Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

You listen to me. I've been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I'd prefer you didn't. I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes. A lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of. You... Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you... and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You are a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy..
―Spike to Buffy Summers

The relationship between the vampire, Spike and vampire Slayer Buffy Summers is one of the most complex and iconic relationships within the "Buffyverse".

It is considered to be a dark antithesis of Buffy's and Angel's relationship, having gone from mortal enemies, to reluctant allies, and eventually lovers.

Throughout the series[]

Buffy & Spike BTVS

Throughout the duration of their relationship, Spike and Buffy were both at each other's throats, with him effectively trying to kill her. However, as time progressed, Spike began developing romantic feelings for Buffy but she was disgusted by it at first. In time, however, their relationship would later evolve from extreme hatred to a genuine love, whether friendly or romantic.


Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Sometime after Buffy's first death, Spike keeps his promise to raising her sister. After her return, Buffy admits to Spike that she was drawn from heaven and not a hell realm. However he is the only one she tellsthis to until the musical episode.

In "Once More, With Feeling," Buffy realizes feelings for Spike and gives him a passionate kiss. Tabula Rasa was the first sign at their destructive relationship. Buffy is dismissiveof the fact she and Spike kissed, despite his instances she should accept it. In "Snaked," Buffy thinks that her kiss to Spike was just her depression about Giles leaving. After assaulting herand having his chip analyzed by Warren, Spike realizes he can attack and punch Buffy without feeling pain from the chip because she "didn't come back right" fully human,  they fought in an abandoned household. The Slayer and the vampire are knocking walls and pillars, as well as each other. While they insult each other, Buffy suddenly pins Spike against a wall and begins to kiss him. She jumps onto him and they begin to have sex as the house crumbles around them.

Later, she keeps her romantic relationship a secret from everyone. In "Dead Things," Buffy is tricked into thinking she killed a young girl who is Warren's ex-girlfriend. She wants to go to the police but Spike won't let her. He says that he took care of the body, but then two cops passing by reveal that the body was found washed up by the river. Despite this, Spike is still determined to stop her from admitting guilt. He tells Buffy that, having saved thousands of lives, she shouldn't have to pay for accidentally taking one. As Spike vamps out and attempts to physically restrain her from going to the police, Buffy takes out her anger on Spike, and he does not retaliate, saying that she should "put it all on him." She punches Spike repeatedly in the face, declaring that he is evil and soulless, that there is "nothing good or clean" in him, that he's dead inside and can't feel anything real. Buffy stops beating him, shocked by what she did, and walks dazedly away. Buffy reveals her romantic relationship with Spike to Tara, who promises to keep it secrtet.

In "Double Meat Palace," Spike tries to seduce Buffy because he can hurt her without his chip activating. He offers to get her out of her situation with money and her problems. However Buffy absolutely refuses and later resigns her fate to this job for a while.In "As You Were,"  after her visit from her ex-boyfriend Riley, Buffy breaks up with Spike after realizing their relationship is destructive and toxic. She may have feelings for him but she doesn't love him.

In "Entropy," Spike in retaliation for Buffy's break up with him, Spike has sex with Buffy's friend and Sanders ex-girlfriend Anya. Buffy is immediately taken aback by this and Spike reveals to both Anya and Xander that he and Buffy were having sex together.

In "Seeing Red," after Dawn snaps at Spike for hurting Buffy that way, he goes to Buffy's house uninvited. As he insists that she loves him and that she just needs something to admit it, Spike begins to sexually assault her so she will feel the love again. However Buffy easily fights him off after momentarily struggling with him. Disgusted with what he had done, Spike try to apologizing but Buffy is abhorred by his actions and casts him out of her house. Xander and Dawn both reacted angrily to spike because of his attempted rape. Spike decides to leave Sunnydale and go to Africa to give Buffy what she deserves: a man with a soul.

Season 7


Other information[]


"Spike and Buffy" is an original score composed by Robert Duncan for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "End of Days." It plays between the minutes 25:47 and 27:50 of the episode, while Spike and Buffy talk about what the previous night meant to them.



  • Angel and Spike were Buffy's main loves in the series.
  • When questioned which relationship she prefers, Sarah Michelle Gellar stated "Buffy/Angel," believing she will always love Angel most. However others like Joss Whedon and other fans believe that Spike is Buffy's true love, resulting in a "Bangel vs. Spuffy" war ship that had gone on for years and still is.
  • Unlike Angel, Spike could love Buffy even when he didn't have his soul.
  • Spike was the fourth vampire to bite Buffy, after the Master, Angel and Dracula, but this is the second time when it was her consent. It also made him the second love interest of Buffy who she allowed to drink her blood. For Angel, She allowed him to bite her so he could drink from her blood and cure himself from Faith's poisoned arrow.


External Links[]


Scooby Gang
Founding Members:Buffy SummersWillow RosenbergXander HarrisRupert Giles
Later Additions: Cordelia ChaseAngelDaniel OsbourneAnya JenkinsSpikeRiley FinnTara MaclayDawn SummersAndrew WellsRobin WoodFaith LehaneJenny Calendar
Angel Investigations
Founding Members:AngelCordelia ChaseAllen Francis Doyle
Later Additions: Wesley Wyndam-PryceCharles GunnLorneWinifred BurkleConnorHarmony KendallSpikeIllyria

Other Slayers
Nikki WoodKendra YoungKennedyAmandaColleenDianneChao-AhnRonaDominiqueShannonSoledadCaridadViolet
Other Allies
PikeJonathan LevinsonClementJoyce Summers
The Big Bads: Lothos, The Master, Angelus, Drusilla/Dru, Professor Walsh, Richard Wilkins/The Mayor, Adam, Glorificus/Glory, The Trio (Warren Mears, Jonathan, Andrew Wells), The First Evil, D'Hoffryn, Joanna Wise, Simon Doffler, Harth Fray, Wolfram & Hart (Lindsey McDonald, Lilah Morgan, and Lee Mercer, Holland Manners), Jasmine, Circle of the Black Thorn, Whistler, Archaeus
Secondary Antagonists: The Anointed One, Darla, The Initiative, Dark Willow, Caleb, Daniel Holtz, Sahjhan, Holland Manners

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