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The Slitherwing are Mystery Class dragon featured in DreamWork's How to Train Your Dragon franchise. They are minor antagonists in the Netflix original series, Dragons: Race to the Edge. In the series, they make their debut as the main antagonists of the Season 5 episode, "No Dragons Left Behind." Due to their elusive nature the Slitherwings are the most dangerous dragons due to their poisonous venom.


The Slitherwing has a long snake-like body with scaly, red, black and yellow skin. They have a poisonous venom that coats their skin. This allows them to fight off Deathsong amber. In addition to this, they are invulnerable to Garff's siren song.

When the team encountered them, they just took them for giant snakes until they unfolded their wings.

Throughout Dragons: Race to the Edge[]

Season 5[]

"No Dragon Left Behind"

The Dragon Riders took Garffiljorg to an uncharted island when he was not fit to live with the Vikings anymore due to attacking his fellow Dragons. They encountered the Slitherwings emerging from the bushes and first thought to be giant snakes. Astrid grew angry at Fishlegs Ingerman for suggesting their island as a new home for Garff, but the young viking had no clue these dangerous Dragons lived there. They seemingly poisoned Stormfly and chases Garffiljorg, who encased himself in his own amber to protect him from the Slitherwing venom. While Astrid, Ruffnut Thorston, Fishlegs, and Tuff stayed with Stormfly, Hiccup Haddock and Snotlout Jorgenson went in search of Garff. To make the cure for Stormfly, they needed Slitherwing venom to reverse the effects, so Astrid punched one and acquired its venom. Fishlegs created the serum and used it to cure Astrid. He later used it on Stormfly, but Fishlegs told her that it didn't cure Stormfly. This made Astrid realize that Stormfly was not poisoned and that she was going through the five stages of grief because Stormfly lost it when the Slitherwings took Garff.

Meanwhile, Snotlout and Hiccup found Garff inside his own cocoon of amber. As Hiccup frees him, they inadvertently wake up the Slitherwings. When song from Garff is heard, Stormfly suddenly perks back up and leads her teammates by following the songs to the cave. They rush in to help fight off the Slitherwings and save Hiccup and Snotlout, their dragons, and Garff.

Video Games[]

Dragons: Rise of Berk[]

This dragon appeared in Rise of Berk, along with individuals named Toksin and Harmhug.


Dragons: The Series[]


How to Train Your Dragon logo
Movies: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (live-action) • Astrid Hofferson (live-action) • Stoick the Vast (live-action) • ValkaGobber the Belch (live-action) • Fishlegs Ingerman (live-action) • Snotlout Jorgenson (live-action) • Ruffnut Thorston (live-action) • Tuffnut Thorston (live-action) • EretGothiSpiteloutDrago BludvistGrimmel the GrislyToothlessStormflyMeatlugBarf and BelchHookfangCloudjumperSkullcrusherGrumpRed DeathZephyr HaddockNuffink HaddockPhlegma the Fierce

Spin-off Characters: Dagur the DerangedMalaHeatherHeather's Adoptive ParentsAtaliGustav LarsonMindenNadiaMulch and BucketSilent SvenTrader JohannAlvin the TreacherousViggo GrimbornRyker GrimbornMildewCaptain Vorg
Minor Dragons: Toothless' RivalScauldyBing, Bam and BoomValka's BewilderbeastDrago's BewilderbeastTorchThornadoWingnutDart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner
Comics: Skuld the Sorceress
Video Games: Eir StormheartNikora StormheartHarald Forkbeart
Dragons: The Nine Realms: Tom KullersenJun WongD'Angelo BakerAlexandra GonzalezEugene WongThunderWu and WeiPlowhornFeathersWebmasterOlivia KullersenMay WongPhillip BakerAngela BakerCarla GonzalezHazel GonzalezWilma SledkinLindaWilliam Rakke Jr.BuzzsawFordWinstonFault RipperThe Sky TorcherOld JackJörmungandrHobs
2025 Remake: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless, Astrid Hofferson, Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston

Groups and Organizations
VikingsBerserker TribeDefenders of the WingDrago's ArmyDragon HuntersDragon RidersDragon TrappersDragon Riders' AuxiliaryDragonroot CompanyHairy Hooligan TribeNorthlander TribeOutcast TribeRefugee TribeThunderhead TribeWarlordsWingmaidensGrimbornsHaddocksHoffersonsIngermansJorgensonsLarsonsThorstons
Night FuryDeadly NadderGronckleMonstrous NightmareHideous ZipplebackTerrible TerrorTyphoomerangThunderdrumFirewormScauldronWhispering DeathSmothering SmokebreathChangewingScreaming DeathFireworm QueenFlightmareSkrillLead StingerSpeed StingersStormcutterBewilderbeastSeashockerShellfireSubmaripperMist TwisterDeadly SpinnerFeatherhideGembreakerSky TorcherJörmungandrLight FuryNight LightSpiderwingCatastrophic Quaken
Berk, The Hidden World, New Berk, ICARIS, Kullersen Fissure
Weapons: Inferno, Astrid Hofferson's Axe, Hiccup's Viking Helmet, Hiccup's Shield, The Mangler (Hiccup's Bola Catapult), Dragon Root Arrows, Toothless' Saddle and Tail Fin, Dragon Scale Armor, Deathgripper Venom

Plants: Dragon Root, Blue Oleanders, Purple Oleanders
Other: Yak Nog, Bork's Papers, The Book of Dragons (original, The Nine Realms), Hiccup's Prosthetic Leg, Astrid's Betrothal Necklace, Gobber's Peg Leg

Hiccup Haddock/Relationships