Shockwave is a major antagonist in Generation 1 of The Transformers franchise.
He is usually treated as the "mad scientist" of the Decepticons. Due to his major loyalty to Megatron and Starscream's backstabbing nature, Shockwave is the true second-in-command of the Decepticons. However, his true loyalty is with himself at times, and sometimes sides against Megatron if it is the "right" decision.
He is voiced by Corey Burton who also voiced the Autobots Sunstreaker and Brawn and the human Spike Witwicky.
Shockwave is a Cyclops Decepticon, having a yellow eye at the center of his head and had two black blade-like antennas. His head, hands, fingers, arms, and lower legs are purple while his upper legs, feet, and shoulder pads are silver. He has a right hand but his left hand is just a gun or the Cybertronian equivalent of a prosthetic.
Shockwave was told by Megatron to stay on Cybertron and keep an eye out for the planet. For centuries, the Decepticon mad scientist did just that but exhausted himself. In 1984, he discovered that his comrades survived as Megatron contacted him.
Transformers: The Movie[]
In the 1986 movie, Shockwave's final fate is unknown; his last appearance was sending out a distress call, warning the Decepticons that Unicron was coming. He was most likely destroyed by Unicron as he invaded the planet.