“ | I think you have something that belongs to me! This is my power, and I'm not using it to run away anymore. I'm using it to protect… my… friends! | „ |
~ Sonic to Robotnik |
“ | Pro tip: if you're gonna take a shot at the fastest creature in the universe... you'd better not miss. | „ |
~ Sonic the Hedgehog |
Sonic Wachowski, also known as Sonic the Hedgehog, is the titular main protagonist of Paramount's film series of the same name and a major character in the Paramount+ miniseries Knuckles. He is an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog from the planet, Mobius, with the rare power to harness chaos energy giving him supersonic speed. He currently lives in Green Hills with his adoptive parents, Tom and Maddie Wachowski.
He is voiced and motion-captured by Ben Schwartz, who also voices Skidmark in Turbo, Dewey Duck in the 2017 reboot of DuckTales, Randy Cunningham in 9th Grade Ninja, Leonardo in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Banarnar in The LEGO Movie 2: The 2nd Part, and Mark in DC League of Super-Pets.
Sonic the Hedgehog was born on the planet Mobius with the ability to run at supersonic Speed. However, his mentor and guardian Longclaw forbade him from using his gifts out in public. He was forced to leave Mobius because a small group of Echidna's wanted to steal his powers for their own benefit. The sequel reveals that this tribe was where Knuckles the Echidna was descended from.
He spent the next ten years alone on Earth.
When the trailer for the film was released, fans were horrified by Sonic's first appearance. After negative reaction to Sonic's previous design in the first trailer, the film was pushed back from 2019 to February 14, 2020 because Sonic was later redesigned to look more like his counterpart. The redesign was granted a warmer reception after the second trailer released. Artist Tyson Hesse, who worked on previous Sonic the Hedgehog media, was brought on to lead the redesign.
Deleted scenes also featured an alternative opening where Longclaw comes to Earth with Sonic and that she eventually died of old age when Sonic was thirteen. Like the original film, Sonic spent the rest of his childhood alone before his adoption by Tom and Maddie.
During his youth, Sonic was once of the sweetest but also reckless children on Mobius. He firmly believed that no one ever saw him because of his super speed. However, he also went outside to get Longclaw her favorite flower, a sunflower, which she was touched by. This unfortunately led to him fleeing his homeworld and escaping to Earth. Despite being reckless and carefree, Sonic cares for any life forms, as seen when he saved a small turtle from being hit by a car. Ever since losing Longclaw and spending years of isolation, Sonic grew lonely and the need to having a family caused him pain, watching The Wachowskis from afar made him feeling better. He looked up to Tom because of his responsible nature and liked Maddie (who he dubbed "Pretzel Lady") for her love of all animals. He also tends to have an the characteristics of someone who is a foster child suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. This was born from him watching his first adoptive mother and guardian, Longlaw, die in front of him.
Sonic is very adventurous, lively, fun-loving and confident in his abilities. He also has a sense of humor, as he enjoys making snide remarks on Dr. Robotnik during thier banters. Sonic is also hyperactive and energetic due to his ability to run at three-hundred miles per hour. However, Sonic is impulsive and tends to act without thinking. During his "run away" with Tom, the human told Sonic to stay in the car when he made a phone call for Wade. However, Sonic disobeyed and went to the Piston Pit. Due to many years of being isolated and lonely, Sonic has the tendency to talk to himself and play by himself.
Despite his cheerful and optimistic persona, Sonic becomes deadly serious whenever there are serious life or death situations. He blamed himself for Tails' injury because he lead him against their enemy and told Tom and Maddie to save themselves when it looked like Robotnik was going to kill them with his gigantic robot. However, Maddie and Tom refuse to abandon their son, swearing to be with him until the end. Unlike the previous film, where Sonic threw his parents off a roof and sent them through a portal, he accepted his fate with them as well. Like his adoptive father, Sonic resorts to cracks jokes and can be sarcastic at times. He is fiercely protective of his friends and family, especially since villains like Eggman have threatened both Maddie and Tom more than once. After saving Green Hills from Robotnik, the citizens have come to consider Sonic "one of them" as seen when "Crazy Carl" and the other Green Hill civilians came to his aid.
As the film series progress, Sonic takes Tom's advice to grow up before he becomes a true hero. Sonic is also known to be friendly towards any animal he comes in contact with. For example, he rescued a turtle from being run over and showed it the joys of his speed. Another example is when he met Tom's dog Ozzy. Initially, he attempted to put up a jealous front due to Ozzy's status as Tom's best animal friend. However, when Ozzy expresses his like of Sonic by licking his face, Sonic found it both gross and touching.
Physical appearance
- Species: Mobian Hedgehog
- Eye Color: Green (Blue while super-powered)
- Quill/Fur Color: Blue
- Gender: Male
- Other Features: Wears two red Puma shoes with white straps over them, black stubby nose and a topaz (or peach) belly, muzzle and inner ears.
- Age: 13/14
Sonic is a 3'0" anthropomorphic hedgehog from the planet Mobius. He has blue fur and quills. He has small, triangular ears on the top of his head and seven quills, on the back of his head and three on his back and a tail. He also has green eyes, wears red Puma sneakers with whit straps and souls, white socks and white gloves. His eyes glow blue whenever he was using his chaos energy powers.
In the original film, Sonic is only fourteen years old and goes up to Tom's upper thigh. In the sequel, he reaches up to Tom's torso.
Powers and Abilities
- Chaos Energy Empowerment
- Super Speed
- Dexterity
- Spin Attack
- Bioelectricity Emission
- Accelerated Perception
- Enhanced Strength
- Stamina and Durability
- Super Speed
- Athleticism
- Charisma
- Resourceful
- Survival Skills
- Combat Proficiency
- Portal Creation (Via Rings)
Super Sonic Mode: Sonic gains this mode (via Chaos Emeralds), and turns into a golden electokinetic energy. Despite this form, Sonic remains his honorable self, after he summoned a chilli hotdog, which Knuckles found annoying
- Nigh-Omnipotence
- Mentifery: Super Sonic can bring anything he wants into existence by thought alone. He uses this ability to create some chili dogs after Robotnik's defeat.
- Flight: Super Sonic can fly at incredibly high speeds. He was able to cut off the head of Robotnik's Giant Eggman Robot using his flight speed alone.
- Immense Superhuman Strength: Super Sonic possesses an incredible amount of strength. He was able to hold and lift the foot of Robotnik's Giant Eggman Robot without any problem and when Robotnik tries to punch Sonic with the Giant robot's fist Sonic was able to stop it with ease like it was no problem at all.
Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic as a child in the prologue
In the film, Sonic is depicted as thirteen to fourteen years old.
The film opens with Sonic being chased by Dr. Robotnik, much to his annoyance. Ten years ago, Sonic explained that he came from an island on another planet, Mobius, where he was taken care of by the owl, Longclaw, since birth. He had to follow her rule to never highlight his powers but like any other kid, Sonic didn't listen to her and ran around the island. He recounts his home had sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, loop-de-loops public access, and absolutely no school, which was helpful because he didn't have to catch the bus. When he comes home, Longclaw is suddenly woken up by him when Sonic rolls into her. As she scolded her charge, Sonic assured her that he was so fast no one saw him to get Longclaw her favorite flower, a sunflower, until the owl saw Echidna warriors on their doorstep. Young Sonic realizes that he unwittingly led them right to their home, as they sought to capture Sonic for his super speed.
Longclaw shields him from their weapons and attempts to carry him out of the tree. However, Pachamama shot Longclaw, and it allowed her to fall out of the sky. His foster mother quickly recovers and she tests him to listen carefully. His power is a rarity and someone will always want it. She tells him the best way to keep it safe is to stay hidden. She gives Sonic a bag of rings that will allow him to teleport to any part of the universe. She uses one of them and the rings open a portal to Earth, which is on the other side of the universe. Sonic refuses to go without her but his guardian tells Sonic he must. She gives him the satchel filled with rings, which Longclaw hopes he will use to escape and never stop running if he is caught. As Sonic crossed the gold rings, he turned around and saw Longclaw confronting the Echidna Clan. She gave him a heartfelt goodbye as the portal closed. Sonic tried to reach her; however, the portal closed, leaving Sonic alone.

Sonic on Earth ten years later.
In the next ten years, Sonic took up residence in a cave located in the forests of Green Hills, Montana, where he watched over the town from afar. Sonic first appears (as a teenager) when he zooms past Tom Wachowski's radar gun, trying to test his speed, which records at 300 mph. He saves a turtle from being run over by a truck and leaves it alone in the woods. Sonic usually spends his days reading comic books all day, exercising, and playing ping-pong by himself (Which is easy to do because of his super speed). However, he accidentally knocks over the rings that Longclaw had given him. If the world ever discovers him, then Sonic will have to flee to a world filled with mushrooms, much to the space hedgehog's chagrin. Since coming to Earth, Sonic has grown attached to Green Hills, especially the Wachowski Family. He looks up to the town sheriff whom he calls "Donut Lord, protector of all things big and small" and calls the sheriff's wife "Pretzel Lady." He often watched the films of the Wachowski family on "Family Movie Night" and developed a fondness for the film's lead actor, Keanu Reeves. He also enjoys messing with "Crazy Carl," the only citizen who has ever seen Sonic and attempted to capture over the years. However, Sonic has been isolated for so long that he talks to himself. Despite Sonic denying it, he eventually realizes that he will, forever and always, be alone.
The next day he comes across the baseball playoffs and watches with save at the other kids playing baseball together. Later that night, Sonic "wins" the game but when he reaches out for a high five, he realizes that he has no one to share the glory with. Realizing he will be alone, a teary-eyed Sonic starts running around the baseball field and emits lightning and electricity off of his quills. Unfortunately, he accidentally caused a blackout that caught the US government's attention. The next morning, Sonic realizes he was too late because he saw military agents scouring the forest for him. He has to follow Longclaw's instructions and leave for the next planet, Sonic packs the rest of his essentials. However, Sonic cannot open a portal to the mushroom planet because the dogs reached his cave. He decided to retreat to the Wachowski family's garage and open a portal there instead. Sonic sneaks into the Wachowski garage, but accidentally knocks over the rocks on a trash can, attracting Tom's attention. Just as he is about to open a portal, Tom bursts in through the garage, surprising Sonic, who pretended to be a cat, and causing both boys to scream at each other. Tom shoots Sonic and one of his rings opens up a portal to San Francisco. His bag of rings falls through the portal and lands on the roof of the Transamerica Building before the tranq dart takes effect.
After Sonic regains consciousness in Ozzie's cage, Tom is afraid of him and becomes confused when he hears Sonic talk to him for the first time. Realizing he is still stuck on Earth, Sonic gets frustrated when Tom asks if he is here to abduct him until Sonic points out that Tom kidnapped him, which the human agrees with. He also explains that he calls Tom the "Donut Lord" because he tends to talk to donuts and eat them if "they are out of line. Tom gets equally confused with his newfound discovery when Dr. Robotnik drives up in his driveway, looking for Sonic. The young hedgehog looks outside and begs for Tom's help. However, the latter initially refused and asked why. Sonic explained that there was not enough time to answer and that he needed Tom's help because the tranquilizer poison was still affecting his legs and because it was a matter of life or death. Tom conceded and he took Sonic up to the attic and told him to remain hidden. Alone in the attic, egg-shaped robots entered the room, causing Sonic to curl into a ball with the other sports equipment. However, he gets nervous when the robots start scanning him; Sonic rolls down the steps and into the kitchen. He hid just in time as Robotnik forced his way into the Wachowski household and found Sonic's quill, which Tom left sitting. After Sonic watches the doctor threaten Tom, he steps out of his hiding place, causing Robotnik to scream upon seeing him. The human punches Robotnik in the face, knocking him out. He and Sonic take cover as the robot fires bullets at them. As the robot reloads, Sonic goes on top of one of the shelves and pounces on the robot but it doesn't work out with him as the drone throws him off. After Tom hits it with a round object on the table, he carries Sonic to his car and they flee from the house.

As the two drive away, Tom demands to know who and what Sonic is. He explains that he is a hedgehog and that he is in danger because he lost his rings through a portal. After he claims he needs Tom's help, the man grows frustrated and pulls over, opening the door and telling Sonic to get out because he can't handle this. He reluctantly leaves but Sonic stops because he doesn't know where San Francisco is. Tom tells him to head West and Sonic does that. However he ends up in the Pacific Ocean, so Sonic returns to the truck and yells at Tom because he has no idea where he is going. He also reminds the human sheriff that it is his fault he is still trapped on earth because Tom shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer dart. Realizing it is his fault, Tom agrees to drive Sonic to San Francisco and tells him to get back in the truck as the two drive away.
Tom tells Sonic that on this trip, he has to do everything the human tells him to and remain in the car. After Sonic calls him "Donut Lord" again, Tom gets frustrated and tells him that his name before Sonic tells him his. Sonic also tells Tom that he has been watching over their town for a rather long time and that crazy Carl was right the entire time. However, the teen gets distracted when he sees the "World's Largest Rubberband Ball" and tries getting Tom to pull over. However, the man refuses until Sonic checks it out himself. However, he returns and tells Tom that the rubber band ball is not as impressive as he thought it was. After Sonic asks when their ETA will be, Tom snaps and says they will get there when they get there.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Around the World in 80 Seconds
Sonic served as the narrator of the short film that is only around one-minute and forty-nine seconds. Since he live alone at Green Hills alone, Sonic decided to visit several tourist locations around the Earth, filling his travel diary until he returns to Green Hills.
He stops off in Los Angeles, the Arches National Park, and the Great Ball Court of Chichen Itza and New York, London and City of Love. He aslo visits Egypt, Japan, Sydney and Montana.
Sonic Drone Home
On the way to turn in their adoptive mother's overdue library books, Sonic, Knuckles and Tails encountered an abandoned Badnik drone.
Other Media
Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers
Sonic's initial character design for the first movie was featured in the 2022 Disney+ original movie Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers, under the name "Ugly Sonic" and is voiced by Tim Robertson
Printed Media
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Adventures of Sonic and Donut Lord
The Adventures of Sonic and Donut Lord is the official comic adaptation of the live-action movie. It has a similar plot to the film but it is told using 16-bit sprites.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: The Official Movie Pre-Quill
In the official comic set between the two films, Sonic had been left to watch over the Wachowski residence while Maddie was working at the clinic.
Sonic appeared in the Novelization for the films with a few minor altercations to the story.
Video Games
Sonic Dash
The movie versions of Sonic and his younger self are playable characters in the game and can be unlocked during certain in-game events. They are referred to as "Teen Sonic" and "Baby Sonic" respectively.
Sonic Forces: Speed Battle
Teen Sonic and Baby Sonic became playable characters in the game after the 2.16.0 update and are both listed under Team Sonic.
Sonic Colors: The Ultimate Edition
Although Sonic's live-action movie incarnation does not make a physical appearance in the game, offical artwork of him can be used as file avatars.
Tom Wachowski

Adoptive Father/Mentor
- “Trust me, when I tell you, there will come a time when your powers will be needed. But you don't choose that moment. That moment chooses you.”
- ―Tom Wachowski advising Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Since coming to Earth many years ago, Sonic became immediately attached to the Wachowski family. He affectionately nicknamed Tom "The Donut Lord," because of his tendency to talk to his doughnuts and eat them when they cross some kind of line. After Sonic had been exposed to the world, he went straight to Tom's house and hid out in the garage. They weren't properly introduced until February 2020, when Tom caught Sonic in his garage and accidentally shot him when Tom saw that the hedgehog could talk. With the first few minutes of knowing each other, Tom was afraid of him. However, he decided to help Sonic when the teen begged for his help saving home from the government agents. He reluctantly did so; Sonic later came out of hiding, begging Dr. Robotnik (who was threatening Tom with his Badnik) to leave his friend alone.
After the boys fled from the house, Sonic told Tom who he was and that it was his fault that Sonic lost his rings in the first place. Realizing that it was partially his fault, Tom agrees to take him to San Francisco and retrieve his rings so he can escape Earth. Tom got easily frustrated with him due to Sonic's more talkative and energetic demeanor; however, Tom changes his opinions of Sonic after realizing that he is, a lonely person and saw humanity within an anthropomorphic hedgehog. The two bonds at a bar, where Sonic uses his super speed to save Tom from being assaulted by the other bar patrons. When they are at the motel room, Tom looked at Sonic's bucket list and saw "Make a friend" was one of them. They grew further closer as Sonic admitted his worries and vulnerabilities about leaving Earth for the Mushroom Planet to Tom. On the way to San Francisco, Tom admits that he likes Sonic but insists they are not friends. After Tom reveals he is leaving Green Hills, Sonic and Tom got into an argument until Robotnik sucked them. After Sonic was knocked unconscious by one of the bombs, Tom took Sonic to his sister-in-law's house, where Maddie revives him. Tom fulfilled his promise and got Sonic to the top of the building before the two said goodbye to each other, they were confronted by Dr. Robotnik and his drones. Realizing they were in trouble, Sonic realized Maddie and Tom were defenseless, so he threw them off the building and used one of the rings to teleport them home.
Tom later comes to Sonic's aid during the final boss battle, where Tom admits that Sonic was more human than Robotnik ever was and calling Sonic his friend is what allows the younger male to regain the power he needed to defeat Robotnik. Tom helps him open a portal with Sonic's Rings so his friend can banish Robotnik from Earth to the mushroom Planet, where he gives Sonic his rings back. A few days later, Tom and Maddie have fixed up a room for Sonic and have become parental figures for him. Tom and Maddie later move all of Sonic's possessions from the cave into his new room as they officially welcome him home.
In the sequel, Sonic and Tom have forged a strong son and father bond in Sonic the Hedgehog 2; however, like Longclaw before him, Tom never wanted Sonic to use his powers in public but only because he was still growing up. Tom posted have Sonic advice on being a hero. Sonic would take his warnings light into he gave the same advice to Knuckles. He finally understood Tom's meaning and hoped Knuckles would too. when they fought, they were going to be killed by the Giant Eggman Robot, Sonic and Tom admitted their shared familial love for each other. After Sonic defeated Robotnik a second time, Tom and Maddie shared pride in their son and they each embraced him. During a baseball game with himself, his friends and his family, Sonic finally acknowledged Tom as a father figure, much to Tom's joy.
Maddie Wachowski

Adoptive Mother
- “Hey, we're not going anywhere. We're family.”
- ―Maddie to Sonic
Like Tom, Sonic eventually developed a positive relationship with his adoptive mother. He called her the "Pretzel Lady" because of her ability to perform yoga. After he had been injured in a battle between Sonic, Tom and one of the Badniks, Marie was able to revive him. Initially stunned rather than scared, Maddie agreed with Tom that they had to help Sonic because apparently blue alien hedgehogs are people too. The couple took Sonic to the top of the building and he was able to retrieve his rings. When Tom and Sonic said goodbye to each other, Maddie realized that they were cute together. When Sonic insisted that they were not cute, she reluctantly agrees with him to kept him entertained. However, before Sonic left, they were confronted by Dr. Robotnik and his drones. Realizing they were in trouble, Sonic realized Maddie and Tom were defenseless, so he threw them off the building and used one of the rings to teleport them home.
After Sonic regains the strength to and power to defeat Robotnik, Maddie is seen proudly smiling at the young hedgehog is revived as he and Tom banish Robotnik to the mushroom planet. In the epilogue, Maddie and Tom moved Sonic's belongings from the Hedgehog cave, and have officially adopting him into the family.
By the sequel, Maddie and Sonic have forged a deep mother-son bond, showing how much the two have come to care about each other. Like Tom, Maddie has come to see Sonic as her son, which she admits when she and Tom address Sonic as "our kid" and Dr. Robotnik is apparently about to kill them. After seeing Sonic defeat Robotnik once and for all, Maddie cheers her son on and then runs over to embrace him.
Longclaw was Sonic's first adoptive mother who acted both as a mentor and a mother. Sonic seemed to disregard Longclaw's rules, like keeping his powers undercover. He proved his love for her by running across the island and grabbing her favorite flower. Unfortunately, the Echidna clan found Sonic and Longclaw's hideout and fired at them, causing Longclaw to fly off with Sonic. She took him to a secluded part of the forest and gave him a bag of rings that could take Sonic anywhere in the universe. She used one of these to open a portal to Earth, where Longclaw told Sonic never to use his powers as long as he lived there. Even then complying with Longclaw's orders, Sonic was unwilling to leave her, as he attempted to come to her rescue when she made her stand against the echidna tribe, only for the Ring portal between them to close up.
During his time on Earth, Sonic took most of Longclaw's words to heart until he accidentally used his powers after running off a baseball field. However, during his drive with Tom, Sonic wondered if Longclaw was wrong and if he could form a life on Earth. Instead of disappearing to the Mushroom Planet, Sonic sent Robotnik to the other side of the portal and remained on Earth with the Wachowski family. It is proven in the sequel that despite having Maddie as a surrogate mother, Sonic does truly miss Longclaw, and keeps mementos of her with him. It is also implied that Longclaw sent Sonic to Earth so he could find and protect the Master Emerald.
In the threequel, Sonic has a painting of himself and Longclaw on the wall deep in the woods, as a tribute to her.
Sonic and Tails first crossed paths after Tails rescued Sonic from Knuckles. Initially, Sonic was hesitant to trust Tails since they had just met, but given the danger they faced, he had no choice but to accept Tails' assistance. Over time, Sonic came to recognize Tails' genuine intentions and helpful nature, leading him to embrace Tails as an ally. When Tails expressed uncertainty about joining Sonic's quest for the Master Emerald, Sonic reassured him with an unwavering promise of protection. Despite feeling uneasy upon learning that Tails had been spying on him for the past 8 months, their bond grew stronger after winning a dance battle. Sonic also discovered that Tails viewed him as a hero since his victory over Dr. Robotnik in Green Hills and confided in him about his insecurities regarding his two tails, to which Sonic offered support and reassurance.
Sonic consistently treated Tails with kindness unlike others. When Sonic discovered that Tails had been secretly following him, he was impressed instead of disturbed. After Tails was attacked by Robotnik, Sonic focused on taking care of him. Sonic blamed himself for putting Tails in danger and decided to find the Master Emerald alone. When Tails arrived to pick him up, Sonic was relieved and impressed. During their fight with Robotnik's Giant Eggman Robot, Sonic and Tails worked closely together and listened to each other's ideas. Since then, they have remained good friends and developed a strong brotherly bond.
Sonic's initial relationship with Knuckles the Echidna was strained due to Knuckles' association with the Echidnas, who had separated Sonic from Longclaw and banished him from his home. Despite this, Sonic never harbored personal hatred towards Knuckles and would only act in self-defense during their initial clashes. At first, Sonic viewed Knuckles as a serious threat, considering him a more experienced and skilled fighter than himself. Over time, Sonic overcame his fear and began to see Knuckles as more of an annoyance, mocking him for his temper and reputation. However, they both found common ground after learning that they had both lost their families due to the conflict between the owls and the echidnas.
Their relationship took a turn for the worse when Tails inadvertently caused Knuckles to question Sonic's honesty, leading to a confrontation where Sonic stopped holding back and began to fight Knuckles more aggressively. Despite Knuckles repeatedly attempting to harm Sonic and treating him disrespectfully, Sonic couldn't bring himself to consider Knuckles a true enemy. In fact, Sonic even saved Knuckles from drowning, and Knuckles returned the favor. Following a heart-to-heart conversation explaining his actions, Sonic earned Knuckles' trust and friendship. From then on, they remained good friends, with Sonic expressing his trust in Knuckles and acknowledging him as a brave and noble warrior. However, Sonic often found himself exasperated by Knuckles' naivety and boastful attitude. They shared a friendly rivalry and were tasked with guarding the Master Emerald with Tails.
Sonic empathized with Knuckles' struggles when Knuckles had difficulty adapting to life on Earth, having experienced similar challenges himself. Sonic offered advice and support, which Knuckles eventually followed, ultimately finding a place in the Wachowski family. When Knuckles was grounded by Maddie, Sonic suggested various ways for Knuckles to pass the time and relax.
Crazy Carl
Sonic used to enjoy antagonizing Crazy Carl, up to the point where no one in town would believe the old man's claims. When Tom says he couldn't believe that Crazy Carl was right, Sonic said they should call him "Super Observant Carl" instead. Despite the trouble Sonci causes for Crazy" Carl, the old man stepped up to defend him from Robotnik during their fight, yelling at him to leave their sheriff and blue devil alone.
As his arch enemy, Sonic sees Dr. Ivo Robotnik as a psychotic madman who only wants to use his power for his own gains and destroy him and his foster family. Despite this, Sonic would tease the doctor by calling him "Eggman" as a reference to his egg-shaped Badniks and mocking his looks.
Sonic first met Robotnik when he came to the house of Tom Wachowski, who was hiding him, and threatened to kill Tom if he did not tell where Sonic was. Rather than letting Tom pay the price, Sonic revealed himself to Dr. Robotnik to save Tom. Dr. Robotnik, in turn, was shocked by the sight of Sonic, allowing Tom to knock him out, and him and Sonic to escape him. One of Sonic's primary reasons for leaving Earth after that was to protect those knowing of his existence, namely Tom and Maddie, from Robotnik's wrath. During their later confrontation at the Transamerica Pyramid, Sonic had developed a more fearless attitude towards Robotnik, which he showed by taunting him and boasting confidently that the doctor would never be able to catch him. However, when Robotnik proved himself a threat with his Eggpod vehicle, Sonic took the doctor more seriously, and would even begin to show slight fear of him after finding himself unable to escape him and his Eggpod. After resolving to use his power to protect his friends instead of running away however, Sonic faced Robotnik head-on, eventually defeating him and banishing him to the Mushroom Planet with Tom's aid.
When Robotnik returned, Sonic would treat the doctor with even more aggression, going as far as to attempt to attack him as he threatened his loves ones from his foster family. Despite this, Sonic would remain cheeky towards Robotnik, namely by mocking his new look, especially by pointing out his more unkept mustache. As Sonic kept returning to ruin Robotnik's plans though, he would eventually become Robotnik's greatest weak spot, something which Sonic recognized and used to his advantage when fighting Robotnik and his Giant Eggman Robot. Sonic's spite towards Robotnik further intensified after he nearly killed the Wachowskis, though he kept himself calm enough to give Robotnik the option to surrender. When Robotnik failed to do that though, Sonic destroyed the Giant Eggman Robot and left him to fall with it.
Wade Whipple
Sonic informally met Wade Whipple when he came to his and Tom's defense against Dr. Ivo Robotnik. During his new life in Green Hills, Sonic formed a friendship with Wade, greeting him friendly when he returned from his heroic mission in Seattle and trusts him when he tells him about mysterious noises at the Green Hills Junkyard. While being chased by Robotnik and Knuckles, Sonic and Tails sought refuge to find the Master Emerald, so Sonic took refuge in Wade's house. Sonic seems a little frustrated and uncomfortable when Wade makes some jokes and his lack of concentration in serious situations. Wade later attempted to help the Wachowskis by apprehending Agent Stone; but was too incompetant to do so.
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
- “Well, to be honest, it feels like I've been running my whole life. Is this too much? Am I going too fast? It's kind of what I do. ”
- ―Sonic, opening narration
- Sonic: "Donut Lord...?"
- Tom: "You can talk! You're not…you're not here to abduct me, are you?"
- Sonic: "You abducted me!"
- Tom: "Okay, that's a fair point. What are you? Why were you hiding out in my garage?"
- Sonic: "I needed somewhere safe, and y-you're the only person i could think of, Donut Lord!"
- Tom: "Why do you keep calling me Donut Lord!?"
- Sonic: "Cause you talk to donuts...and then eat them if they get out of line."
- Tom: "Again, fair! "
- ―Sonic & Tom's first argument
- Whenever Sonic starts rolling, the iconic Spin Attack" and the "Dash Pad" sounds can be heard at the beginning.
- This is the fifth "blue themed" character who Ben Schwartz voiced, after Skidmark in Turbo (2013), Uncle Steve the Troll in Nickelodeon's Wallykazam! (2014) two-parter special The Big Goblin Problem (2015), Dewey Duck and Leonardo from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
- During his speeding antics inside the motel, Sonic can be seen doing his balancing pose from Sonic the Hedgehog (1991).
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