This article is about the Teen Titans adaptation of Deathstroke. For other versions of the character, see Deathstroke.
- “I am the thing that keeps you up at night, the evil that haunts every dark corner of your mind. I will never rest — and neither will you.”
- ―Slade admits himself to be a hallucination to Robin.
Slade Wilson (also known as Deathstroke the Terminator) is the main antagonist of the television series, Teen Titans. He is one of the arch-enemies of the Teen Titans, specifically Robin, and the biological father of Titans members Ravager and Jericho
Slade is the main antagonist of Seasons 1 and 2, and later appears as a hallucination in Season 3, the secondary antagonist of Season 4 and a final antagonist as a robot duplicate in Season 5.
He is voiced by Ron Perlman, who voiced another version of the character in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, Mr. Lancer in Danny Phantom , Kago in Disney's Tarzan II, Warhok in Kim Possible, the Stabbington Brothers in Tangled, Fire Lord Sozin in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Clayface in Batman: The Animated Series, Rumor in The Batman, Mr. Grasping from An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island and Xibalba in the film The Book of Life.
Slade is based on Deathstroke, a character created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérezi in DC Comics.
Slade was simply introduced as "Deathstroke the Terminator" who was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, and made his first appearance in The New Teen Titans #2 in December 1980.
Slade became a popular character within the comics, granted his own solo series in 1991, with a total of sixty five issues.
Since 1984, he was no longer called "The Terminator" since the franchise of the same name took off. However, the title seems to have been popularized, as it resurfaced in Justice League Elite.
Season 1[]
Season 2[]
Season 3[]
Season 4[]
Season 5[]
Teen Titans[]
Season 1[]
- "Divide and Conquer" (First appearance)
- "Final Exam"
- "Forces of Nature"
- "Masks"
- "Apprentice - Part 1"
- "Apprentice - Part 2"
Season 2[]
- "Terra"
- "Titan Rising"
- "Betrayal"
- "Aftershock - Part 1"
- "Aftershock - Part 2"
Season 3[]
- "X" (Flashback)
- "Haunted" (Vision)
Season 4[]
- "Birthmark"
- "The Prophecy"
- "The End - Part 1"
- "The End - Part 2"
- "The End - Part 3" (Final appearance; technically)
Season 5[]
- "Hide and Seek" (Flashback)
- "Things Change" (Robot Replica)
New Teen Titans shorts[]
- "Red X Unmasked" (As a mask of Red X)
- "Titans in Love" (Poster only)
- "Apprentice, Part III" (Imagination of Larry)
- "Bad Dad"
- "Mayhem at First Sight"
Teen Titans Go![]
- "Demo"
- "Countdown"
- "When Chibis Attack" (Cameo)
- "Garsaurus REX Attacks!" (Cameo)
- "The Book/Listen" (Nightmare)
- "Knockoff!" (Mentioned)
- "Who Wants Pie?" (Cameo)
- "Legacy" (Cameo/mentioned)
- "Metamorphosis" (Flashback)
Powers and abilities[]
- Metahuman Physiology: Slade Wilson was a part of the U.S. Military, during which, he was recruited by a group of scientists to being the test subject to their super soldier serum. Unfortunately, it was too late for him to pull out. Instead, the serum altered Slade's entire physiology, turning him into a meta-human. His meta-gene passed down to his children. He has all of his comic book counterpart's powers and abilities
- Superhuman strength: Slade effortlessly held back Dick Grayson in their battles. He also held up against Beast Boy whenever he was in the form of a gigantic animal (Usually a predator, like a tiger or a dinosaur)
- Agility: Due to his military training and enhanced physiology, Slade has a faster and stronger agility than any other human.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Slade has the ability to heal faster than most humans and sustain small injury that he usually bounces back from. During his fights with Robin and Beast Boy. Instead of feeling immense pain with brute force, Slade is able to get back up again and merely grunts instead. However, it does have its limits. His eye could not regrow. His wife shot him in a fit of rage for causing Grant's death and Joseph's disability
- Enhanced endurance
- Enhanced reflexes
- Enhanced stamina
- Master hand-to-hand combatant: Slade is likely one of the most experienced martial combatants in the world. Even Robin has never been able to decisively defeat him in unarmed combat. As a matter of fact, Slade was only defeated when Robin had help from his other teammates He had managed to outgun Terra when she turned on him; however, he was able to take control of her Apprentice armor, but she managed to break free and ultimately defeat him,
- Master manipulator: Slade was very soft-spoken and charismatic, having the ability to manipulate others to his own advantage. He is always two steps ahead of the Titans, especially with his vast resources. Slade disguised himself as an old man and tricked Thunder and Lightning to using their abilities to bring a flame monster to life. It was later revealed he only put those threats out their as a way of testing the Titans and learning their weaknesses. He manipulated events to get Robin and Terra as being his respective apprentices. He is also a great tactical leader, such as finding ways to exploit the Titans. He has also manipulated Robin into helping him get his mortal body back, albeit, while leading him to Raven as well. However, Trigon appears to be superior, as even though the demonic overlord had promised to return him to life if the madman become his herald. However, Trigon didn't intend to hold his word. It was something Slade did nto see coming, because he screamed in frustration when he learned he was never going to honor their deal.
- Persuasion skills: Slade was able to persuade Terra to becoming his Apprentice. He also managed to convince Beast Boy that Terra was happy to be a regular human girl, while also adding it was his fault that she had sacrificed herself in the first place.
- Mastery of various weapons: Because Slade is a
- Bojutsu
- Bushido
Former Powers[]
- Demonic Powers: After being resurrected by Trigon, Slade was granted demonic abilities and powers, becoming his minion for a time in a way to achieve his flesh and bone once more. However, Trigon took away Slade's powers when he betrayed him and ultimately left him powerless.
- Pyrokinesis: One of Slade's new abilities was the ability to control or manipulate fire. He used it to subdue the Teen Titans.
- High Pain Resistance: Due to not being a living being, Slade was resistant to pain
- Flight: It is shown that Slade could fly, as this was how he was able to find Robin and Raven through use of flight.
- Heat resistance: Because of his ability to create fire, Slade was resistant to heat.
- Pyrokinetic creature creation: It is shown that Slade could create fire golems and other creatures at his disposal.
- Fire absorption: He was able to absorb the flames as he continued to attack the Teen Titans.
- Power transferring: It is shown that Slade was able to transfer a power to another being.
- Molecular combustion: Slade can speed up the molecules or molecular structure of another entity or object, making them appear as if they had exploded.

Slade takes every opportunity to show his superiority over Robin.
Of the Titans, Robin and Slade have an intense and personal rivalry. He also appears to be one step ahead of Robin and loves to show his superiority over the young Dick Grayson. Slade never treats Robin like an enemy, even saving his life at least twice, and has led the masked villain to realize he and his young rival have many things in common. This perspective is one-sided because Robin will immediately deny how similar they are. Slade and Robin's rivalry escalated, up to the point that the mastermind began sending villains to send a message out to Robin and the rest of the Titans, starting with Plasmus, Cinderblock, and the HIVE Academy members Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth. Robin first learned the name Slade from Gizmo. Slade never anticipated the villain kids to succeed. They officially meet in "Forces of Nature," where Robin fought Slade disguised as an old man. He may have praised Robin for his determination; however, he may have been mocking him but easily defeated him. During their fight, Slade escaped and further deepened Robin's determination to stop his arch-enemy at all costs.

Slade and Robin moments before their second fight
Several episodes later, Robin fought one of the Slade robots trying to steal a chip from a company with a high-security system. However, Robin's plan fell through when Slade (with a robot duplicate of his) revealed he knew who Red X was the entire time. The criminal mastermind lured the Boy Wonder away from a fight between the Titans and Slade's other robots. During a small conversation with Slade, the man praised Robin's fighting skills but scolded the Boy Wonder for his reckless attempts to capture him. During the duel, Slade accidentally knocked Robin off the roof but ultimately saved him for further use of Robin for reasons unknown to the boy. Their battle escalated until Robin won the fight and unmasked Slade only to find he was fighting another robot duplicate. The incident caused a rift in Robin's relationship with the other Titans.

Slade forced Robin to become his apprentice and successor.
He also sought to be a mentor, even a twisted father figure towards Robin, even forcing him to be his apprentice. However, with the help of his friends Robin fought Slade and won. It is shown later that Robin never truly got over his apprenticeship or encounters with Slade. The toxin intake made Robin see his worse fear come to life, in this case, a hallucination of Slade. The more he fought the vision, the more that Slade grew more violent and angrier towards the teen. At the end of the episode, Robin is able to move on past this after admitting he is no longer afraid of him. When they met again in Season 4 again, Robin showed no fear towards him, and instead, revived his need to stop him.

A twisted father and daughter relationship that escalated to a full time rivalry
Like Robin before her, Slade took a personal interest in making Terra his second apprentice. Ultimately, Terra was just another innocent victim of Slade's manipulation. Upon first meeting her, Slade claimed that he knew everything about her, including her inability to control her powers. He also knew the real reason of her constantly running away from the places she had been to. The truth was she caused most of the earthquakes or other natural disasters. With this factor, he convinced her to work for him as his apprentice in exchange for spying on the Teen Titans. When it appeared Beast Boy had broken his promise about keeping Terra's powers under control (When Robin figured it out on his own), she ran and chose to take up on Slade's offer. In between "Terra" and "Titan Rising," it appeared that she excelled under Slade's mentorship. He sent her to spy on the Titans and stay as a double agent. However, after Terra grew connected with Beast Boy and sent the weaknesses of Titan Tower to Slade, she tried to run away with Beast Boy. The plan appeared to be working for her up until Slade revealed her true intentions to Beast Boy. After that, Beast Boy immediately rejected Terra and annulled their previous promise to accept her flaws and secrets, Terra grew upset and betrayed by that.

Unlike Robin, Terra was a more willing apprentice
Since Beast Boy rejected her, Terra became a loyal and willing apprentice to Slade, as he was the only person she had left. She became sadistic, cruel, and evil, deprived of any love she had for her former friends. Her devotion towards Slade caused her to wish to please him, with his one true goal: destroy the Titans. When she failed in fighting the team, Slade turned on her the minute she returned. As soon as Terra showed defiance, Slade treated Terra far worse than Robin when he was his apprentice, thrusting her around the room and insulting her enough to shred off pieces of her apprentice uniform. Fortunately, after being reminded of her past relationship with the Titans and tired of Slade's abuse, Terra abandoned all loyalty she had for him and tried to leave. However, Slade wasn't willing to let her go like he lost Robin as an apprentice and instead took control of her armor and therefore had the power to control her powers. However, Terra avoided harming Beast Boy and hitting Slade instead. She later stayed behind to stop him, playing a part in Slade's demise to stop the volcano from overflowing and stop it from destroying Jump City. Because of Terra's involvement in his death, he never forgave her nor forgotten this experience.
However, he did nothing to disrupt her current life as an ordinary girl, even telling Beast Boy to let her go and move on with his life, as well as hers.
Beast Boy[]

Beast Boy snapping at Slade due to years of rivalry.
In Season 1, Slade sought to destroy Beast Boy and the rest of the Teen Titans. Slade used the metahuman teeager and the rest of the Titans to his own advantage. He injected nanobots within the team's bloodstreams and forced Robin to become his apprentice, while sparing their lives. However, this ultimately ended and Slade was defeated by Beast Boy and the rest of the Titans. In Season , this relationship escalates to a personal one. This time, Beast Boy wants Slade defeated more than ever, especially when it involved Terra, the girl Beast Boy liked.
In "Things Change," despite mocking Beast Boy's attempts at failing to reviving Terra's memories, he told him to move on from Terra.
- “I have to say, Raven, when I found out the truth, I was very impressed. All this time I had no idea; the power lurking inside you, the glorious destiny that awaits. It’s always the quiet ones, isn’t it?”
- ―Slade to Raven

Slade torments Raven in a vision.
In Season 1, Slade sought to destroy Raven and the rest of the Teen Titans. Slade used the metahuman teeager and the rest of the Titans to his own advantage. He injected nanobots within the team's bloodstreams and forced Robin to become his apprentice, while sparing their lives.
His relationship with Raven gets personal in Season 4, when he terrorizes her throughout most of the arc.
- Slade is never once referred to his supervillain code-name in the English version of Teen Titans, which is Deathstroke due to censorship.
- Despite being the main antagonist of the series, he only fills the role in the first two seasons.
- However, his influence on the team was the strongest out of all the villains and affects them in later seasons. His actions against them pushed them to being a better crime-fighting team.
- His abuse towards Robin and Terra when they were his subordinates. However, in doing so pushed them to be better people (Robin accepting that he isn't alone in his fights and Terra sacrificed herself to stop him
- His threatening of Raven's friends only made her stronger and gain the courage to stand up to him after their first encounter in "Birthmark" and ultimately led to her sacrifice to bringing Trigon and later defeating him
- Slade is far more treacherous, evil and villainous than his comic book counterpart. In the series, he is an outright evil criminal mastermind.
- In the original comics, Slade was a mercenary for hire and an anti-villain.
- Slade's obsession for wanting to make Robin his successor reflects on Ra's al Ghul's desire to make Batman his own as well and he used supernatural means to cheat death (his deal with Trigon in comparison to Ra's Al Ghul's Lazarus Pits).
- His children, Rose and Jericho appear in the series; however, his relationship to the latter is never revealed.
- Slade is confirmed to have all his abilities from the comics, despite it never being said in the series.
- Slade's face was never truly shown in the series.
- The closest to this happening was in two occasions: "Apprentice, Part 2," when Robin broke his mask in half after previously cracking it during their last fight.
- A second time includes when his mask was kicked off in "The End Part 2." However, all that is shown is a skeletal face. It does appear that this version of Slade is at least missing an eye with a scar over where said eye was.
Similar Villains[]
Ra's al Ghul[]
- They are both master manipulators
- One of the primary arch-enemies of the series' main protagonist (Batman and Robin)
- Use methods to cheat death (Ra's uses his Lazarus Pits and Slade uses his deal with Trigon to survive the encounter.)
- Have an obsession of making a member of the Bat Family their successor (also Batman and Robin)
- However, a difference is, Slade briefly succeeding into turning Robin into his own apprentice.
Vlad Masters[]
- Villains who love to hide in the shadows.
- Master manipulators
- Have an absurd obsession to make the hero of the story their adopted son/successor/protege (Danny and Robin)
- Use their endless resources
- Enjoy spying on their enemies.
- Using nanobots to force an individual (Vlad threatened to destroy Jazz if she and Danny didn't fight. Slade injected nanobots into the Titans if Robin did not become his apprentice. )
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