Heroes and Villains Wiki

I'm Jennifer Walters. I'm a normal lawyer. Well, not that normal.
―Jennifer Walters

Jennifer "Jen" Walters is the main protagonist of the Disney plus television series She-Hulk. She is the paternal cousin of Bruce Banner/Hulk, and the daughter of Elaine and Morris. She is a lawyer from Los Angeles who gets into a car accident with Bruce and is given an unwilling blood transfusion when his blood bleeds into her open wound. In doing so gave Jennifer the same powers as her cousin, becoming She-Hulk. Unlike Bruce when he first transformed, Jennifer still has her conscious and the ability to speak.


Promotional Images[]



  • It was confirmed in the first episode that Jen was one of the few survivors of the Snap


Hulk family
Hulk (Bruce Banner)She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)SkaarThunderbolt RossRobert MaverickA-Bomb (Rick Jones)She-Hulk (Lyra)Hiro-KalaRed She-Hulk (Betty Ross)Hulk (Amadeus Cho)Weapon H
Supporting Characters
AmphibionAvengersCaptain AmericaDoc SamsonFantastic FourGamma CorpsGlorianIron ManJarellaJim WilsonMarlo ChandlerNamorNick FuryPantheonRebecca BannerS.H.I.E.L.D.Spider-ManThorWarbound (CaieraElloe KaifiHiroimKorgMiekNo-NameWolverine) • X-Men
AbominationAbsorbing ManBi-BeastGargoyleLeaderMadmanMaestroTyrannusU-FoesWendigoZzzax HydraRoxxonThunderboltsApocalypseBrian BannerDestroyerEnchantressExecutionerGalactusGrey GargoyleGrandmasterMODOKMandarinSandmanTiger SharkGlenn TalbotSabretooth
Marvel Cinematic Universe
HulkBetty RossAbominationSamuel SternsLeonard SamsonThaddeus RossIron ManJennifer Walters/She-HulkMatt Murdock/Daredevil

Main Protagonists:Iron ManHulkThor OdinsonCaptain AmericaBlack WidowHawkeyeStar-LordQuicksilverScarlet WitchVisionWar MachineBucky BarnesAnt-ManWaspDoctor StrangeSpider-ManBlack PantherCaptain MarvelRunaways (Karolina DeanAlex WilderNico MinoruChase Stein Molly HernandezGert YorkesOld Lace) • Cloak/Tyrone JohnsonDagger/Tandy BowenDaisy "Skye" Johnson (Quake)Melinda MayLeopold FitzJemma SimmonsAlphonso MackenzieAntoine "Trip" TriplettLincoln CampbellJoey GutierrezYo-Yo RodriguezJessica JonesDaredevilLuke CageIron FistPunisherDeke ShawRunawaysMedusaBlack BoltShe-HulkShang-Chi

Secondary Characters: Phil CousonNick FuryPepper PottsPeggy CarterJane FosterErik SelvigLoki LaufeysonGamoraWongDrax the DestroyerRocket RaccoonGrootMantisNebulaYondu UdontaKraglin ObfonteriHank PymJanet Van DyneAncient OneShuriEverett RossOkoyeAyoM'BakuNakiaRamondaValkyrieTalosMaria RambeauMonica RambeauSorenNed LeedsMay ParkerMichelle "MJ" JonesElizabeth "Liz" ToomesChristine PalmerBobbi MorseLance HunterFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man

Tertiary Characters: Darcy LewisIan BoothbyIrani RaelRhomann DeyMaria StarkFriggaMeredith QuillHoward StarkHappy HoganLaura BartonStakar OgordCharlie-27MartinexAleta OgordVolstaggFandralHogunSifJ.A.R.V.I.S.HeimdallMiekLuisJim PaxtonKurtDave

ThanosHelaCorvus GlaiveCull ObsidianEbony MawProxima MidnightAyeshaEgoRonan the AccuserTaserfaceAgatha HarknessTyler HaywardOtto Octavius/Doctor OctopusCurt Connors/LizardNorman Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillon/ElectroFlint Marko/Sandman
S.H.I.E.L.D.Stark IndustriesTen RingsHydraRavagersYondu Ravager ClanGuardians of the GalaxyAvengersBlack OrderDefendersKree Empire
Loki: LokiSylvie LaufeydottirMobius M. MobiusHunter B-15Miss MinutesBoastful LokiKid LokiClassic LokiThrogTime Keepers • Minutemen

Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings: Shang ChiXialing

Eternals: SersiIkarisBlack KnightThena
Other Worlds: Green Goblin (Spider-Man Films)Doctor Octopus
