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SkekVar is a Skeksis and an antagonist in the The Dark Crystal franchise. He was the general of the Skeksis during the Age of Resistance.


SkekVar was the Skeksis counterpart of UrMa and together they were once known as the UrSkek, VarMa. He was commented for being brutal and ruthless, and had a thirst for war. He became the General of the Skeksis armies way before SkekUng took over as position of Garthim Master.


You! You are reckless! Lead us into war!"
"I welcome war!"
"Because you are too thick-headed to use brain!
―SkekSil points out SkekVar's impulsive and recklessness

SkekVar was quite crude, he was just as evil as his other fellow Skeksis. Evil and vindictive, he was also short-tempered and thick-headed, impulsive, reckless, impatient, hot-blooded, boorish, and quite crude, the General was evil who saw SkekTek as the weakest of all the Skeksis and saw SkekSil as a nuisance.

Before the start of the series, revealed in the comics, it was SkekVar who offered Ordon, the war hero, a position as the captain of his guards, shown that he was impressed with the Gelfling's abilities. SkekVar was the only Skeksis to show his disdain to the other Gelfling. He was arrogant, believing  the Gelfling race to be inferior. However, his hubris got the best of him when Rian bested SkekVar in battle. 


The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance[]

Defeat and Death[]

SkekVar, along with the other Skeksis, attended the gathering to draw energy from the Dark Crystal in order to prolong his lifespan, although the process eventually failed. Despite being concerned, he readily agreed with SkekSo's speech about the Skeksis being eternal, and was later overjoyed when SkekTek the Scientist revealed the way to obtain energy is through the use of Gelfling essence drawn from them by the Crystal, soon quaffing down some essence drained from Mira.

The General later assisted in helping the Emperor with recruiting the Arathim to unleash an ambush in Stone-in-the-Wood, and capturing the Gelfling of the Castle Guard to drain them of their essence. SkekVar is also the only other Skeksis besides SkekSo to witness the effects of the Darkening, soon participating in the Battle at Stone-in-the-Wood with the other Skeksis. He he is humiliated by Rian defeating him in the beginning of the battle and ultimately killed by SkekSil.


  • Before the release of the series, fans mistook SkekVar for SkekUng, the second emperor from the original film due to their similar personalities, shared titles and similar appearances. However, this was quickly debunked when the show's cast and characters were released.
  • After his death, SkekVar is the first Skeksis to die in almost 1000 trine since the two unnamed Skeksis, who died very soon after the Great Division.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to SkekVar.


Characters: JenKiraFizzgigAughraRianBreaDeetKenshoThurmaLahrNeffiNaiaGurjinKylanHup

Gelflings: CadiaAll-Maudra Mayrin/The All-MaudraTavraThe LibrarianSeladonMaudra Fara/The Rock SingerMiraOnicaOrdonRek’yrMaudra Argot/The Shadow BenderMaudra LaesidMaudra MeraMaudra SeethiMaudra EthriBobb'NMitjanBobb'NBellanjiShoniEliona and PemmaRed-Haired PaladinDaudranCrystalline EminenceAlyadonBregIvoPomboBoggiWukki

Skeksis: skekSil/The ChamberlainskekSo/The Emperor\skekNa/The Slave MasterskekOk/The Scroll KeeperskekTek/The ScientistskekEkt/The OrnamentalistskekAyuk/The GourmandskekZok/The Ritual MasterskekUng/The GeneralskekShod/The TreasurerskekLach/The CollectorskekMal/The HunterSkekGra/The HereticSkekVarskekEerskekHakskekYiskekSaskekLi

urRu: urZahurImurUtturAmajurNolurYodurSolurAcurTihurSuUrGohurVaUrHomUrLiiUrMaUrSanurSenUrYa

Podlings: Ydra

Other: BaffiVliste-StabaLoreBohrtogRaunipTumbyFiolaFire That StaysChalCindrahKataalLord CommanderKolbaNitaWhouf

Races: GelflingFirelingMysticsSkeksisPodlingsGarthimArathimCrystal SkimmersFizzgig (creature) • Crystal BatNurlocGobblesGruenakLandstrider

Gelfling Clans: Gelfling ResistanceDousan ClanDrenchen ClanGrottan ClanSifa ClanSpriton ClanStonewood ClanVapra Clan
