- “I talked to the police, the firemen, the people that you helped and I heard their stories about how you saved lives, how you never asked for recognition, or reward or even thanks. It doesn't matter what the newspapers say or the politicians or the whole world. They don't define who you are, you do. And not by your words, but, by your actions. The truth will come out. But until then, I'm going to keep fighting just like you do."”
- ―Captain America to Spider-Man
Peter Parker also known as the web slinging vigilante, Spider-Man and a supporting character in the animated series, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. He gained arachnid Powers after being bitten by radioactive spider, which he used to protect the streets of New York City. Despite his good intentions Peter is shunned by J. Jonah Jameson, who claims Spider-Man is a menace, but other heroes and citizens say otherwise.