Full name
Zheng Shang-Chi
Other names
Brother Hand Commander Hand Deadly Hand Master of Kung Fu Master of Kung Fu Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Dragon Rising and Advancing of the Spirit The Chi-Meister
Supreme Commander of the Five Weapons Society Adventurer Vigilante Martial Arts instructorFormerly: Champion of the House of the Deadly Hand Assassin Secret Agent Fisherman Employee at Grandma Wang's Bakery
Five Weapons Society House ChampionsFormerly Si-Fan Triads MI5 MI6 Freelance Restorations Marvel Knights Heroes for Hire Avengers New Avengers (A.I.M.) Protectors Underground Agents of Atlas Ally of the Secret Avengers
Become a great martial artist and protect others Taking justice in his own hands.
Red Dot Collective Headquarters, Chinatown, New York City, New York, USA (currently) House of the Deadly Hand, Hunan, China House of the Deadly Hammer, Chara Sands, Russia House of the Deadly Staff, London, England, United Kingdom Mahatta River, British Columbia, Canada (all formerly)
Zheng Zu (father, deceased);
Jiang Li (mother);
Zheng Shi-Hua (sister);
Zheng Bao Yu, Kwai Far, Zheng Esme, Zheng Zhilan (half-sisters)
Takeshi (half-brother) Moving Shadow, Brother Staff † (half-brothers) M'Nai (adoptive brother)
Tarantula (love interest)
Xin (maternal grandfather) Shaka Kharn † (ancestor) Zheng Yi † (paternal uncle) Falo (distant relative)
Black Jack Tarr, Clive Reston, Leiko Wu,
Iron Fist ,
White Tiger ,
Daredevil ,
Black Widow ,
Luke Cage ,
Cloak &
Dagger ,
Hulk ,
Moon Knight ,
Punisher ,
Captain America ,
Iron Man ,
Spider-Man ,
Spider-Woman ,
Wolverine ,
Silk ,
Ms. Marvel ,
Misty Knight ,
Amadeus Cho , Cat
(rival) , Colleen Wing, Tarantula
(love-interest) , Jack of Hearts, Sword Master, White Fox,
Luna Snow , Aero, Wave, Crescent, Io, Jimmy Woo
Martial arts, managing his chi, being a Vigilante, justice
His past crimes, violence, losing his friends and family
Powers and abilities
Master martial artist
Mastery of chi Psionic abilities Abilities via the Ten Rings
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Shang-Chi 2
Video Games
Marvel Future Fight Marvel Duel Marvel Contest of Champions Marvel Strike Force Marvel Puzzle Quest Marvel Super War Fortnite Battle Royale
Shang-Chi The Avengers
Created by
Steve Englehart and Jim Starlin
Zheng Shang-Chi , Also known as Brother Hand , Commander Hand , The Deadly Hand and Master of Kung Fu , is the titular main protagonist of the Shang-Chi comic book series and a supporting character in Marvel Knights, Heroes for Hire Spider-Man and The Avengers.
He is the greatest martial artist on Earth and has been trained in it since an early age. Shang-Chi owns a mystical artifact known as the Ten Rings, granting him a series of super powers and helping him with his training.
He was created by writer Steve Englehart and artist Jim Starlin, debuting in Special Marvel Edition #15 (December 1973)