Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Spidey is an ancient spider that Douglas and Chase Davenport brought back to life. He was named by Leo, who accidentally unleashed the spider by not putting the lid all the way. Behind Chase's back, Douglas gave it growth hormones.

Spidey infected Adam when he was pushed into the pool by Bree. Douglas, Bree, Leo and Chase went after it, but the Spider attempted to attack the Davenports until they escaped. Douglas decided to extract the venom of the Spider to make an antidote for Adam. Afterwards, Leo was sad that they had to kill the Spider but Douglas brought to light that they were able to make a species extinct twice. Afterwards, Adam finds another fossilized Egg and when Douglas thinks to bring it back to life, Leo remembers the incident with Spidey and ultimately destroys it, tells Douglas to find a different hobby and then leaves the island.


  • The Bionic Spider was a sea spider, which means it could not possibly have poisonous venom. However, given it was an extinct sea spider, it is possible its kind was poisonous.
  • Technically, it was all Bree, Chase, Douglas and Leo's faults that Adam was poisoned by the spider's venom. Both Douglas and Chase brought the spider to life, but Douglas gave it growth hormones. Leo later let it out, which lead the spider to the pool that Bree pushed Adam into.