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There is absolutely nothing in this world that does not bend to my will.


SkekSo is the first and the penultimate Emperor of the Skeksis and the overall main antagonist of The Dark Crystal franchise. He is introduced as a a minor antagonist in The Dark Crystal, where he died before his and his counterpart were reunited.  

He is the main antagonist of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance



Being the darker half of the UrSkek, SoSu, SkekSo represented SoSu's darker side: prideful, stubborn and cruel. However, his initial reign was a benevolent one, such as hosting lavishing parties for his fellow Skeksis. However, as he aged, SkekSo's paranoia got the better of him. He is also very cowardly, as he refused to face Rian when he challenged the Emperor to a duel. Instead, SkekSo had SkekVar take his place.

SkekSo feared death and wanted to achieve immortality, even if it means stealing life from the Crystal whenever the triple suns shine upon them. In doing so, he cared very little of the consequences, and encouraged the experiments, which unleashed the dark phenomenon called the Darkening, a purple energy that was slowly killing the planet. He cares not much for his entire race, but hates to think of the concept that if Skeksis can die, then he too can die. This is the reason why he wanted SkekMal to be saved. SkekSo also does not put his own health first, willingly taking the darkening and letting it mutilate his body, showing his carelessness for the sake of others, as well for his own.

SkekSo is very cruel and sadistic, as shown when he is the only Skeksis to laugh at Mira's draining while the others watch in shock or awe. He also took pleasure in watching Seladon being humiliated and her clothes being disheveled.

By the time of The Dark Crystal, skekSo was desperate to stay emperor and cling onto power, despite being on his deathbed.


The Dark Crystal[]

SkekSo began dying as a result of his arrogant nature and his need to use the Darkening, for it mutilated his body and led to him dying of old age. As he laid dying, SkekSo clutched onto his scepter of office when SkekSil tried to grab for it. He screamed he was still Emperor before dying and crumbling to dust. 

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance[]


SkekSo in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

In the Netflix/Jim Henson prequel web television series, SkekSo appears in the series before he was his shriveled form in the original film. He was voiced by Jason Isaacs.

Taking place fifty years before the original film, SkekSo and his fellow Skeksis have done many experiments on the dark Crystal, which they used to replenish themselves and prolong their lives. However, SkekVar noted that the Crystal was failing them once more, and SkekLach saying that nothing happened to day just like the day before. SkekSo, annoyed, yells for them to stop whining. However, SkekAyuk argues that the crystal is failing them. SkekSo assured his fellow Skeksis That the scientist, SkekTek is working on something as they speak, something skekTek confirms. SkekSo notes that they have ruled for an age and will rule for all ages to come before sending them off. 
As Skekso is walking way, SkekTek called the Emperor, who stopped and annoyed, asked what the problem was. SkekTek told SkekSo that they were not even close to making  a breakthrough. Enraged, SkekSo ordered SkekTek to find a solution to the problem as the Scientist yelled he would not fail. Unknown to the two of them, SkekSil was listening and later helped SkekTek figure out that they needed to drain essence from Gelflings.

When he extracted essence from Mira, SkekSo was the only one who laughed through the whole process. Suddenly, they were aware of Rian's presence when one of his tears landed on one of the Skeksis. SkekSo figured he watched Mira being drained of her essence.

SkekSo ordered his capture but Rian managed to escape from the catacombs. SkekSo worried Rian would tell the other Gelflings but SkekSil reassured the Emperor that the Gelflings will not believe him.

During this time, SkekSo was channeling the Darkening in a staff that contained a crystal connected to the Crystal of Truth.

Later tired of getting no results when Rian was not captured, SkekSo replaced SkekSil with SkekVar as his council will deciding to label Rian a diseased fugitive. After the All-Maudra's death when she learned the truth, SkekSo saw SkekVar's murder of Mayrin as a reason not to continue relations with the Gelfling and attempted to enter an alliance with the Arathim and knowingly sent them back to Grot knowing the Darkening would kill them. When they failed and learned they were outnumbered due to the Battle at Stone-in-the-Wood, SkekSo commissioned SkekTek to create the Garthim, a group of obedient warriors.

When SkekSo learned of the prophecy that foretold that a Gelfling would end the Skeksis' rule, he then ordered their complete extermination.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to SkekSo.


We are Lords of the Crystal. We have ruled for an age and will rule for all ages yet to come. We are eternal!
―SkekSo reminds his congener that they are immortal.

Tonight, we celebrate! Let us feast! Music! Revelry! For this day, the Skeksis conquered death!
―SkekSo declaring the Skeksis's victory of finding a way to live longer from the drained essence.

The General is right. I need results, not talk! (SkekSil: But, Emperor, my sire.) Be silent, or I will silence you. (SkekSil: But but why? I did not start fight.) You talk too much. Talk, talk, talk! We rot while you chatter! (SkekSil: Sire, my plan is working. I just need more time.) More time, more words. more nothing! (SkekSil: Forgive. Forgive.) Forgiveness is for the feeble. I need a new counsel. A counselor who understands how to wield power. (SkekVar: Yes.) General? You will take Chamberlain's place at my side. (SkekVar: I am honored, sire.) No! You are commanded. Do what the Chamberlain has failed to do.
―Skekso rejects SkekSil for failures and chooses SkekVar to replace him.

Chamberlain! I see you standing here, but no Rian. What do you have to say before I punish you for your continued failure? (SkekSil: As you celebrate, Gelfling of Stone-in-Wood rebel. An entire clan has taken arms against Skeksis. I was drawn into heated battle. I face grave danger. I fought my way out at own personal risk to bring you this report.) Bah! Stone-in-the-Wood you say? (SkekSil: Yes. Yes! Because of General's blundering violence! Bah (SkekVar: Nonsense.) (SkekSil: SkekVar killed All-Maudra against Emperor's wishes. Caused all of this. Order is upended.) HA HA HA HA. (The other Skeksis laugh in their turn) The General has set us free. Never again will the Skeksis have to bear the burden of pretending to care for these useless Gelfling. (SkekVar: We will take what is ours without games or pretense.) We will rule forever! (SkekSil: But But, Emperor.) (SkekVar: Emperor.The Chamberlain here may've inadvertently provided us with our next meal. The Stonewoods' defiance is all the justification we need to clear them out of their village and into our larders!) We must have more essence!
―SkekSo is delighted to no longer have to pretend to care about the Gelfins after they have discovered the true diabolical nature of the Skeksis, if that means more essence.

(SkekVar: Disgusting. I don't understand why you brought me down here) Patience, General. Summon the Ascendency. (SkekVar: But they are a sworn enemy.) Not for long. […] (Ascendency: The Ascendancy hears your call! We are all Arathim as one.) Greetings, Ascendancy. (Asendency: Emperor.) (Male Arathim: Not welcome!) But I have come to offer you a way out of the wilds and back into our good graces, in spite of your ill-fated rebellion. (Ascendency: We are listening.) The Gelfling have turned... hmm, unruly. You will crush them, gather them, bring them to me. (Ascendency: Why should we do as you ask?) Become a fist for the Skeksis, and I shall return your ancestral home: the Caves of Grot. (Ascendency: Of Grot! The Arathim Ascendancy accepts your offer, but the Gelfling will simply walk themselves into your grasp.) (SkekVar: How is this possible? ) (Ascendency: Bring us a Gelfling. A strong one. Then you will understand?) We have an army.
―SkekSo requesting and then winning the allegiance of the Ascendency.

Enough! The All-Maudra was a shepherd. Now, it's time to harvest the herd!
―SkekSo before he and the other Skeksis humiliate Seladon.

(SkekVar: We were betrayed. The Arathim have turned against us and sided with the Gelfling.) (SkekLach: Yeah. It's a good thing I was there to teach those disgusting critters a lesson.) More grave news. (SkekVar:All is not lost, Emperor. The Chamberlain has a plan.) I thought you'd had enough of the Chamberlain's plans, General? (SkekVar: SkekSil saved my life. Our enemies join against us. We must put our squabbles aside for the good of all Skeksis.) (SkekSil: General was right. Gelfling must be crushed. Gelfling are plague upon Thra, upon Skeksis. Can be no peace while Gelfling live. Must be war.) (SkekZok: Wars require soldiers. We have lost the Arathim.) (SkekSil: Yes, because Skeksis have been too kind. Give Gelfling everything, they want more. Think loyalty can be bought or demanded. But not true. Can only be built. And so I bring friend General a plan. (SkekVar: Sire, imagine an army of unstoppable soldiers, engineered to be loyal.) [To SkekTek] Could you build such a thing? (SkekTek: Ah, I relish such a challenge, Emperor. But one cannot make something from nothing.[SkekSil drags a carcass of Arathim.] (SkekSil: Here is your something. Arathim reanimated by Scientist's machines. Made into soulless fearless instruments of death.) (SkekTek: It might be possible to surgically graft the cadavers into a new, larger specimen.) (SkekVar: Giant Arathim?) (SkekSil: Very good.) Build my army! Every resource shall be yours. (SkekTek: Yes, Emperor.) And, Chamberlain. You have earned your place again at our table.
―SkekSo giving permission for the creation of a new armies that will later become the Garthims, while restoring SkekSil in his favors.

That's enough! Silence! Your pathetic rebellion can only end in ruin! (Rian: Then why do you tremble?) Disrespectful peon! Your lives are but a speck waiting to be swept away. Be assured, any Gelfling that stand with you in battle will join you in the grave. (Rian: Bring your weapons! Bring your Skeksis and meet your destiny!)
―SkekSo declares war on Rian and all the Gelfins who will dare to stand up against the Skeksis.

Cowards! Let the chattel have their toy. Let them think they stand a chance against us. But hear me, Lords of the Crystal, Regents of Thra, all powerful Skeksis. Yes! At dawn, we descend on their pitiful village. Yes! We will crush their nascent rebellion before it takes root, grind these defiant Gelfling to dust, destroy the Dual Glaive, and feast upon their essence!
―SkekSo assuring his loyal Skeksis that they will destroy the Geflins's resistance.

(SkekVar: Forgive me, Emperor.) Leave. You failed me.
―SkekSo angry at a SkekVar weakened for failing to kill Rian, also their last conversation before SkekVar's death.

Behold the power of the Darkening!
―SkekSo upon releasing said Darkening onto the Gelfling.


Characters: JenKiraFizzgigAughraRianBreaDeetKenshoThurmaLahrNeffiNaiaGurjinKylanHup

Gelflings: CadiaAll-Maudra Mayrin/The All-MaudraTavraThe LibrarianSeladonMaudra Fara/The Rock SingerMiraOnicaOrdonRek’yrMaudra Argot/The Shadow BenderMaudra LaesidMaudra MeraMaudra SeethiMaudra EthriBobb'NMitjanBobb'NBellanjiShoniEliona and PemmaRed-Haired PaladinDaudranCrystalline EminenceAlyadonBregIvoPomboBoggiWukki

Skeksis: skekSil/The ChamberlainskekSo/The Emperor\skekNa/The Slave MasterskekOk/The Scroll KeeperskekTek/The ScientistskekEkt/The OrnamentalistskekAyuk/The GourmandskekZok/The Ritual MasterskekUng/The GeneralskekShod/The TreasurerskekLach/The CollectorskekMal/The HunterSkekGra/The HereticSkekVarskekEerskekHakskekYiskekSaskekLi

urRu: urZahurImurUtturAmajurNolurYodurSolurAcurTihurSuUrGohurVaUrHomUrLiiUrMaUrSanurSenUrYa

Podlings: Ydra

Other: BaffiVliste-StabaLoreBohrtogRaunipTumbyFiolaFire That StaysChalCindrahKataalLord CommanderKolbaNitaWhouf

Races: GelflingFirelingMysticsSkeksisPodlingsGarthimArathimCrystal SkimmersFizzgig (creature) • Crystal BatNurlocGobblesGruenakLandstrider

Gelfling Clans: Gelfling ResistanceDousan ClanDrenchen ClanGrottan ClanSifa ClanSpriton ClanStonewood ClanVapra Clan
