Heroes and Villains Wiki

Sora Bulq is a member of the Jedi Order and a supporting protagonist in the Star Wars Franchise. He was a male Weequay Jedi who served the Jedi Order. Bulq took it upon himself to train Galdos Stouff as his padawan. After Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered that the Separatists had been building up their own droid army on Geonosis, Bulq and Stouff, along with 200 other readily available Jedi were dispatched to the desert planet, and subsequently took part in the Battle of Geonosis. Bulq was later present in a meeting in the Jedi Temple in which the dastardly cyborg leader of the droid army, Grievous, demonstrated his wrath to the Jedi, by torturing their fellow Jedi, Eeth Koth live through the use of a hologram for them to see. After the Jedi Temple hangar was bombed, Bulq attended the funeral for those that had lost their lives.
