong-willed dragon who is fearless and brave; a born hero dedicated to defending his world from evil. He is a quick-learner, though often disheartened when he can't learn quickly. Despite being well-accompanied, he possesses a rather head-strong side, which made him difficult to work in a team, however, this was supposedly diminished. He possess a slight cocky and humerus side, but this is only shown when he is not in battle or on a mission.

Physical Appearance[]

Spyro is a small-sized dragon with deep-purple scales. He has an orange underbelly, dorsal plates, horns wing-webbings and at the small piece at the end of his tail. He has sharp teeth, red eyes and three toes with talons on each paw.


  • He is one of the three Skylanders (Alongside Gill Grunt and Trigger Happy) who comes with the Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure starter pack.


Heroes: BashBoomerCamoChop ChopCynderDino-RangDouble TroubleDrill SergeantDrobotEruptorFlameslingerGhost RoasterGill GruntHexIgnitorLightning RodMaster EonPrism BreakSlam BamSonic BoomSpyroStealth ElfStump SmashSunburnTerrafinTrigger HappyVoodoodWarnadoWham-ShellWhirlwindWrecking BallZapZook

Villains: To be added.

Skylanders Academy
Heroes: EruptorJet-VacMaster EonPop FizzSpyroStealth Elf

Villains: Dark SpyroKaos • Strykore
